Ulzana's Raid (1972)

R 10/27/1972 (US) Western 1h 43m
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One man alone understood the savagery of the early American west from both sides.


A report reaches the US Army Cavalry that the Apache leader Ulzana has left his reservation with a band of followers. A compassionate young officer, Lieutenant DeBuin, is given a small company to find him and bring him back; accompanying the troop is McIntosh, an experienced scout, and Ke-Ni-Tay, an Apache guide. Ulzana massacres, rapes and loots across the countryside; and as DeBuin encounters the remains of his victims, he is compelled to learn from McIntosh and to confront his own naivity and hidden prejudices.

  1. Robert Aldrich


  2. Alan Sharp


Top Billed Cast

  1. Burt Lancaster

    Burt Lancaster


  2. Bruce Davison

    Bruce Davison

    Lt. Garnett DeBuin

  3. Jorge Luke

    Jorge Luke


  4. Richard Jaeckel

    Richard Jaeckel


  5. Joaquín Martínez

    Joaquín Martínez


  6. Lloyd Bochner

    Lloyd Bochner

    Captain Gates

  7. Karl Swenson

    Karl Swenson


  8. Douglass Watson

    Maj. Cartwright

  9. Dran Hamilton

    Mrs. Riordan

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Ulzana's Raid
Ulzana's Raid

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