Resnick: Lonely Hearts (1992)

03/31/1992 (GB) Crime 2h 30m
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Shirley Peters is dead. Murdered. Her body is found twelve hours later in her own home. Just one of the many sordid domestic crimes hitting the city. Tony Macliesh, her rejected boyfriend, is the obvious prime suspect and he’s just been picked off the Aberdeen train and put straight into custody. But then another woman is sexually abused and throttled to death. And suddenly there appears to be one too many connections between these seemingly unrelated crimes. Detective Inspector Resnick is sure that the two murders are the work of one sadistic killer – two lonely hearts broken by one maniac. And it’s up to Resnick to put the record straight – and put the bastard where he belongs

  1. Bruce MacDonald


Top Billed Cast

  1. Tom Wilkinson

    Tom Wilkinson

    DI Charlie Resnick

  2. David Neilson

    David Neilson

    DS Graham Millington

  3. Kate Eaton

    DC Lynn Kellogg

  4. William Ivory

    DC Mark Divine

  5. Paul Bazely

    Paul Bazely

    DC Dipak Patel

  6. Daniel Ryan

    Daniel Ryan

    DC Kevin Naylor

  7. Paul Jesson

    Paul Jesson

    Det Chief Supt Jack Skelton

  8. Del Henney

    Del Henney

    DI Reg Cossall

  9. Fiona Victory

    Fiona Victory

    Rachel Chaplin

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

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