His Lordship (1932)

U 06/02/1932 (GB) ComedyMusic 1h 19m
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The commoner is a happy cockney plumber by the name of Bert Gibbs. Bert comes into contact with the celebrated Russian movie star Ilya Myona. Desperate for publicity and aware that nobility make for good copy, Ilya persuades Bert to pose as her fiancé (with the possibility of persuading him to go through with the marriage if need be). Things are complicated by a pair of anarchic Bolsheviks, one of whom has a daughter named Lenina who knows Bert from his plumber days and is quite in love with him.

  1. Michael Powell


  2. Oliver Madox Hueffer


  3. Ralph Smart


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jerry Verno

    Jerry Verno

    Bert Gibbs

  2. Janet McGrew

    Ilya Myona

  3. Ben Welden

    Ben Welden

    Washington Roosevelt Lincoln

  4. Polly Ward

    Polly Ward


  5. Peter Gawthorne

    Peter Gawthorne

    Ferguson, the Butler

  6. Muriel George

    Muriel George

    Mrs.Emma Gibbs

  7. Michael Hogan

    Comrade Curzon

  8. V.C. Clinton-Baddeley

    Comrade Howard

  9. Patrick Ludlow

    Patrick Ludlow

    Hon. Grimsthwaite

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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