Monsters Run (1987)

11/09/1987 (EG) Drama 2h
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Said and Nabil are friends. Said can't have children, and Dr. Nabil decides to help him by transplanting part of the brain of poor man Abdul Qawi to him, who suffers from severe fatigue after the operation, while Said is unable to have children despite the success of the operation.

  1. Ali Abdel-Khalek


  2. Mahmoud Abu Zaid


Top Billed Cast

  1. Mahmoud Abdel Aziz

    Mahmoud Abdel Aziz

    عبدالقوي شديد

  2. Nour El-Sherif

    Nour El-Sherif

    سعيد أبو الدهب

  3. Hussein Fahmy

    Hussein Fahmy

    د. نبيه

  4. Hussein ElSherbiny

    Hussein ElSherbiny


  5. Noura



  6. Fouad Khalil

    Fouad Khalil

    الدكتور النفسى

  7. Naima ElSoghier

    Naima ElSoghier

    أم سبروت

  8. Abd Allah Meshref

    Abd Allah Meshref

  9. Huda Ramzi

    Huda Ramzi


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Monsters Run
Monsters Run

Original Title جري الوحوش

Status Released

Original Language Arabic

Budget -

Revenue -


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