Discuter de Blade Runner 2049

Whereas BR was streamlined (or too simple depending on your perspective) this movie was all over the place. I don't want to get into spoilers but there were a few elements that felt forced into the story and then abandoned. Honestly there were a few moments I hoped they would expand upon bc there were good ideas. But they seemed to be rushing into several subplots that had weak payoffs.

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@Invidia said:

Ok. So how would you like to see another SEQUEL begin?

Would K be dead?

If not, then why not?

If he is dead, then WHO would the next movie focus upon?

What would the next story be about?

Another new and completely different character?

He should be dead. I like the way the ending sort of resonates with the first film, with a replicant saving Deckard before dying, this time in the snow.

I think the film lacked Depth. It did have a good focus, layered story and characters.

The first Blade Runner gave a sense of depression. It was very well set in a chaotic dystopian retro-future where humans are too consumed in technology. By the end, we can feel for the replicants and relate how helpless they were; primary reason being that they had a 4 year life span and they could do nothing about it. And so can we relate the ruthless nature of greedy powerful man like Tyrrell and his death concludes the end of one such evil.

BR2094 just doesn't happen to make us feel for the replicants except that the rogue ones were outcast. And they were many. We dont know who were the old models and who were the new ones and what motivated the new models to go rogue, if slavery, then there wasn't any subtle justification established and the plot just kept moving like 'Oblivion' with the protagonist working for an organization to hunt down the rebels fighting for their cause. And what happened to Wallace at the end?... Nothing and he is still alive producing more replicants. He didn't succeed because he couldn't make any replicants who fully 'obey' and rogues such as K would keep on emerging. So instead of focusing on producing Replicants with reproduction ability, he needed to concentrate on designing Replicants who are fool-proof.

Just my opinion.

@Invidia said:

In the original film the MAIN FOCUS was upon the REPLICANTS.

In this story the MAIN FOCUS seems to be on the HOLOGRAPHIC BEINGS.

??? The only holographic being is K GF. She is just a side kick/side story. All of the other holographic machines in the film were "dumb" technology. Not artificial intelligence so comparable to what we have today.

K's girlfriend is one, Deckard's daughter works with and creates them (the BIRTHDAY PARTY scene), and DECKARD also lives with several of them there in the VEGAS setting (ELVIS and SINATRA).

No she doesn't. She simply creates the phony memories that they plant into replicants to make them more subservient.

If you want to seduce the neighbors wife, for instance, just BLEND in with a HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE of her hubby.

Um, were we watching the same movie? Even though she was imposed on the hooker, it was quite obvious that it was an image imposed on her. A woman would have to be REALLY drunk to fall for that!

Oh Invi darling, you always come up with some of the most outrageous theories. grin I like reading them to be sure but this one I cannot take seriously.

What about the HOLOGRAM of RACHEL???>

It wasn't a Hologram. It was Replicant. Luv shoots her on the head to death.


You need to watch that scene again MN.


Then she PROCEEDS to create the rest of the KIDS, and she also BLOWS OUT the candles on the CAKE at the same time as the kids do, which indicates she's also the one who CONTROLS everything the kids were doing and saying (just like someone else also CONTROLS what the copy of RACHEL did and said).

She was simply creating memories using the holographic projector in the room she was in. A "monitor" if you will. These holographic projections were simply there to aid in the constructing of the memories. They are not the finished product.

@Invidia said:

Ok. IF those were MEMORIES, then WHICH KID would she have been???

Because in order to REMEMBER that scene she'd also need to have been there.


And one also doesn't recall seeing anyone there that looks like it might be her as a child.

And the kids were also TOO OLD to have been with her IF the story about her being inside of the BUBBLE since a certain age was right.

No, they were not REAL memories. That was her JOB. To create PHONY memories using the computer that looked like an old 35mm camera and the hologram room was the computer's "monitor" . Remember when K asked her if the memory implanted in his head was a real memory she states that it is ILLEGAL to use REAL memories. Of course, we find out later that she did, in fact, use a REAL memory.

@Invidia said:



Watching her construct a VIRTUAL CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY CAKE blowout with a strange camera like device

Which also makes it sound like the person who wrote it assumes it's a VIRTUAL CAKE she creates as well.

As for the MEMORY that K has being a REAL ONE ...

that's also a problematic situation for this reason:

Anyhow, the theory is K is the REAL CHILD, and that the GIRL is a FAKE ONE, or a DECOY that Rachel may have created as a way to protect the REAL ONE.

Because she also knew that they'd be HUNTING for her kid(s) and want to study them due to the way they'd also be HYBRID BEINGS (if DECKARD is also a HUMAN).

And even if he's NOT HUMAN, they'd also still want to study the OFFSPRING of 2 REPLICANTS.

The RED FLAG that warns us she's probably NOT REAL is the way her claim that she has NO IMMUNITY doesn't make sense when one combines it with the other claim that one of HER MEMORIES has been IMPLANTED into K.

Because the memory is also the one where he HIDES the WOODEN HORSE in the FURNACE.

And it's highly unlikely a girl with a compromised immune system as bad as she claims she has would be able to survive inside of an environment like that one we saw of those kids taking apart scraps of metal in order to get the NICKEL out of them.

The claim that she's making just doesn't ADD UP.

So maybe that's also a LIE she's been told and someone told her that as a way to keep her inside of that PROTECTIVE BUBBLE where others can't get to her???

Or maybe it's so others can't GET INSIDE of it where they'd figure out that she's not REALLY REAL???

Because maybe the purpose of her existence is to PROTECT K, and it's not the other way around???

At least this is what my instinct keeps telling me.

That K is the REAL OFFSPRING and the other girl is NOT

It's also HIGHLY UNLIKELY a bunch of BOYS would chase a girl with a wooden horse the way we see them chasing K.

Boys that age usually chase other boys.

Not girls.

Yes, I believe I made a comment about that here somewhere about how someone with a compromised immune system was living in that filthy orphanage. Does not compute.

@movie_nazi said:

@Invidia said:

Ok. IF those were MEMORIES, then WHICH KID would she have been???

Because in order to REMEMBER that scene she'd also need to have been there.


And one also doesn't recall seeing anyone there that looks like it might be her as a child.

And the kids were also TOO OLD to have been with her IF the story about her being inside of the BUBBLE since a certain age was right.

No, they were not REAL memories. That was her JOB. To create PHONY memories using the computer that looked like an old 35mm camera and the hologram room was the computer's "monitor" . Remember when K asked her if the memory implanted in his head was a real memory she states that it is ILLEGAL to use REAL memories. Of course, we find out later that she did, in fact, use a REAL memory.

Good point. She was lying about them being real memories because they wanted Gossling to think he was the natural born replicant. It was part of their plan to leave a false trail. I think that explains it.

@FlyingSaucersAreReal said:

@illnagas said:

The only mystery to me is why that replicant assassin who worked for Wallace kept leaving Gossling alive. That seemed kind of contrived to me. She was cold bloodedly cruel and efficient through out the movie, yet she leaves Gossling breathing despite having two chances to take him out and seemingly no reason to spare him.

She seemed to want K to know that she was better than him. "I'm the best one". What better way than to continually defeat him? She could only experience that pleasure once if she killed him. And then he'd be dead, and she'd not have K out there, knowing she was better.

@FlyingSaucersAreReal said:

@illnagas said:

The only mystery to me is why that replicant assassin who worked for Wallace kept leaving Gossling alive. That seemed kind of contrived to me. She was cold bloodedly cruel and efficient through out the movie, yet she leaves Gossling breathing despite having two chances to take him out and seemingly no reason to spare him.

She seemed to want K to know that she was better than him. "I'm the best one". What better way than to continually defeat him? She could only experience that pleasure once if she killed him. And then he'd be dead, and she'd not have K out there, knowing she was better.

@Renovatio said:

well, she did try to flirt with him when she was showing him the records.. maybe she liked him on some level...

I've seen it twice now and there is a moment in the film that Luv says says she 'likes' him. Luv's been monitoring K throughout his mission and I think it's possible some affinity developed for him. She saved his life multiple times.

@movie_nazi said:

@Invidia said:



Watching her construct a VIRTUAL CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY CAKE blowout with a strange camera like device

Which also makes it sound like the person who wrote it assumes it's a VIRTUAL CAKE she creates as well.

As for the MEMORY that K has being a REAL ONE ...

that's also a problematic situation for this reason:

Anyhow, the theory is K is the REAL CHILD, and that the GIRL is a FAKE ONE, or a DECOY that Rachel may have created as a way to protect the REAL ONE.

Because she also knew that they'd be HUNTING for her kid(s) and want to study them due to the way they'd also be HYBRID BEINGS (if DECKARD is also a HUMAN).

And even if he's NOT HUMAN, they'd also still want to study the OFFSPRING of 2 REPLICANTS.

The RED FLAG that warns us she's probably NOT REAL is the way her claim that she has NO IMMUNITY doesn't make sense when one combines it with the other claim that one of HER MEMORIES has been IMPLANTED into K.

Because the memory is also the one where he HIDES the WOODEN HORSE in the FURNACE.

And it's highly unlikely a girl with a compromised immune system as bad as she claims she has would be able to survive inside of an environment like that one we saw of those kids taking apart scraps of metal in order to get the NICKEL out of them.

The claim that she's making just doesn't ADD UP.

So maybe that's also a LIE she's been told and someone told her that as a way to keep her inside of that PROTECTIVE BUBBLE where others can't get to her???

Or maybe it's so others can't GET INSIDE of it where they'd figure out that she's not REALLY REAL???

Because maybe the purpose of her existence is to PROTECT K, and it's not the other way around???

At least this is what my instinct keeps telling me.

That K is the REAL OFFSPRING and the other girl is NOT

It's also HIGHLY UNLIKELY a bunch of BOYS would chase a girl with a wooden horse the way we see them chasing K.

Boys that age usually chase other boys.

Not girls.

Yes, I believe I made a comment about that here somewhere about how someone with a compromised immune system was living in that filthy orphanage. Does not compute.

The early stages of the disorder could have allowed for more mobility? Maybe as she got older she was forced into the bubble?

@shiftnumlock said:

@movie_nazi said:

@Invidia said:



Watching her construct a VIRTUAL CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY CAKE blowout with a strange camera like device

Which also makes it sound like the person who wrote it assumes it's a VIRTUAL CAKE she creates as well.

As for the MEMORY that K has being a REAL ONE ...

that's also a problematic situation for this reason:

Anyhow, the theory is K is the REAL CHILD, and that the GIRL is a FAKE ONE, or a DECOY that Rachel may have created as a way to protect the REAL ONE.

Because she also knew that they'd be HUNTING for her kid(s) and want to study them due to the way they'd also be HYBRID BEINGS (if DECKARD is also a HUMAN).

And even if he's NOT HUMAN, they'd also still want to study the OFFSPRING of 2 REPLICANTS.

The RED FLAG that warns us she's probably NOT REAL is the way her claim that she has NO IMMUNITY doesn't make sense when one combines it with the other claim that one of HER MEMORIES has been IMPLANTED into K.

Because the memory is also the one where he HIDES the WOODEN HORSE in the FURNACE.

And it's highly unlikely a girl with a compromised immune system as bad as she claims she has would be able to survive inside of an environment like that one we saw of those kids taking apart scraps of metal in order to get the NICKEL out of them.

The claim that she's making just doesn't ADD UP.

So maybe that's also a LIE she's been told and someone told her that as a way to keep her inside of that PROTECTIVE BUBBLE where others can't get to her???

Or maybe it's so others can't GET INSIDE of it where they'd figure out that she's not REALLY REAL???

Because maybe the purpose of her existence is to PROTECT K, and it's not the other way around???

At least this is what my instinct keeps telling me.

That K is the REAL OFFSPRING and the other girl is NOT

It's also HIGHLY UNLIKELY a bunch of BOYS would chase a girl with a wooden horse the way we see them chasing K.

Boys that age usually chase other boys.

Not girls.

Yes, I believe I made a comment about that here somewhere about how someone with a compromised immune system was living in that filthy orphanage. Does not compute.

The early stages of the disorder could have allowed for more mobility? Maybe as she got older she was forced into the bubble?

If it really was her memory, it'd have to be something like that. No way could she have survived in that filthy orphanage, otherwise.

@FlyingSaucersAreReal said:

@shiftnumlock said:

@movie_nazi said:

@Invidia said:



Watching her construct a VIRTUAL CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY CAKE blowout with a strange camera like device

Which also makes it sound like the person who wrote it assumes it's a VIRTUAL CAKE she creates as well.

As for the MEMORY that K has being a REAL ONE ...

that's also a problematic situation for this reason:

Anyhow, the theory is K is the REAL CHILD, and that the GIRL is a FAKE ONE, or a DECOY that Rachel may have created as a way to protect the REAL ONE.

Because she also knew that they'd be HUNTING for her kid(s) and want to study them due to the way they'd also be HYBRID BEINGS (if DECKARD is also a HUMAN).

And even if he's NOT HUMAN, they'd also still want to study the OFFSPRING of 2 REPLICANTS.

The RED FLAG that warns us she's probably NOT REAL is the way her claim that she has NO IMMUNITY doesn't make sense when one combines it with the other claim that one of HER MEMORIES has been IMPLANTED into K.

Because the memory is also the one where he HIDES the WOODEN HORSE in the FURNACE.

And it's highly unlikely a girl with a compromised immune system as bad as she claims she has would be able to survive inside of an environment like that one we saw of those kids taking apart scraps of metal in order to get the NICKEL out of them.

The claim that she's making just doesn't ADD UP.

So maybe that's also a LIE she's been told and someone told her that as a way to keep her inside of that PROTECTIVE BUBBLE where others can't get to her???

Or maybe it's so others can't GET INSIDE of it where they'd figure out that she's not REALLY REAL???

Because maybe the purpose of her existence is to PROTECT K, and it's not the other way around???

At least this is what my instinct keeps telling me.

That K is the REAL OFFSPRING and the other girl is NOT

It's also HIGHLY UNLIKELY a bunch of BOYS would chase a girl with a wooden horse the way we see them chasing K.

Boys that age usually chase other boys.

Not girls.

Yes, I believe I made a comment about that here somewhere about how someone with a compromised immune system was living in that filthy orphanage. Does not compute.

The early stages of the disorder could have allowed for more mobility? Maybe as she got older she was forced into the bubble?

If it really was her memory, it'd have to be something like that. No way could she have survived in that filthy orphanage, otherwise.

The film is wonderfully thought provoking. So many have complained about the pacing but I'd argue it's too fast. I didn't really understand "What it meant to be human" bit and that I was watching a modern retelling of a Pinocchio story until the second viewing. IMHO K's death was more meaningful than Roy Batty's. ATM I'm thinking 2049 might be better than the first. Subsequent viewings should shake it out.

@shiftnumlock said:

The film is wonderfully thought provoking. So many have complained about the pacing but I'd argue it's too fast. I didn't really understand "What it meant to be human" bit and that I was watching a modern retelling of a Pinocchio story until the second viewing. IMHO K's death was more meaningful than Roy Batty's. ATM I'm thinking 2049 might be better than the first. Subsequent viewings should shake it out.

I can tell you with my single viewing the I believe it is indeed better than the first. It surpasses it visually, on it's philosophical points, and story. I honestly think the editing was done right. I do not believe the film was any longer than it needed it to be. I would argue that it could have been longer.

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