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The Racket (1951)

NR 10/25/1951 (US) CrimeThriller 1h 28m
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The Racket boldly begins where the Senate crime committee left off!


The big national crime syndicate has moved into town, partnering up with local crime boss Nick Scanlon. McQuigg, the only honest police captain on the force, and his loyal patrolman, Johnson, take on the violent Nick.

  1. John Cromwell


  2. W.R. Burnett


  3. William Wister Haines


Top Billed Cast

  1. Robert Mitchum

    Robert Mitchum

    Captain Thomas McQuigg

  2. Lizabeth Scott

    Lizabeth Scott

    Irene Hayes

  3. Robert Ryan

    Robert Ryan

    Nick Scanlon

  4. William Talman

    William Talman

    Officer Bob Johnson

  5. Ray Collins

    Ray Collins

    D. A. Mortimer X. Welsh

  6. Joyce Mackenzie

    Joyce Mackenzie

    Mary McQuigg

  7. Robert Hutton

    Robert Hutton

    Dave Ames

  8. Virginia Huston

    Virginia Huston

    Lucy Johnson

  9. William Conrad

    William Conrad

    Det. Sgt. Turk

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Racket
The Racket

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