It's Easier for a Camel... (2003)

05/07/2003 (US) DramaComedyAdventure 1h 50m
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As a little girl, Federica fantasized about having beautiful long hair that would grow back as soon as she cut it, about never-ending cones of cotton candy and about countless adventures that took her to the far side of the world. Now a charming thirty-something-single woman, Federica's fantasies have evolved, adding lovers, stardom, and motherhood to her waking dreams, where Federica continues to press for her everyday life to be as real as the fantasies that invade her. Unfortunately, Federica's daydreams can only provide a meager distraction from the reality she faces. Her career as a successful playwright is heading south, her boyfriend is pressuring her to start a family, a former lover wishes to rekindle an old affair, her sister is barely talking to her, her brother is self-centered and her loving father is terminally ill. And as if to make matters worse, Federica is rich, too rich, and the guilt that consumes her because of it is pushing her over the edge.

  1. Valeria Bruni Tedeschi

    Director, Writer

  2. Noémie Lvovsky


  3. Agnès de Sacy


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It's Easier for a Camel...
It's Easier for a Camel...

Original Title Il est plus facile pour un chameau...

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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