Looking for Hortense (2012)

TP 09/05/2012 (FR) DramaComedy 1h 40m
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Damien is a professor of Chinese civilization who lives with his wife, Iva, a theater director, and their son Noé. Their love is mired in a mountain of routine and disenchantment. To help keep Zorica from getting deported, Iva gets Damien to promise he’ll go to his father, a state department official, for help. But Damien and his father have a distant and cool relationship. And this mission is a risky business which will send Damien spiraling downward and over the edge...

  1. Pascal Bonitzer

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Agnès de Sacy


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Looking for Hortense
Looking for Hortense

Original Title Cherchez Hortense

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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