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Hannah Arendt (2012)

NR 05/29/2013 (US) Drama 1h 53m
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Her ideas changed the world


HANNAH ARENDT is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.” After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt dares to write about the Holocaust in terms no one has ever heard before. Her work instantly provokes a furious scandal, and Arendt stands strong as she is attacked by friends and foes alike. But as the German-Jewish émigré also struggles to suppress her own painful associations with the past, the film exposes her beguiling blend of arrogance and vulnerability — revealing a soul defined and derailed by exile.

  1. Margarethe von Trotta

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Pamela Katz


Top Billed Cast

  1. Barbara Sukowa

    Barbara Sukowa

    Hannah Arendt

  2. Axel Milberg

    Axel Milberg

    Heinrich Blücher

  3. Janet McTeer

    Janet McTeer

    Mary McCarthy

  4. Julia Jentsch

    Julia Jentsch

    Lotte Köhler

  5. Nicholas Woodeson

    Nicholas Woodeson

    William Shawn

  6. Ulrich Noethen

    Ulrich Noethen

    Hans Jonas

  7. Leila Schaus


  8. Claire Johnston

    Claire Johnston

    Ms Serkin

  9. Michael Degen

    Michael Degen

    Kurt Blumenfeld

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue $717,205.00


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