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Marry Go Round (2022)

G 09/10/2022 (US) TV MovieComedyRomance 1h 24m
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Abby Foster and Luke Walker were high school sweethearts who were married for a brief time. Many years later, Abby’s life seems perfect as she gets ready for a new life in Paris along with her soon-to-be husband, Edward. When an unexpected letter arrives throwing Abby off course, she must decide what her heart really wants.

  1. David Weaver


  2. Robert Tate Miller


Top Billed Cast

  1. Amanda Schull

    Amanda Schull

    Abby Foster

  2. Brennan Elliott

    Brennan Elliott

    Luke Walker

  3. Mary-Beth Manning

    Mary-Beth Manning


  4. Jaycie Dotin

    Jaycie Dotin


  5. Zak Santiago

    Zak Santiago

    Edward Timsdale

  6. Bill Marchant

    Bill Marchant


  7. Dee Jay Jackson

    Dee Jay Jackson

    Joe Parker

  8. Anni Ramsay

    Teen Abby (18 Years)

  9. James Drew Dean

    James Drew Dean

    Teen Luke (18 years)

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Marry Go Round
Marry Go Round

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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