85 部电影

1994 年 10 月 14 日


1960 年 06 月 22 日

工作和感情都陷入低潮的瑪麗安(珍妮李飾)一時起了貪念,將老闆交代她存入銀行的鉅款全數佔為己有,並且打算遠走高飛…。 她在大雨中來到了「貝茲汽車旅館」,接待她的是生性害羞的老闆諾曼貝茲(安東尼柏金斯飾),貝茲對瑪麗安一見鍾情,因此引起控制狂媽媽的嫉妒與不滿…。 旅館內鳥類的標本、母子倆激烈的爭吵,還有種種令人心生畏懼的徵兆,在深夜的時候,讓人恐懼的真相將一步步向瑪麗安逼近…。到了隔天,瑪麗安竟然消失了,到底這間人煙稀少的旅社、害羞內向的老闆以及脾氣暴躁的母親,隱藏著什麼驚人的秘密?

2010 年 09 月 17 日

美國東部,位於波士頓近郊的查理斯城,儼然一個被法制遺忘的失樂園。城中愛爾蘭裔的工薪階層佔有很大比例,區域貧困的生活條件和令人無法喘息的壓力讓人們鋌而走險,銀行搶劫案時有發生,一切都變得癲狂無望。某個早晨,美麗的銀行經理人克萊爾·吉塞(麗貝卡·豪爾Rebecca Hall飾)遭遇一夥頭戴骷髏面具的劫匪,而她更被劫持為人質。奇怪的是,克雷爾最終意外生還,似乎這個早晨的變故從未發生過一樣。一天,她邂逅了高大英俊的男子道格·麥克雷(本·阿弗萊克Ben Affleck飾),奇妙的緣分就此展開,兩人的命運也由此改變…… 本片根據庫克·霍根(Chuck Hogan)的原著改編。班艾佛列克自編自導自演,以錯綜複雜的情節,敘說身不由己的盜匪生涯。

1932 年 09 月 11 日


2008 年 01 月 17 日

佈裡奇特 是一個普通的傢庭主婦,居住在一間位於郊區的大房子裡,丈夫那份薪水不菲的工作足以讓她的生活衣食無憂。然而就在一瞬間,美好的生活化為瞭泡影,丈夫丟瞭工作,他們不僅即將失去舒適的住宅,佈裡奇特還不得不為瞭養傢糊口而踏出傢門尋找工作。來到人才市場,佈裡奇特才發現,在這個年頭想要賺錢是這樣的困難,在繁多的工作崗位之中,自己的古英語學位形同虛設。無奈之下,她成為瞭美國聯邦儲備銀行的清潔工。在工作中,佈裡奇特結識瞭單身媽媽妮娜 和充滿個性的傑姬。每天面對著成捆的鈔票,三個被貧窮逼迫的走投無路的女人打起瞭歪主意

2006 年 04 月 23 日

A road trip to Los Angeles inadvertently leads a young man from Wyoming into a wild maze of psychotic hit-men, racy women, jewel thieves and a salsa band.

1998 年 12 月 04 日

A young female embezzler arrives at the Bates Motel, which has terrible secrets of its own.

這宗謀殺案令警官蓋爾斯一籌莫展,指派下屬薩姆查緝嫌疑犯,不料薩姆來到火車站﹐錯捉黑人蒂白斯﹐他是費城的刑事警察﹐這次是回鄉探望母親。由於案情複雜﹐蓋爾斯請蒂白斯幫忙辦案。 就在這時﹐薩姆又抓住了一個名叫哈維的青年﹐在他身上搜出了死者的錢包和300元現金。警長蓋爾斯武斷地認定哈維就是兇手。然而﹐蒂白斯根據死者傷口的情況認為兇殺。隨著調查的的深入﹐警長意外地發現自已的手下薩姆在案發的第二天去銀行存入600美元。這下﹐警長又把兇手的帽子套在了薩姆頭上。對此﹐蒂白斯卻不以為然﹐並向蓋爾斯說明另有兇手,蓋爾斯因此不滿要求蒂白斯離開小鎮。 蒂白斯並未因此離去﹐在此時﹐一名青年人伯迪到警察局控告薩姆強姦他的妹妹﹐並使她懷了孕。蒂白斯覺得此事蹊蹺﹐決定從中下手﹐打開兇殺案的缺口。蒂白斯打聽到鎮上有位專幹非法墮胎的婦人﹐從中得知伯迪妹妹晚上要來墮胎﹐那個使她懷孕的人也會來﹐就在說話間﹐伯迪兄妹闖了進來﹐同來的還有小吃店老闆拉爾夫。 對照以前搜集到的線索﹐蒂白斯一下子明白了拉爾夫就是兇手。蒂白斯把真相告訴了伯迪﹐氣瘋了的伯迪要打拉爾夫。拉爾夫開槍打死了伯迪﹐遭到蒂白斯逮補,拉爾夫在警察局坦承自己的罪行﹐全案真相大白。此時﹐警長蓋爾斯才知到蒂白斯的厲害,並對他欽佩不已。

1973 年 09 月 19 日

Charley Varrick robs a bank in a small town with his friends, but instead of obtaining a small amount of money, they discover they stole a very large amount of money belonging to the mob. Charley must now come up with a plan to not only evade the police but the mob as well.

2004 年 04 月 29 日

Two boys, still grieving the death of their mother, find themselves the unwitting benefactors of a bag of bank robbery loot in the week before the United Kingdom switches its official currency to the Euro. What's a kid to do?

2002 年 11 月 15 日

A man goes undercover in a hi-tech prison to find out information to help prosecute those who killed his wife. While there, he stumbles onto a plot involving a death-row inmate and his $200 million stash of gold.

2017 年 03 月 09 日

After being busted for a heist, a former CIA contractor is sent to a Mexican prison. His former CIA boss offers him freedom if he can break into the prison vault and steal $50 Million.

2000 年 09 月 29 日

Julia, a real estate agent, finds an enormous amount of money hidden in a dead man's apartment, a stroke of luck that will force her to face the wrath of the very peculiar inhabitants of the condominium, headed by an unscrupulous administrator.

1954 年 07 月 14 日

A police detective falls for the bank robber's girlfriend he is supposed to be tailing.

2004 年 01 月 30 日

A small-time con artist and a Hawaiian real estate developer's mischievous, enterprising mistress team up for a potential $200,000 score.

1990 年 03 月 16 日

Brian and Charlie work for a gangster. When the boss learns they want to "leave" he sets them up to be killed, after they help rob the local Triads of their drug dealing profits. B&C decide to steal the money for themselves, but when their escape doesn't go to plan, they have to seek refuge in a Nuns' teacher training school.

1956 年 03 月 24 日

A scientific experiment involving subjecting a corpse to an extreme charge of electricity accidentally revives an executed criminal and makes him impervious to harm, allowing him to seek revenge on his former partners, and deal similarly with anyone else who gets in his way.

2006 年 10 月 17 日

Three converging story lines involving bootleggers, a serial killer and drug dealers are followed. A former drug dealer tries to go straight, but comes across a stash of stolen drugs. Meanwhile, a middle-aged suburban housewife hides a sadistic and vicious streak.

2020 年 09 月 25 日

Stanley, an aging fast food worker, prepares to work his final graveyard shift after 38 years. When he's asked to train his replacement, Jevon, Stanley's weekend takes an unexpected turn.

1949 年 06 月 11 日

In Colorado territory, outlaw Wes McQueen escapes jail to pull a railroad robbery but, upon meeting pretty settler Julie Ann, he wonders about going straight. Western remake of High Sierra with Joel McCrea taking over the Humphrey Bogart role.



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