7 elokuvaa

26 kesäkuu 2009

When her nation is invaded, a young princess is taken into the Princess Protection Program. She is relocated to Louisiana, where she stays with a covert agent and his tomboyish daughter, and must learn how to behave like an ordinary teenager.

Once a legendary detective and a new mom, Mi-young, now works a desk job. But when overenthusiastic newbie Ji-hye is assigned to Mi-young's civil complaints team, the two female cops get caught up in a serious criminal case that triggers an action-filled comedic investigation.

When four best friends try and move forward in their work and personal life, they realize that trying to live their life's dream is more difficult than they imagine -- especially in the high fashion world of Shanghai.

Lin Xiao, Gu Li, Nan Xiang, Tang Wanru - these four best friends, after waving goodbye to their school campus and entering the workforce, they are faced with various challenges in their life: friendship, love, and career. Together, they become lost in life, having long forgotten their past courage.

In the film series finale, Lily finds herself near financial ruin because of the debts left behind by her father, all while battling a newly diagnosed cancer. Too proud to seek solace from anyone around her, Lily sets off a chain of self-destructive events that lead to her estrangement from best friends Lin Xiao, Nan Xiang, and Ruby.

29 huhtikuu 2016

Soyoung, a woman in 20s struggling between making a living and getting a real job, begins tutoring a high school senior Minjeong. One day, Minjeong asks Soyoung if they could reschedule a session.

26 toukokuu 2023

This movie tells the story of a pair of sisters who have been separated since childhood and meet as strangers many years later. After getting along day and night, their love gradually develops into a couple relationship, but at the end they find an unusual relationship with each other... Through this film, we want to explore where the moral bottom line of society is, especially when we touch on themes of gays and taboo love, and reflect on the right and wrong of these more extreme relationships. And the role of sister represents the public who feel that this relationship is "wrong" according to social ethics and moral standards. The younger sister represents the "selfish" self in the love relationship. After all, it is "beautiful" to be with the person you love the most and have each other. There is nothing wrong with loving each other. The only thing wrong is that they are sisters. (Google Translate)

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