25 部电影

2017 年 02 月 17 日


1975 年 12 月 18 日

故事背景是18世紀,講述一位愛爾蘭青年的坎坷經歷。 愛爾蘭青年雷德蒙·巴里因父親去世,不得不與母親投靠舅舅。 不久英法爆發戰爭(1756年-1763年),原來與巴里有感情的表姐[1]愛上了有財有勢的上尉,巴里於是與上尉決鬥,槍擊了上尉。他為了躲避追捕,成了步兵團的新兵。在部隊裡他從一名參與當時決鬥的軍人那裡得知原來上尉並未死,因為舅舅一家為了攀親,在手槍上做了手腳,如今表姐和上尉早已成親。 英軍中死傷甚多,巴里心生厭倦,他冒充軍官騎馬企圖逃離戰場,被盟軍普魯士部隊識破,被迫又加入普軍。因在戰鬥中救了主帥而受器重,被派調查一個愛爾蘭騎士是否是間諜。巴里和騎士一見投緣,藉機離開普魯士到法國經營賭場。 巴里決定混跡英國上流社會,並設法和有財產、身份的林登夫人結婚,改名巴里·林登,用手段得到爵位。但林登夫人與前夫的兒子布林登則對巴里懷恨在心並離家出走。 巴里與林登夫人所生的兒子因騎馬被摔而意外夭折。林登夫人在痛苦中企圖服毒自殺而未能成功。 後來布林登找他決鬥,他在決鬥中被對方擊中小腿,被迫截肢失去一條腿。加上債務纏身,巴里被迫以離開林登夫人為條件換取布林登支付給他的年金維生,最終他和母親離開了英國。 影片結束語:「最後,上述的人物活在喬治三世時代受到誹謗,無論好壞、美醜、貧富,現在都已經不重要了。」

延續第一集的情節,法蘭克的姪女克絲蒂(艾雪莉羅倫斯 飾)由於第一集的驚恐遭遇而必須進入精神病院治療。本以為這裡是個安全的所在,能讓她擺脫過往的痛苦及恐怖回憶,但是克絲蒂的主治醫師查納德,卻是個醉心邪惡的人。 他期望能解開地獄之謎,釋放鬼魅大軍來到人間,當他知道克絲蒂的過去,他就喚醒克絲蒂死去的繼母茱莉亞(克萊兒希金斯 飾),並且利用另一名病患解開魔術方塊之謎。他果然成功地開啟了地獄之門,並召喚針頭鬼及鬼魅大軍來到世界,這群地獄使者也因此得以在人間大開殺戒、濫殺無辜。

1966 年 12 月 20 日

二戰期間,英國一架飛機在執行轟炸任務中,被德軍擊中,幾名英國士兵被迫跳傘逃生。他們約好在土耳其浴室見面,並用這次行動的代號「鴛鴦茶」作為接頭暗號。他們分別降落在法國巴黎德軍佔領區的不同地點。大鬍子中對長雷金納德被動物園管理員所救。而另外兩名士兵,也分別在油漆匠奧古斯德(布爾維爾 飾)和樂隊指揮斯塔尼斯拉斯(路易‧德‧費內斯 飾)的幫助下掩藏好了。即便德軍展開了全城的搜索,油漆匠、指揮和中隊長還是在浴室順利的會面,幾經輾轉,英國士兵終於接上了頭。幾個原本並不認識的人,就這樣結成了生死同盟,與敵人展開了鬥智鬥勇的生死遊戲。同時,也鬧出了不少溫情的笑話。他們用微薄的力量對抗嚴酷德軍,險相迭生,滑稽搞笑,為了逃出虎口,共同戰鬥。

1940 年 05 月 17 日

《慾望街車》《亂世佳人》費雯麗的代表作之一。費雯麗飾演芭蕾舞者梅拉,她在橋上遇到了一名英國紳士(《六月六日斷腸時》羅伯特泰勒飾),與他墜入情網。 然而兩人身分懸殊,當梅拉的男朋友正式帶著她與他的親友見面時,鑑於場合,他的家人勉強接受……。但泰勒非常希望能幫梅拉取得正式的名分,終於好不容易在他叔叔的同意見證下,他們訂了婚約。不久,泰勒被名回上戰場,受到感情洗禮的梅拉滿心喜悅的回到舞者宿舍,沈醉在愛情中的她,推掉了重要的表演,一心一意期待做泰勒的妻子…… 久待不到泰勒的消息,加上沒有經濟來源,她的朋友勸她做伴遊,可以增加收入,有了錢吃飯,她才能維持美貌等待愛人……而同時間,有人在她背後跟她來陰的,計畫不讓她和泰勒琴瑟和鳴……

2017 年 10 月 06 日


1943 年 05 月 26 日

The British Army, retreating ahead of victorious Rommel, leaves a lone survivor on the Egyptian border who finds refuge at a remote desert hotel. He assumes the identity of a recently deceased waiter and is helped by the hotel's owner, despite protest from the French chambermaid, who fears the imminent arrival of Rommel and the Germans.

1968 年 10 月 11 日

During the Crimean War between Britain and Russia in the 1850s, a British cavalry division, led by the overbearing Lord Cardigan, engages in an infamously reckless strategic debacle against a Russian artillery battery.

1967 年 06 月 18 日

Bathsheba Everdine, a willful, flirtatious, young woman, unexpectedly inherits a large farm and becomes romantically involved with three widely divergent men.

1953 年 04 月 30 日

Future horror-film entrepreneur William Castle warmed the director's chair for Fort Ti. Set in the 18th century, the film recounts the exploits of Rogers' Rangers, a band of adventurers devoted to seeking out a "northwest passage" through Canada. At this juncture, however, Major Rogers (Howard Petrie) is more concerned with helping the British forces at Fort Ticonderoga during a series of French and Indian raids. Top billing is bestowed upon George Montgomery as Captain Pedediah Horn, Rogers' right-hand man. The film boasts two leading ladies: Joan Vohs, as a suspected French spy, and Phyllis Fowler as a married Indian woman who falls in love with Captain Horn. Fort Ti was filmed in 3D, and in typical William Castle fashion the stereoscopic gimmick is exploited to the hilt.

1997 年 05 月 14 日

Napoleon has been exiled to Elba, the English have returned from the wars, and Major Richard Sharpe finds himself in a sort of exile to lead a company of Yorkshire Yeomen. His duties include protecting mill owners from restless workers who are on the verge of strike or outright revolt. Meanwhile, Sharpe's faithless wife and her lover fall within range of Sharpe's wrath. Sharpe, with his two of his devoted Chosen Men nearby, must decide whether to continue to protect the mill owners or to take the side of their fiercely downtrodden workers.

2005 年 11 月 14 日

Drama-documentary recounting the events of the 1st July 1916 and the Battle of the Somme on the Western Front during the First World War. Told through the letters and journals of soldiers who were there.

1994 年 06 月 08 日

1813. Major Sharpe's old enemy, Major Ducos manipulates a beautiful young marquesa into falsely accusing Sharpe of rape. Her husband calls Sharpe out in a duel. But when the husband is found dead the next morning, Sharpe is arrested and brought before a court martial, and it seems not even Patrick Harper and the Chosen Men can save Sharpe from a hanging, or rescue his honour

1994 年 05 月 25 日

Spain 1812 The Duke of Wellington plans to lay siege to Badajoz. A murderous figure from Sharpe's past uses a beautiful woman revenge himself on Sharpe, now the father of her child. Sharpe has reason to be happy, he holds his daughter for the first time and is given command of the Light Company again, together with his captaincy. But will his happiness be short lived?

1960 年 05 月 03 日

Set during the Burma Campaign of World War 2, this is the story of courage and endurance of the soldiers struggling at close quarters against the enemy. The film examines the moral dilemmas ordinary men face during war, when the definitions of acceptable military action and insupportable brutality become blurred and distorted.

1994 年 06 月 01 日

Portugal 1813. A band of deserters, including Sharpe's old enemy, Obadiah Hakeswill, have captured two women, one the wife of a high-ranking English officer, and are holding them hostage for ransom. Sharpe is given the 60th Rifles and a Rocket troop, as well as his majority to rescue the women. But while Sharpe may be able to deal with his old enemy, he has yet to face a newer threat, the French Major Pierre Ducos.

1941 年 06 月 27 日

A jewel thief and a con artist are rivals in the theft of a valuable diamond and gem necklace in Bombay and as the Japanese Army invades China.

1988 年 05 月 29 日

The film centers on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC, an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, Lawrence is shot in the head by an Argentine sniper and left paralyzed on his left side. He then must learn to adjust to his new disability.

1968 年 10 月 09 日

World War 2 - a British commando squad is tasked with attacking the "secret" German airfield from which German fighters have been attacking bombers which are trying to stop German tanks from reinforcing the D Day defences.

1997 年 05 月 07 日

Sharpe is framed as the thief who stole Napolean's gold, and he must clear his name to avoid execution. Meanwhile his wife Jane - urged on by a friend - makes some questionable choices.



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