31 filmų

1975 birželio 20

Legendinis Stiveno Spilbergo filmas. Mažos salelės gyventojams, kuriems iki šiol ramiai ir nerūpestingai bėgo dienos, dabar čia gyventi nesaugu. Kiekvieno lengvabūdžio tyko milžiniškas baltasis ryklys. Miestelio šerifas reikalauja tuoj pat uždaryti visus paplūdymius ir nieko neleisti į vandenį, tačiau artėja Amerikos nepriklausomybės diena, liepos ketvirtoji, ir meras tikrai neketina prarasti milžiniško pelno. Taigi šerifas, mokslininkas ir senas žvejys patys išsirengia į vandenyną medžioti pabaisos…

2022 gegužės 13

A group of friends enjoying a weekend steal a couple of jetskis racing them out to sea, ending up in a horrific head-on collision. They struggle to find a way home with a badly injured friend while from the waters below predators lurk.

2022 sausio 28

A couple on a romantic getaway find themselves stranded at sea when a tropical storm sweeps away their villa. In order to survive, they are forced to fight the elements, while sharks circle below.

1978 birželio 16

Police chief Brody must protect the citizens of Amity after a second monstrous shark begins terrorizing the waters.

2016 birželio 24

Vis dar neatsigaunanti po mamos netekties medicinos studentė Nensė Adams keliauja į nuošalų paplūdimį, ieškodama taip reikalingo nusiraminimo. Nepaisydama pasiplaukiojimo banglente pavojaus, Nensė nusprendžia pasimėgauti saule ir pagaudyti įspūdingų bangų.

Staiga pasirodo didysis baltasis rykys ir priverčia ją plaukti link didelės uolos ir taip išsigelbėti. Palikta sužeista ir įstrigusi už 180 metrų nuo kranto išsigandusi jauna moteris privalo kovoti už savo gyvybę, kai tuo tarpu mirtinas grobuonis aplink ją suka ratus.

1983 liepos 22

This third film in the series follows a group of marine biologists attempting to capture a young great white shark that has wandered into Florida's Sea World Park. However, later it is discovered that the shark's 35-foot mother is also a guest at Sea World. What follows is the shark wreaking havoc on the visitors in the park.

Ieškodamos nuotykių, Mia (akt. Sophie Nélisse), Saša (akt. Corinne Foxx), Aleksa (akt. Brianne Tju) ir Nikolė (akt. Sistine Stallone) keliauja nardyti į vandenyno gelmėse stūksantį majų miestą. Netikėtai griuvus statinio įėjimui, merginos ima naršyti povandeninius urvus ir tunelius, ieškodamos kito išėjimo. Rezervuaruose mažėjant oro atsargoms, privalu veikti greitai, tačiau klaidūs labirintai pasirodo esą ryklių mėgstama vieta. Įspūdingiausiu gyvenimo nuotykiu turėjęs tapti nardymas netrunka tapti kruvina kova dėl išgyvenimo ir klaustrofobiniu košmaru, kuriame siautėja alkani baltieji rykliai, o viltis išgyventi gęsta sulig kiekvienu įkvėpimu...

1987 liepos 17

After another deadly shark attack, Ellen Brody decides she has had enough of New England's Amity Island and moves to the Caribbean to join her son, Michael, and his family. But a great white shark has followed her there, hungry for more lives.

2021 liepos 16

A sea plane is destroyed in a freak accident, five people find themselves drifting on a raft. At the mercy of the tide and with no hope of rescue, the helpless situation takes a horrifying turn when they are terrorized by a ravenous great white.

2022 liepos 29

After her sister's murder, Nic, her younger sister and two friends seek solace through a Pacific island kayaking adventure. Hours into the trip the women are stalked by a shark and must band together, face their fears and save each other.

1995 gegužės 5

A tiger shark bred by the Navy as a killing machine is wreaking havoc in the sleepy tourist town of Hampton Bay.

2010 gegužės 15

A great white shark hunts the crew of a capsized sailboat along the Great Barrier Reef.

When a 35-foot great white shark begins to wreak havoc on a seaside town, the mayor, not wanting to endanger his gubernatorial campaign, declines to act, so a local shark hunter and horror author band together to stop the beast.

2022 rugpjūčio 12

Great white sharks attack a fishing charter, ramming a hole in the ship’s hull. With the shoreline miles away, those aboard are forced to fight for their lives before they are either drowned or eaten alive.

1997 sausio 1

BBC documentary about the making of Steven Spielberg's Jaws.

2004 lapkričio 5

Jean-Michel Cousteau invites you to embark on a breathtaking underwater voyage to discover the ultimate predator: the shark. Experience an astonishing up-close encounter in 3D with the lions and tigers of the ocean.

2021 liepos 9

Researchers investigate whether orcas have begun hunting great white sharks off the coast of New Zealand.

2022 birželio 7

A young woman, guilt ridden for a crime she committed but got free of, is captured by a sadist for a game of Russian roulette with a great white shark and five similar opportunists who have escaped the law.

1951 gruodžio 22

With Pete Smith providing dry off-screen commentary, we watch some serious fishing: a marlin caught near Catalina, a hammerhead shark caught then wrestled in a small rowboat near Baja, the largest (721 pounds) great white shark caught to date in California waters, Chinook Indians catching salmon at Celilo Falls in Oregon - each with his designated place on the river where his ancestors stood, and, last, a crew on a boat off Mexico hoisting and hurling tuna using unbarbed hooks (baited only with a feather) as fast as they can as long as the school is there - backbreaking work - but a $25,000 catch.

2013 gegužės 24

Misrepresented, maligned and on the verge of extinction, the great white shark is an iconic predator: the creature we love to fear. Great White Shark will explore the great white's place in our imaginations, in our fears and in the reality of its role at the top of the oceanic food chain. The film will concentrate on key aggregation points around the world: Mexico, South Africa, Los Angeles and New Zealand. Key figures in the history of shark research, people whose lives have been changed by contact with the great white, will tell us of their experiences, culminating in a direct encounter between man and shark.

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