4 Filme

1. Mai 2014

A drama set in turbulent, turn-of-the-millennium Ecuador and centered on a young man who begins to develop complicated feelings for Juano after he saves him from a beating.

14. März 2018

As Cotopaxi spews ash, issuing an eerie penumbra over Quito, a young woman confronts dormant familial conflicts. Desperate for a place to store her things as volcanic disaster looms, Caridad turns to her long-estranged father Galo for help. Galo abandoned Caridad’s mother long ago and is eager to make amends, but questions concerning the nature of his transgressions linger, straining communication between father and daughter and casting grave doubts over the possibility of reconciliation.

A novelist's sense of reality and illusion becomes blurred when her family confronts a mysterious drowning in the pool of their home.

Being different is no easy task. And when the difference is so visible, like albinism, or so burdensome, like a heart condition, things get harder. Albino introvert Tito must travel from Panama to Costa Rica to pick up his sick father. Not having spoken to his father in years, their reunion is less than desired. César has always lived on his own terms and would rather deal with his weakness alone. And Tito would rather not deal with anyone. So, the ride back to Panama is a bit heated. They might kill each other but not without first confronting their anxieties and the reasons for the distance kept between them for so long

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