The Movie Database Support

I'm trying to make a query where I need to search movies with a specific person and a specific director. I've seen on the discovery examples that I can do something like this " /discover/movie?with_people=108916,7467&sort_by=popularity.desc" (this is what the website has for "Has David Fincher ever worked with Rooney Mara?" )

But when I try to open the string ",7467&api_key=###" it gives me this:

{ page: 1, results: [ ], total_results: 0, total_pages: 1 }

and I have the same problem if I try to search other cast as well

What I'm doing wrong/what can I do?

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Hi shockrate,

Looks like a bug slipped in. I'll look to get this fixed up soon. I'm on holidays next week though so it might not be until when I return.


This has been fixed by the way, sorry for the delay.

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