The Movie Database Support

I just started to get some null values included in search results where one of the movie results is null.

I've included an example for "hello" which is shortened but, "hello" actually returns with a null in there just with many more results.

    "page": 1,
    "results": [
            "adult": false,
            "backdrop_path": "/hkOA2f11NYjkNZBowK1zefaoo01.jpg",
            "id": 20365,
            "original_title": "Hello",
            "popularity": 0.2834,
            "poster_path": "/lzldL8ZBARt0vt6FdY4ahmIyXRD.jpg",
            "release_date": "2008-10-10",
            "title": "Hello",
            "vote_average": 0.0,
            "vote_count": 0
            "adult": false,
            "backdrop_path": null,
            "id": 1864,
            "original_title": "Hello-Goodbye",
            "popularity": 0.2,
            "poster_path": null,
            "release_date": "1970-10-16",
            "title": "Hello-Goodbye",
            "vote_average": 0.0,
            "vote_count": 0
    "total_pages": 1,
    "total_results": 3

I can make my code filter these out if this is to be expected but it just seemed to start happening today, with multiple queries.

The first one to trigger it for me was "Strawberry Shortcake"


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What probably happened was the item was deleted but previous to that, the ID was cached. You'll probably see that item disappear ~24 hours after it was originally cached.

Obviously, they should still be filtered out though so I've created a ticket for it and will look at it. Thanks.

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