Peter McGinn

Peter McGinn

Mitglied seit März 2020


I am a retired business writer who for a few dog years has written novels in my spare time. But the world isn’t beating a path to my Kindle books on Amazon, so movie and tv reviews (and elsewhere restaurant and business reviews) are alternate ways of being read. In return I hope my reviews are consistently unbiased and fair. I don’t trash movies because they disagree with my politics, or exalt them because they align with them. In fact, I feel secure in saying you will never see a one-star review from me. Not because I am an easy grader, though in some ways I’m may be, but because if something is that bad I, like most of us, will say, “Oops, not for me,” and bail after ten minutes, and how can I write a complete review if I didn’t watch it? I hope we can all agree on that. Anyway, this is not a novel, but rather a description, so I will tip my hat and leave. Oops, where did I leave my hat?

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