

2022 Maýsym bastap múshe

film esebi
TD esebi

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Favourite genres/styles: Horror/Surreal/Cerebral/Psychological/Thriller/Crime/Noir/Character Studies/Character driven stories

Rating Scale

10 - Flaws are so unnoticeable or so minuscule that they can easily be ignored or unseen, AND I love it so much that the flaws are irrelevant to me.

9 - Great emotional resonance with me but had flaws I cannot ignore or didn't leave me with much in terms of narrative/themes/food for thought; OR I can appreciate it as excellent from a critical standpoint but didn't have as strong an emotional resonance with it.

8 - Stands out from a critical standpoint but barely had an impact on me personally; OR resonated with me emotionally but not too strongly/ made me happy but certainly wasn't anything particularly amazing.

7 - I recognize it as good but didn't think much of it/didn't really resonate with me. Most likely the show or movie with this rating is just fun or entertaining and not much else; OR it had a lot of things going for it in terms of plot, characters, writing, style, etc. but was weak in execution.

6 - Somewhat entertaining but definitely has unignorable problems/lacking in content in my eyes; OR I'm not fond of certain aspects of it while some other aspects were definitely entertaining in a good way.

5 - Bland / Boring. Had no thoughts on it; OR it had both good and bad elements that balanced out to give a mediocre experience.

4 - Has some good qualities to it but the bad qualities outweighed the good; OR I slightly dislike it while acknowledging that it has good qualities to it.

3 - It was bad in a way that particularly upset or offended me while not being that bad on an objective level; OR tolerably bad where I'm not getting much entertainment value since it isn't THAT bad but is obviously not good.

2 - I can just barely tolerate watching it, meaning it's quite bad with one or 2 elements that kept my investment whether it be curiosity to see where it goes, to see how bad it could be or investment in the continuation of a pre-existing property or investment in the concept or investment in it's notoriety/impact in the film world, though I definitely do not enjoy watching it; OR it is funny bad, where it is so ridiculously bad that it gets an extra point for at least entertaining me/making me laugh.

1 - Unbearable to watch, meaning it actually offended/upset me without any objective quality about it that could redeem it in any way.

Eger CSV-ge eksporttalǵan osy tizimniń kóshirmesin alǵyńyz kelse, tómendegi «Eksporttaý» túımeshigin basyńyz. Eksportty jasaımyz jáne ony e-poshta arqyly jiberemiz. Tizimniń ólshemine baılanysty, buny aıaqtaý úshin birneshe mınýt jumsalýi múmkin.

Fılmdi nemese kórsetimdi taba almadyńyz ba? Ony jasaý úshin kirińiz.


s kezelimdi izdeý jolaǵyna aýystyrý
p profaıl mázirin ashý
esc ashyq terezeni jabý
? perneler tirkesimi terezesin ashý

Tasyǵyshtar betterinde

b artqa oralý (nemese qoldanylatyn bolsa, tektikke)
e óńdeý betine ótý

Telemaýsym betterinde

(oń jaq kórsetki) kelesi telemaýsymǵa ótý
(sol jaq kórsetki) aldyńǵy telemaýsymǵa ótý

Epizod betterinde

(oń jaq kórsetki) kelesi epızodqa ótý
(sol jaq kórsetki) aldyńǵy epızodqa ótý

Barlyq keskin betterinde

a keskin ústeý terezesin ashý

Barlyq óńdeý betterinde

t tárjime tańdaǵyshyn ashý
ctrl+ s pishindi jiberý

Talqylaý betterinde

n jańa talqylaýdy jasaý
w qaralǵan kúıin aýystyrý
p jalpy/jekeni aýystyrý
c jabý/ashýdy aýystyrý
a áreketterdi ashý
r talqylaýǵa jaýap berý
l sońǵy jaýapqa ótý
ctrl+ enter habaryńyzdy jiberý
(oń jaq kórsetki) kelesi betke
(sol jaq kórsetki) aldyńǵy betke


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