오대환 incarnant Song Joon Sun

Épisodes 100

Episódio 1

28 mars 202037m

Young Dal e Ok Boon são pais de quatro filhos adultos, Joon Seon, Ga Hee, Na Hee e Da Hee. Os dois mais velhos moram em casa depois de se divorciarem e a mais nova está prestes a se casar. A segunda filha, Na Hee, é pediatra e casada com uma colega. Ela é o orgulho de sua mãe, mas sua vida não é tão estável quanto parece.

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Episódio 2

28 mars 202033m

A sogra de Na Hee, Yun Jeong, invade o hospital onde Na Hee e Gyu Jin trabalham. Ela faz um grande confusão sobre Na Hee ser rude e ingrata, o que não ajuda o relacionamento já difícil do casal. No dia do casamento de Da Hee, Gyu Jin chega muito tarde. Após o casamento, Da Hee recebe um grande choque de seu novo marido.

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Episódio 3

29 mars 202036m

Ok Boon está em alvoroço quando Da Hee se recusa a explicar por que ela quer que seu casamento seja anulado. Enquanto isso, a atitude insensível de Gyu Jin incomoda Na Hee, mas ela ainda quer tentar ter um filho com ele. Ela pede a Gyu Jin para encontrá-la na clínica de fertilidade, mas o hábito de beber de Yun Jeong atrapalha. Na Hee relembra seu relacionamento com Gyu Jin.

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Episódio 4

29 mars 202034m

Na Hee encontra Hyun Gyung, ex-mulher de seu irmão, no hospital e pergunta por que eles se divorciaram. A resposta de Hyun Gyung continua se repetindo na mente de Na Hee. Enquanto isso, Ok Boon vai ver Young Hoon e pergunta o que aconteceu entre ele e Da Hee. Enquanto sua atitude rude ajuda Ok Boon a aceitar o desejo de anulação do casamento de sua filha, os irmãos Song se unem para apoiar Da Hee.

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Episódio 5

4 avril 202036m

Depois de perceber que Gyu Jin se ressentia dela o tempo todo por seu aborto espontâneo, Na Hee pede o divórcio. No entanto, ela quer manter isso em segredo até que sua família supere a anulação de Da Hee. Enquanto isso, Da Hee trabalha duro para ser contratada como funcionária em tempo integral no trabalho, mas as coisas não saem conforme o planejado.

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Episódio 6

4 avril 202033m

Depois de ouvir de um amigo que se divorciou, Gyu Jin percebe que se divorciar seria a melhor decisão para ele e Na Hee. O casal vai entrar com o pedido de divórcio no tribunal e tentar vender a casa. No entanto, as coisas parecem mais complicadas do que eles pensavam e eles decidem se contentar com uma situação incomum de moradia temporária.

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Episódio 7

5 avril 202036m

Depois de deixar o emprego na agência de viagens, Da Hee decide que quer voltar para a universidade e estudar para se tornar uma psicóloga infantil. Ela espera que seus pais se oponham, mas, surpreendentemente, Ok Boon concorda com seus planos. Enquanto isso, Da Hee procura um emprego de meio período e encontra a oportunidade perfeita.

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Episódio 8

5 avril 202033m

Quando Ok Boon descobre que Da Hee conseguiu um emprego no café de Yun Jeong, ela vai até Yun Jeong para garantir que ela não tenha outras intenções. Ela até consegue um aumento de salário para Da Hee. Enquanto isso, o jovem Dal vai a um templo para lamentar a perda de sua irmã mais nova, que morreu quando tinha apenas cinco anos de idade.

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Episódio 9

11 avril 202038m

Quando Na Hee vai ao café de Yun Jeong e vê Da Hee, ela exige que Da Hee pare de trabalhar lá. No entanto, Da Hee se recusa a ouvir e deixa Na Hee frustrada. Ok Boon chama Na Hee e Gyu Jin para jantar também. Esconder o divórcio de ambas as famílias parece ficar mais complicado quando Ga Hee pergunta sobre o relacionamento deles.

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Episódio 10

11 avril 202030m

Joon Seon se sente um pouco para baixo depois de deixar a equipe de dublês e vai ver sua ex-mulher e filhos. As simples palavras de encorajamento de Hyun Gyung lhe dão energia para começar de novo, mas ele precisa obter fundos para iniciar sua própria equipe de dublês. No entanto, sua família não apoia muito sua ideia. Enquanto isso, uma nova inquilina assina um contrato de aluguel no mercado de Yongju.

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Episódio 11

12 avril 202037m

Na Hee e Gyu Jin palestram no seminário de primavera e acabam competindo pela mesma oferta de emprego. No entanto, quando Na Hee se mete em uma situação no trabalho, Gyu Jin fica preocupado e corre para a delegacia. Enquanto isso, o restaurante kimbap de Cho Yeon comemora seu dia de abertura com uma festa. As pessoas no mercado ficam chocadas com a festa barulhenta.

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Episódio 12

12 avril 202031m

Enquanto Gyu Jin pondera se deve ou não mostrar a Na Hee que está preocupado com ela, ele encontra uma velha conhecida no trabalho. Enquanto isso, Young Dal está irritado com o barulhento e descarado Cho Yeon após sua briga durante as comemorações do dia de abertura de Cho Yeon. O jovem Dal também decide financiar secretamente a nova ideia de negócio de Joon Seon por meio de Ok Ja.

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Episódio 13

18 avril 202035m

When Ok Boon visits Na Hee and Gyu Jin's apartment unexpectedly, they hurry home before she finds their cohabitation contract. Thankfully, Ok Boon doesn't suspect a thing. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon's diner begins to attract lots of attention, thanks to their flashy style and unusual marketing strategy. The ladies of Yongju Market are not very pleased.

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Episódio 14

18 avril 202032m

When Ok Boon visits Na Hee and Gyu Jin's apartment unexpectedly, they hurry home before she finds their cohabitation contract. Thankfully, Ok Boon doesn't suspect a thing. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon's diner begins to attract lots of attention, thanks to their flashy style and unusual marketing strategy. The ladies of Yongju Market are not very pleased.

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Episódio 15

19 avril 202036m

Cho Yeon's diner is causing a stir with the market ladies and they do not want to allow Unnie's Kimbap to join the merchant association. The ladies agree to let them join only if they follow three conditions. However, Cho Yeon has no intention of accepting those conditions. Meanwhile, Gyu Jin and Na Hee are hounded by the hospital director about appearing on TV.

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Episódio 16

19 avril 202033m

Na Hee takes a day off from work and takes Ok Boon out on a date. She tries to find the right time to tell her mom about her divorce with Gyu Jin, but it isn't easy. Meanwhile, Yun Jeong is lonely as Jae Seok refuses to spend time with her, but she and Da Hee bond over dinner. Finally, Na Hee accepts Director Jang's request to appear on TV.

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Episódio 17

25 avril 202035m

As Na Hee and Gyu Jin film the first episode of the TV show they joined as panelists, they continue to butt heads with each other. Meanwhile, Gyu Jin's friendly behavior to Bo Young and Si Hoo bothers Na Hee a bit. Finally, Jae Seok helps Da Hee deal with a picky customer and volunteers to teach Da Hee how to stand up for herself.

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Episódio 18

25 avril 202034m

As Joon Seon struggles to get his business off the ground, his two junior stuntmen have a hard time staying hidden upstairs. Ga Hee, who is looking for any way to pay her credit card bills and living expenses, discovers the two free lodgers and strikes a deal with Joon Seon. Meanwhile, Jae Seok lets slip a big secret while enjoying a drink with Da Hee.

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Episódio 19

26 avril 202038m

Da Hee finds out that Na Hee and Gyu Jin got divorced when Jae Seok lets the secret slip. Jae Seok makes her promise not to tell a soul, but she loses sleep over it, wondering whether she should tell someone. Meanwhile, Na Hee and Gyu Jin's TV show airs and it seems to be getting a good response from the public.

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Episódio 20

26 avril 202031m

As Na Hee and Gyu Jin start getting recognized by the public, their mothers seem to enjoy the attention as well. They are swamped with work at the hospital and Na Hee feels guilty after seeing her mom so happy about her TV appearance. Meanwhile, Ga Hee sees Gyu Jin at a supermarket with Bo Young and misinterprets the situation.

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Episódio 21

2 mai 202038m

As Young Dal's birthday approaches, Ok Boon wants to throw a birthday party. Although Young Dal never agreed to celebrate his birthday before, he decides to let Ok Boon enjoy showing off Na Hee and Gyu Jin to the market ladies at the party. Meanwhile, Joon Seon is furious about Na Hee keeping her divorce a secret.

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Episódio 22

2 mai 202031m

Young Dal lets Hyo Sin and Joon Seon's secret roommates stay in the rooftop house. Young Dal's birthday celebrations begin with a big breakfast with the new additions to his family. Later on, Ok Boon has a great time taking Na Hee and Gyu Jin around to brag to the market ladies. After the party, Joon Seon confronts Na Hee about her divorce.

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Episódio 23

3 mai 202036m

Now that the Song siblings are all aware of Na Hee and Gyu Jin's divorce, they try to find a way to make the situation better. However, when Joon Seon and Ga Hee try talking to Na Hee and Gyu Jin, they both seem to have their minds set. Meanwhile, Da Hee is worried about Jae Seok being mad at her for revealing the secret to her siblings.

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Episódio 24

3 mai 202034m

When Na Hee gets caught in the rain on her way home, Jeong Rok offers her a ride. She still ends up catching a cold and has to take a day off from work. Ok Boon gets worried and comes over to take care of Na Hee. While cleaning the house, Ok Boon makes a shocking discovery. Meanwhile, Young Dal's thoughts on Cho Yeon changes after seeing her affectionate side.

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Episódio 25

9 mai 202035m

Ok Boon finds out about Na Hee and Gyu Jin's divorce and collapses from the shock. There are news articles about their divorce as well, and everyone seems to have a harsh word to say about it. As both Na Hee and Gyu Jin's families struggle to accept the shocking news, Young Dal calls Gyu Jin out for a heart-to-heart.

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Episódio 26

9 mai 202034m

As everyone deals with the aftermath of Na Hee and Gyu Jin's divorce going public, Ok Boon refuses to eat or talk to anyone. Young Dal wakes up the next morning and finds Ok Boon gone. The entire family worries about her except for Young Dal, who firmly believes that she will be fine. Na Hee finally has a good cry while eating with Hyun Gyung.

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Episódio 27

10 mai 202036m

Young Dal gives Na Hee an ultimatum and leaves her no choice but to move back in with her family. Gyu Jin and Na Hee part ways on good terms and try to adjust to life without the other. Na Hee must deal with living in a bustling household and Gyu Jin has to put up with his mom bursting in whenever she pleases.

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Episódio 28

10 mai 202034m

Ok Boon is still furious with Na Hee, making her walk on eggshells at home. The whole family tries to help the two make amends, but things don't go as smoothly as they would like. Meanwhile, Ok Boon decides that she is ready to return to work and face the ladies at the market. She seems to get through the day just fine until she meets her match at the end of the day.

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Episódio 29

16 mai 202037m

Ok Boon kicks all four of her kids out of the house and Young Dal finds them loitering on the doorstep. He brings them back in and tries to talk down Ok Boon's anger, but she doesn't budge. Meanwhile, Jae Seok goes to stay at Gyu Jin's house after getting kicked out by Yun Jeong. However, Jae Seok soon realizes that living with Gyu Jin isn't any easier than living with his mom.

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Episódio 30

16 mai 202032m

The hospital has a welcome dinner for Jeong Rok, the new interim director. Gyu Jin keeps seeing Na Hee and Jeong Rok acting friendly with each other and feels somewhat bothered by it. To make matters worse, Jae Seok keeps bringing it up to Gyu Jin. Meanwhile, Ok Boon's anger is refueled when she meets some of the market merchants.

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Episódio 31

17 mai 202036m

As Ok Boon continues to give Na Hee the cold shoulder at home, Na Hee avoids going home every evening for as long as possible. Jeong Rok suggests to Na Hee that she move out of her parents' house and into his sister's vacant place. Meanwhile, Jae Seok tries his best to ruin the blind date his mom set up for him. However, things do not go as planned.

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Episódio 32

17 mai 202033m

Joon Seon's company gets chosen to be on TV. The whole family gathers to celebrate Joon Seon's first big break. Despite the celebratory mood, Ok Boon still brushes Na Hee off and storms off into her room. Na Hee ends up telling Ok Boon the real reason she got divorced and decides to move out. Meanwhile, Jae Seok asks Da Hee for a favor.

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Episódio 33

23 mai 202038m

Ok Ja is devastated by the fact that Chi Su likes Cho Yeon. Cho Yeon tells Chi Su that he is not her type, but she seems pleased somehow. Jae Seok and Da Hee go to Seoul Tower together, and suddenly, Jae Seok thinks Da Hee is pretty. Meanwhile, all the ladies of the Song family have a night out.

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Episódio 34

23 mai 202032m

Jae Seok asks Gyu Jin if there’s something going on between Na Hee and Jeong Rok. Chi Su keeps bringing roses to Cho Yeon, and Cho Yeon plays hard to get. Joon Seon and Hyun Gyung have dinner together with their kids. Joon Seon wants to get back with Hyun Gyung, but Hyun Gyung refuses to.

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Episódio 35

24 mai 202036m

Jae Seok tries to get rid of his feelings for Da Hee. Ok Ja is upset because of Chi Su, but Chi Su only cares about Cho Yeon in the dance class. Ga Hee has a job interview at the gym, but the interviewer says that he can’t hire her because of her age. Meanwhile, Ga Hee gets to know that Ji Hun learns judo from Hyo Sin.

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Episódio 36

24 mai 202033m

Cho Yeon and Ok Ja drink together, and Ok Ja tells Cho Yeon not to string Chi Su along. Jeong Bong suddenly injures his ankle, and Joon Seon begs Hyo Sin to fill in for Jeong Bong. Jae Seok suggests Da Hee that she should learn math from him. Meanwhile, Jeong Rok confesses his love to Na Hee.

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Episódio 37

30 mai 202035m

O diretor quer que Joon Seon traga Hyo Sin para a próxima filmagem também. Joon Seon tenta persuadir Hyo Sin a continuar trabalhando com ele, mas Hyo Sin não quer. Gyu Jin tem sentimentos confusos sobre Jeong Rok e Na Hee. Enquanto isso, Ga Hee começa a trabalhar em uma loja de roupas.

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Episódio 38

30 mai 202034m

Hyo Sin decides to work with Joon Seon. Na Hee tells Jeong Rok that she can’t treat him like she used to because she doesn’t want to give him false hope. Chi Su gets drunk and asks Ok Ja if he is unattractive as a man. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon wonders why Chi Su doesn’t come to her restaurant lately.

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Episódio 39

31 mai 202034m

Na Hee drives Jeong Rok home in his car. Jeong Rok tells Na Hee that she needs to pick him up for at least a week. Yun Jeong tells Jae Seok that she likes Da Hee and that she wants him to date someone just like her. Meanwhile, Jae Seok tells Na Hee that he wants her to be happy.

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Episódio 40

31 mai 202034m

All the people in the hospital get to know that Jeong Rok has feelings for Na Hee. At the volunteer work, Cho Yeon gets to hear Young Dal’s singing and wonders if he has any siblings. Ga Hee is upset after seeing her ex-husband at the store. Meanwhile, Da Hee has only one day left for her exam.

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Episódio 41

6 juin 202038m

Da Hee thinks she flunked the exam, but everyone around her cheers her on, especially Jae Seok. Ji Hun gets excited to go camping with his dad, but his dad doesn't show up as he promised. Meanwhile, Joon Seon hits it big with the director.

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Episódio 42

6 juin 202032m

Hyo Sin finds Ji Hun training at the dojo and makes up the camping trip he couldn't go on with his dad. Young Dal discovers that Manager Jung was stealing money and chases after him. Meanwhile, Jae Seok and Da Hee go to bicycling by the Han River.

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Episódio 43

7 juin 202037m

Cho Yeon and Ok Ja give it their all to become the market's manager. With only a day left until the voting, they both try to win over as many store owners as possible. Meanwhile, Da Hee tells Jae Seok how she feels about him.

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Episódio 44

7 juin 202033m

Ver Gyu Jin com outra mulher incomoda Na Hee, e Jeong Rok percebe. Ele se oferece a ela em busca de conforto e ela aceita. Enquanto isso, as cédulas são lançadas para o novo gerente do Mercado Tradicional de Yongju e Da Hee se prepara para ver os resultados de seu teste.

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Episódio 45

13 juin 202037m

Da Hee passes her university transfer exam, and the whole family is ecstatic, especially Young Dal. He treats his family to dinner at a restaurant, an event that rarely happens. Meanwhile, everyone at Na Hee's hospital finds out about her relationship with Jeong Rok, including Gyu Jin.

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Episódio 46

13 juin 202032m

Da Hee's conscience gets her to buy Jae Seok a gift for helping her pass the exam. But when she sees Gyu Jin wearing the gift she got for Jae Seok, she regrets ever dumping him. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon puts on her makeup for Chi Su, hoping to win his heart.

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Episódio 47

14 juin 202038m

Da Hee shows up drunk to Jae Seok's mom's house and causes a scene. Ok Ja and Chi Su tryout for the dance-off preliminaries, and Na Hee tries to be more down to earth. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon tells Chi Su that she is over him.

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Episódio 48

14 juin 202031m

Young Dal finds Cho Yeon drinking by herself and joins her. Some people see the two of them together and misconstrue their relationship. Meanwhile, Joon Seon helps Hyun Gyung out with a drunk customer and earns some points with her. Da Hee hears that Jae Seok is seeing the woman from his blind date again and rushes to see him.

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Episódio 49

20 juin 202036m

Na Hee's family sees Jeong Rok with Na Hee for the first time, and they can't stop drooling. However, Na Hee tells them they're just keeping it casual. Da Hee confesses to Jae Seok that she likes him, but Jae Seok keeps it cool and makes her wait for his call. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon keeps herself busy preparing for the market's sports festival.

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Episódio 50

20 juin 202032m

It's a big day for Joon Seon. His drama is premiering and plans to watch it at Hyun Gyung's with his daughters. Later, the sports festival takes place, and Cho Yeon determines to win every event. Meanwhile, Da Hee desperately waits for Jae Seok's call.

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Episódio 51

21 juin 202037m

Ok Boon expresses her anger at Young Dal for hitting her in the face with the ball, giving her a black eye. To make things worst, it's Cho Yeon who he saved from the ball. Meanwhile, an old acquaintance shows up at Cho Yeon's store asking for money, and Da Hee stays at Yun Jeong's house for dinner with Jae Seok.

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Episódio 52

21 juin 202032m

Gyu Jin has a seminar to attend out of town and leaves the house to Jae Seok. Jae Seok takes this opportunity and invites Da Hee over for dinner. However, Gyu Jin's seminar gets canceled and comes home earlier. Meanwhile, Cho Yeon receives a worrying call regarding her father being in the hospital.

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Episódio 53

27 juin 202039m

A agência de dublês de Joon Seon termina seu primeiro programa de TV com grande sucesso. Eles planejam sair para comemorar e Joon Seon pede a Hyun Gyung para ir junto com as meninas. Enquanto isso, Ok Boon e Ok Ja ainda estão convencidos de que Young Dal está tendo um caso. Eles pedem a Ga Hee para ajudá-los a espionar Cho Yeon.

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Episódio 54

27 juin 202030m

Joon Seon's company outing is a big hit and he even gets Hyun Gyung to consider getting back together with him. Meanwhile, Jae Seok desperately tries to make up for his mistake with Da Hee. Later on, Ok Ja and Ok Boon think they finally have the chance to catch Young Dal red-handed when they follow him to a hotel restaurant.

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Episódio 55

28 juin 202038m

Thinking that Young Dal is having an affair, Ok Boon bursts in on an event held in Young Dal's honor. They return home and get into a huge fight. Ok Boon doesn't believe Young Dal's story of taking Cho Yeon to the hospital until Cho Yeon invites her in for a chat. Meanwhile, Gyu Jin takes a sick day, making Na Hee and Bo Young worry.

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Episódio 56

28 juin 202031m

Once Young Dal and Ok Boon return to work smiling, the market ladies' gossip moves onto who Chi Su's mystery girlfriend is. Learning that Cho Yeon knew about her relationship with Chi Su, Ok Ja pays her a visit. Meanwhile, Joon Seon's hopes of getting back together with Hyun Gyung are shattered when Seo Jin gets hurt.

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Episódio 57

4 juillet 202036m

Yeon Hong shows up in front of Cho Yeon and the girls again. This time, she asks to stay with her for ten days, and Cho Yeon says yes. Meanwhile, Da Hee finds her lectures difficult at university and has trouble making friends, and Gyu Jin has a hard time seeing Na Hee happy and goes to see her drunk.

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Episódio 58

4 juillet 202034m

Still furious with Joon Seon, Hyun Gyung tells him he won't get to see the kids as much. Ga Hee puts her mind to the company contest and gets Hyo Sin to help her. Meanwhile, Bo Young parts leaving Gyu Jin a note by Na Hee he never got to read.

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Episódio 59

5 juillet 202036m

Gyu Jin asks Na Hee about the note she left him, and Jeong Rok tells Na Hee about the job offer he got in New York and offers her a position as well. It's the opportunity she's been waiting for, but something keeps her hesitant. Meanwhile, Da Hee volunteers to be the class representative and has a blast on a night out with her classmates.

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Episódio 60

5 juillet 202033m

Ga Hee gets offered a managerial position at a different store after her work for the in-house contest gets a proper review. Cho Yeon invites all the ladies in the market to celebrate her birthday, but Yeon Hong opens her big mouth and causes a scene. Meanwhile, Jae Seok races over to Da Hee after realizing Ji Won was a guy.

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Episódio 61

11 juillet 202036m

One of Gyu Jin's patients becomes critically ill, and the patient's mother threatens to sue him and the hospital for malpractice. Out of concern, Na Hee goes out of her way to clear up any misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Yeon Hong searches through Cho Yeon's room for anything worth selling to payback the loansharks out to get her.

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Episódio 62

11 juillet 202033m

Cho Yeon sets things straight with the thugs demanding money from Yeon Hong. She tells Yeon Hong to run away and live a proper life. Meanwhile, Ga Hee starts her online shopping mall, and Na Hee finds a note from Gyu Jin and starts to cry.

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Episódio 63

12 juillet 202035m

After somewhat getting back together with Gyu Jin, Na Hee tells Jeong Rok that she will pass on going to New York with him. The next day, Gyu Jin and Na Hee have a few drinks and wake up in the hospital together. Meanwhile, Jae Seok and Da Hee get in a fight over Jae Min. Ga Hee impatiently waits for the first order.

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Episódio 64

12 juillet 202034m

The thugs return looking for Yeon Hong but find out she ran off. Ga Hee's ex-husband tells Ga Hee that he wants to get back together, and Na Hee and Gyu Jin decide to keep it simple and date. Meanwhile, Jae Min confesses his feelings for Da Hee.

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Episódio 65

18 juillet 202035m

The old man tells Young Dal that he threw Young Dal's sister away when she was still alive and saw a monk taking her. Young Dal tries to find the monk and starts to look for his sister. Na Hee and Gyu Jin decide to change for their relationships and themselves so that they don't make mistakes like when they were married.

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Episódio 66

18 juillet 202034m

Young Dal finds out that Monk Yong Gang was the one who took in Young Suk. Unfortunately, Young Dal misses his chance to ask the monk questions about his sister since the monk passed away. The thugs keep roaming around the market and bully the merchants. Cho Yeon makes up her mind to do something about it.

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Episódio 67

19 juillet 202035m

Fed up with the thugs and everything going on around her, Cho Yeon decides to close down the store. With the store deposit money, she gives a bit of the money to the thugs and tells them not to come back. Meanwhile, Young Dal tries to drink his sorrows away for not ever finding his younger sister Young Suk, and Hyun Gyung gets into a car accident.

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Episódio 68

19 juillet 202034m

Hyun Gyung's stomach starts to hurt badly in the middle of the night. Seeing her mom writhe in pain, Seo Jin calls her dad Joon Seon and speaks her first words. Meanwhile, Gyu Jin and Na Hee run into Jae Seok and Da Hee holding hands, and Yeon Hong returns to the market with Cho Yeon's family picture in her wallet and intentionally bumps into Young Dal.

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Episódio 69

25 juillet 202036m

Young Dal believes that Yeon Hong is his lost sister since she has his family photo. And Yeon Hong takes it as a chance to get herself out of her debt. Na Hee and Gyu Jin find out that Da Hee and Jae Seok are dating and start to talk them out of the relationship. Hyun Gyung's surgery went well, but she receives unexpected news from her doctor.

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Episódio 70

25 juillet 202033m

Young Dal wants to do anything he can do for his long-lost sister and Yeon Hong takes advantage of him to clear her debt. Hyun Gyung's test result came back negative and Joon Seon realizes how selfish he was to his family. In the end, Joon Seon decides to quit doing stunts and makes up his mind to put his family first.

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Episódio 71

26 juillet 202036m

Jae Seok and Da Hee catch Gyu Jin and Na Hee holding hands. They figure out they are getting back together and make a big deal of how they reacted to their relationship. Meanwhile, Joon Seon announces to the family that he is moving back in with Hyun Gyung, and Young Suk's imposter gets on everybody's nerves.

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Episódio 72

26 juillet 202034m

Cho Yeon returns to the market looking for her family picture but doesn't find it. Instead, she bumps into Seo Jin, who falls and scrapes her knee. Cho Yeon wraps her wound with a handkerchief she kept since she was young. Meanwhile, Hyo Sin tells Ga Hee he has feelings for her, and Ok Boon leaves the house.

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Episódio 73

1 août 202035m

Ok Boon leaves the house and ends up going to her ex-in-law, Yun Jeong. The two reconcile and Yun Jeong comforts her distress with her husband. Meanwhile, the whole Song family is up and about searching for their mom. They can't seem to find her anywhere and feel at a loss, worrying about her until Gyu Jin randomly visits his mom's house with Jae Seok.

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Episódio 74

1 août 202034m

Ok Boon lets her daughters know that she will not give in to Young Dal's selfishness this time. The girls agree and just ask for her to keep in contact. Ok Ja spots Yeon Hong talking to a mom figure on the phone and witnesses other fishy encounters. She starts doubting whether Yeon Hong is really Young Dal's sister.

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Episódio 75

2 août 202036m

Little by little, their suspicions grow and tell them Yeon Hong isn't their real aunt. After learning that she might have a mother, the brothers and sisters decide to do another DNA test secretly to find out for sure. Meanwhile, Yeon Hong goes through with the scam she agreed to do, and Cho Yeon gets ready to leave the temple.

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Episódio 76

2 août 202033m

The market ladies become hysterical as soon as they realize they've fallen for a scam. While Yeon Hong packs up to go on the run, the DNA test results come out, making everything fall into place. Meanwhile, Young Dal tries to find out who gave Seo Jin the handkerchief.

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Episódio 77

8 août 202035m

Young Dal and his family throw a welcoming party for Young Suk. And Young Suk feels overwhelmed by the warmth of her brother and his family. She also decides to go back to the market and reopen Unnie's Kimbap. Jae Seok has a hard time not being able to see Da Hee during her exam period.

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Episódio 78

8 août 202035m

Young Suk prepares for reopening the kimbap restaurant and Young Dal throws a party for market people to make up for his mistake in the past. Jae Seok gets annoyed by not having his own place and he makes a bold move while he is on apartment hunting with Da Hee.

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Episódio 79

9 août 202035m

Jae Seok proposes to Da Hee, asking her to move in together, but Da Hee feels uneasy about giving her answer yet. Na Hee spots Gyu Jin on a blind date and Gyu Jin tries to explain how it was a setup from his junior. Young Suk busily prepares for the reopening of Unnie’s Kimbap and celebrates it with the Song family.

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Episódio 80

9 août 202034m

Ga Hee feels uncomfortable with her ex-husband wanting to get back together. She’s also not sure what’s really the best decision for Ji Hun who’s growing up fast day by day. Da Hee and Jae Seok finally make up their mind and set foot into the Song family’s house to share the big news.

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Episódio 81

15 août 202036m

Jae Seok and Da Hee ask their parents to allow them to get married, but things get out of control. Both Ok Book and Yun Jeong are furious about their children even thinking about getting married. During a harsh conversation between the two mothers, Ok Book hears hurtful words about Da Hee from Yun Jeong.

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Episódio 82

15 août 202037m

After seeing Jae Seok suffering so much from disapproval of the marriage, Yun Jeong decides to give a chance to Da Hee. Na Hee is happy for her sister and Jae Seok, but she regrets not making the effort to get along with Yun Jeong before. Meanwhile, Yun Jeong wants to make up with Ok Book for saying hurtful words about Da Hee.

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Episódio 83

16 août 202038m

Things don't look good for Gyu Jin and Na Hee after they are caught dating by their mothers. Ok Boon strongly disapproves of them getting back together as does Yun Jeong, who blatantly shows her hate for Na Hee in person. However, the two hold hands to show their support. Meanwhile, Ga Hee tells Hyo Sin she can't continue with their relationship.

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Episódio 84

16 août 202032m

Ji Hun decides not to go camping with his father and goes to the dojo instead to keep his promise to Hyo Sin. Gyu Jin gets dressed up and goes to Na Hee's house to apologize to Ok Boon for what he has done to Na Hee. However, Ok Boon doesn't open the door, making him stand outside. Gyu Jin doesn't leave.

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Episódio 85

22 août 202036m

After Gyu Jin and Yun Jeong get into a fight regarding Na Hee, Gyu Jin tells his mom he will cut ties with her. Da Hee and Jae Seok visit Yun Jeong to comfort her but get kicked out of the house instead. Meanwhile, Ga Hee rents out an office for her business, and Hyo Sin's father comes to persuade him to enter the Chairman's Competition for judo.

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Episódio 86

22 août 202035m

Gyu Jin, Jae Seok, and Joon Seon go out for drinks to set things straight. However, Joon Seon, who is having a blast, takes them to his house for more drinks and puts everyone in an awkward position. Meanwhile, Yun Jeong starts to forget things and stands helplessly in the middle of an intersection.

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Episódio 87

23 août 202037m

When Na Hee tells Yun Jeong she might be in the early stages of alcoholic dementia, Yun Jeong gets offended and kicks her out of the house. However, throughout the day, she repeatedly forgets things and shoplifts without any clue of doing it. Meanwhile, Joon Seon tries to soothe Hyun Gyung for sleeping out without telling her.

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Episódio 88

23 août 202034m

Na Hee gets Gyu Jin to take her mother, Ok Boon, out for some fresh air on her one day off instead of her. Meanwhile, Na Hee takes Yun Jeong to get a checkup and keeps her condition a secret. Jae Seok and Da Hee go on a date, and Ga Hee's online store gets multiple orders due to a celebrity.

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Episódio 89

29 août 202040m

Gyu Jin and Jae Seok win big points by helping Young Dal make radish kimchi. They win points from their brides' family, but Na Hee is only concerned about Yun Jeong's health. Na Hee hesitates to tell Gyu Jin the condition Yun Jeong is in, but she has no other choice but to tell him the truth.

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Episódio 90

29 août 202031m

Ga Hee gets scouted to be a style leader of a new project team in a big company. Na Hee asks to meet Gyu Jin and Jae Seok to tell them about their mother's condition. Shocked from the news, they run to Yun Jeong's house, but she's nowhere to be found.

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Episódio 91

30 août 202036m

Yun Jeong goes missing. Knowing her medical condition, Gyu Jin and Jae Seok frantically search for her. Na Hee and Da Hee stay by their side and help them look for her. Meanwhile, the police find footage of Yun Jeong getting on a bus, heading in the direction of their old neighborhood.

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Episódio 92

30 août 202035m

Hyo Sin decides to try out for the national judo team again, and Joon Seon lets everyone know. They hold a goodbye party at the house. When he leaves, Ji Hun cries and begs for him not to go. Meanwhile, Ok Boon reconciles with Yun Jeong, and both of them decide to let their sons and daughters marry.

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Episódio 93

5 septembre 202037m

Both families gather and set the wedding date for Jae Seok and Da Hee. They decide to have the wedding as soon as possible, so Jae Seok and Da Hee start preparing for the wedding. However, the two start arguing and show a difference of opinion.

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Episódio 94

5 septembre 202034m

Da Hee and Jae Seok make up for their fight, and they continue to look for their new home. But they can’t come to a conclusion, so Da Hee suggests to live with Yun Jeong. Meanwhile, Na Hee and Gyu Jin go on their trip, and they find out that Na Hee is pregnant.

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Episódio 95

6 septembre 202036m

Na Hee finds out she's pregnant, and Gyu Jin couldn't be more thrilled. They promise each other to do things right. At the market, a bossy director films a promotional video, but his directions only irritate Young Suk, who sort of has a crush on him. Meanwhile, Da Hee tells Jae Seok that she wants to move in with his mother after getting married.

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Episódio 96

6 septembre 202035m

Gyu Jin and Na Hee register their marriage again and join Jae Seok and Da Hee furniture shopping. Ok Ja can't stop thinking about how Chi Su will propose to her but only gets her hopes up. Meanwhile, the rude director visits Young Suk and asks her out for dinner.

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Episódio 97

12 septembre 202037m

Da Hee and Jae Seok are almost done with their wedding preparation. Before the big day, Da Hee takes her mom and sisters to a spa to get a massage. Gyu Jin is too concerned about Na Hee's morning sickness that he even experiences the same symptoms. Meanwhile, Young Suk has a wonderful time with Lee Hyun, the rude director, but they run into Young Dal on the way home.

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Episódio 98

12 septembre 202035m

Lee Hyun tells Young Dal that he wants to start seeing Young Suk. Young Dal isn't very thrilled about the idea, but he approves of him. The day of Da Hee and Jae Seok's wedding finally arrives, and all of their family and friends gather to celebrate the happy occasion. After the ceremony, everyone gathers at Young Dal's place for dinner, and Seo Young catches Ga Hee and Hyo Sin being sweet to each other.

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Episódio 99

13 septembre 202037m

Jae Seok and Da Hee return from their honeymoon, and Gyu Jin and Na Hee find out they have twins on the way. Three years later, Jae Seok and Da Hee go to work together, and Gyu Jin and Na Hee struggle to get their morning started. Meanwhile, Young Suk warns a new store manager about their loud music as the market's president, and Ok Boon picks up a hobby.

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Episódio 100

13 septembre 202035m

Gyu Jin sneaks away from work to get a quick glimpse at his boys at daycare and gets into a car accident. Ok Ja slips and ends up with a cast on her leg. She and Chi Su drop out of the dance competition, but Ok Boon and Young Dal take their place. Meanwhile, Joon Seon looks to hire more stuntmen, and Ga Hee gets a surprise visit from Hyo Sin.

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