Episodios 32


第1集 吴会长直播中被曝光黑料

18 de marzo de 202035m

  电视台的直播间,一档很火的新闻直播节目马上就要开始了,大家都在做着直播前的各项准备工作,李政勋就是这档节目的主持人。直播正式开始,首先播报的是某商场发生的火灾事件,播报完第一条后,导播提醒李政勋加快一下播报速度,工作人员在调整提词器时,却意外导致提词器死机,大家都很担心主持人会忘词,导播直接提示他如果不能背下去就看稿子去念。令大家没想到的是,他一眼稿子都没看,按照原有内容一字不差地将节目主持完毕,让所以人都长舒了一口气。所有人都以为他是提前背过稿子,但实际情况却是他的记忆超群,他很小的时候去看过医生,说他六岁的时候突然就能记住所有的细节,并讲出了那天发生的事情的细节,医生起初不太相信,直到听见李政勋讲到那天报纸上报道的重大事件,南非总统曼德拉被释放,与事实比对,他才不得不相信。那时,医生的儿子刘泰恩就坐在旁边,他的年龄和李政勋相仿,他见证着李政勋非凡的记忆力。  李政勋回到家中,才发现来了个不速之客刘泰恩,也是自己多年的好友,他好奇刘泰恩为什么不回自己3分钟就能回去的家,而是花30分钟来自己这里。二人感叹着时间的飞逝,从李政勋第一次去医生那里检查,已经过去了25年,而医生也由刘泰恩的父亲换成了他,刘泰恩是一家社区私人医院的院长,他今天是特意过来提醒李政勋去医院做每年例行一次的脑部检查,却遭到了李政勋的拒绝。新闻社的后辈提醒李政勋,下一次采访的对象就是发生火灾那家商场的会长吴泰权,而再下一次的采访对象是电影明星吕河珍,而吕河珍此时正被绯闻事件所缠绕,狗仔们抓拍了她与两个男演员见面的照片,由此引发他同时脚踏两只船的新闻,吕河珍并未在意,可她的妹妹兼经纪人吕河京却非常发愁,她们在进行新电影宣传时被男演员的粉丝所围攻,幸亏工作人员来得及时,才让她们转危为安。吴会长的商场最近发生了火灾,新闻局长事先提醒李政勋不要过多纠缠这件事,因为吴会长和新闻社的社长交好,李政勋笑着表示自己不会发问。新闻直播时,李政勋拿出事先准备的问题,吴会长胸有成足,不等他问便讲了商场火灾的事,并表示已经查明原因,之后不会再发生。李政勋话锋一转,说到他长期对随行黄秘书拳打脚踢的事,并且拿出医院诊断的证据,吴会长被问得哑口无言,后台的负责人反复提醒李政勋时间到了,李政勋这才结束了直播,这件事让吴会长非常难堪,可李政勋并未顾及这些,这就是他的主持风格。

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第2集 河珍与女演员片场发生冲突

18 de marzo de 202035m


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There are articles about Jeong Hoon’s love scandal with Ha Jin. Jeong Hoon asks Ha Jin if she admitted their relationship in order to get back at him. Ha Jin tells Jeong Hoon that she is interested in him. Meanwhile, they strike a deal to release an article about their breakup after two weeks.

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第5集 河珍与李政勋的初恋竟是闺蜜

25 de marzo de 202035m


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第7集 李政勋拒绝见面河珍耿耿于怀

26 de marzo de 202035m


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第8集 李政勋担心河珍安危开车寻找

26 de marzo de 202035m


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第9集 河珍向李政勋坦白自己病情

1 de abril de 202035m

Jeong Hoon tells Ha Kyung the fact that he’s recently received a threatening mail from an unknown sender with photos of Ha Jin and himself. In these photos, Jeong Hoon was scratched out as if the sender wanted him gone. Knowing that this could scare Ha Jin, they decide to keep it a secret. Meanwhile, Director Ji continues to question Jeong Hoon whether his relationship with Ha Jin is serious.

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第10集 李政勋忆起当年旭妍被杀一幕

1 de abril de 202035m

Jeong Hoon runs after who he thinks is Ha Jin's stalker. However, it turns out to be someone in the media, trying to get a snap for the press. Later, Ha Jin gets offered a role as an anchor in writer Hwang So Seon's drama but needs Jeong Hoon's help. Meanwhile, Jeong Hoon receives another threatening letter.

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Equipo 0

Dirigido Por: No se ha añadido al director.

Escrito por: No se ha añadido ningún guionista.

Estrellas invitadas 0 Reparto y equipo completo

No se han añadido estrellas invitadas.

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Ha Jin and Jeong Hoon meet with Writer Hwang and the director to discuss the drama. However, the director's words only discourage and hurt the eager actress. Luckily, Jeong Hoon is there to give his support, and the two start to get close.

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第12集 李政勋意外发现母亲过世

2 de abril de 202035m

Ha Jin gets offered another lead role in Director Ji upcoming movie, but she decides to turn it down. Later, she visits Jeong Hoon's news station and researches every little move of his. At night, she joins Jeong Hoon and his mother he hadn't seen in a while for dinner.

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第13集 李政勋母亲过世让他伤心不已

8 de abril de 202035m

Jeong Hoon didn’t know about his mother’s condition until it was too late. He loses his temper with his father over the fact that it was hidden from him. Meanwhile, Ha Jin waits for Jeong Hoon at the funeral, but she cannot think of words that might comfort him. Later, Jeong Hoon shows up at his program, saying that he wants to continue with his work.

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第14集 李政勋面对丧母之痛精神恍惚

8 de abril de 202035m

Jeong Hoon takes his mother's death hard and as a result starts to drink, locking himself in his house. Worried about his well being, Ha Jin rushes over to check up on him. However, when she knocks on the door, he doesn't answer. Later, Ha Jin learns that Reporter Park Soo Chang, Director Ji Hyun Geun, and Chul could be her stalker.

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Jeong Hoon comes to his senses. However, for Ha Jin, she wakes up to find a shocking reminder of her stalker. Worried for her safety, Jeong Hoon finds her another place to stay before he returns to his news desk and faces the cameras.

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第16集 河珍与李政勋感情逐渐升温

9 de abril de 202035m

Ha Jin's stalker has everyone on edge. One by one, the possible stalker shows up, but it's Park Soo Chang, a reporter tailing Jeong Hoon, who gives him the most promising lead. Soon after, the stalker makes his appearance, riding a black motorcycle with the engine revved.

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第17集 河珍决定报警追查那个跟踪狂

16 de abril de 202035m

Jeong Hoon gets a disturbing call from Moon Seong Ho about Ha Jin's stalker. He visits him at the National Forensic Hospital, but his questions don't get answered. Meanwhile, Ms. Park suggests that they report Ha Jin's stalker to the proper authorities.

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第18集 河京大意河珍被陌生人绑架

16 de abril de 202035m

Park Soo Chan turns himself in for selling pictures of Ha Jin to the stalker. However, it doesn't help the police much in identifying the culprit. It does however, give them a lead: someone Ha Jin knew before her debut. Meanwhile, feeling secure, Ha Jin goes to a photo shoot when her van gets stolen.

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Ha Jin gets into her van first while Ms. Park takes a phone call. As soon as she gets in, the driver injects an anesthetic and drives away. The police start their investigation with their key suspect being Moon Chul, but Jeong Hoon is suspicious of Director Ji. Jeong Hoon then realizes what Director Ji said earlier was not true and heads straight to Gangjeong Lake where Director Ji might have taken Ha Jin to.

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Ji Hyun Geun gets arrested for stalking and abducting Yeo Ha Jin. Although Ha Jin is safe recovering in the hospital, the only thing on her mind is Jeong Hoon. Meanwhile, Hyun Geun meets face-to-face with Moon Seong Ho and enlightens him with what Jeong Hoon has been doing.

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第21集 河京与赵益权互生情愫

23 de abril de 202035m

Jeong Hoon visits Ji Hyun Geun behind bars, and Ha Jin returns home safely. With their first kiss still on her mind, she asks Jeong Hoon to help her with her lines. Meanwhile, Ha Kyung and Il Kwon have their first workout together.

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第22集 河珍与政勋第一次幸福约会

23 de abril de 202035m

Sung Hyuk asks Jeong Hoon if he is really in love with Ha Jin. Chul comes to Ha Jin to apologize, but Ha Kyung never accepts his apology. Jeong Hoon tells Tae Eun that he is in a serious relationship with Ha Jin, and Tae Eun wants to stop Jeong Hoon. Meanwhile, Jeong Hoon and Ha Jin have an official first date.

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第23集 河珍想起往事让河京害怕

29 de abril de 202035m

Ha Jin asks Ha Kyung questions about Yeong. When she does, Ha Kyung is worried that she gets her unbearable memories back, so she beats about the bush. After the happening, Ha Kyung tells Tae Eun about how Ha Jin is getting pieces of her memories back and how it worries her. Despite what's ahead of Ha Jin, she spends a blissful moment with Jeong Hoon.

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第24集 文成浩逃脱威胁政勋

29 de abril de 202035m

Ha Jin sneaks out late at night to watch a movie with Jeong Hoon. After watching the film, they see Ha Kyung with Il Kwon together. Meanwhile, Moon Seong Ho tries to kill himself and gets taken to the hospital, and Professor Yoo meets with Ha Jin and tells her about Jung Seo Yeon, Jeong Hoon's first love.

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第25集 河珍被吓晕恢复当年全部记忆

30 de abril de 202035m

Ha Jin remembers everything about Seo Yeon and collapses. Moon Seong Ho is on the loose, and Jeong Hoon resorts to his news program to ask the viewers for their help in apprehending him. Meanwhile, Ha Jin visits Seo Yeon at the columbarium.

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第26集 河珍忍痛提出与李政勋分手

30 de abril de 202035m

Ha Jin tells Jeong Hoon that she wants to go back to the time when they weren’t in any relationship. Jeong Hoon doesn’t want to let Ha Jin go. Il Kwon waits for Ha Kyung in front of her house. Ha Jin overworks herself so that she can’t think of anything else. Meanwhile, Ha Jin's drama is halted due to the budget problem.

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第27集 刘泰恩痛斥父亲利用李政勋

6 de mayo de 202035m

After breaking up with Jeong Hoon, Ha Jin spends every day in sorrow because her feelings for Jeong Hoon are still strong. Although she really misses him and is moved by Jeong Hoon’s continuous caring gestures, she is determined to end the relationship for the sake of Seo Yeon. Meanwhile, Tae Eun finds a rough copy of a book about Jeong Hoon’s condition at his father’s office.

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第28集 李政勋与文成浩搏斗中受伤

6 de mayo de 202035m

Tae Eun delivers the message that he would take legal measures if the book were to be published with his patient’s detailed information. Meanwhile, Jeong Hoon gets a phone call from Seong Ho. When Jeong Hoon finally confronts Seong Ho, he gets stabbed as he’s recovering Seo Yeon’s urn. Ha Jin rushes to the hospital as soon as she hears about it.

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Soo Chang tells Jeong Hoon that he has a huge scoop. Tae Eun turns himself in saying that he violated the medical law by disclosing his patient’s information. Tae Eun tells Jeong Hoon not to hold himself back. Sung Hyuk is angry by the fact that Tae Eun reported Sung Hyuk to the police.

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Ha Jin and Jeong Hoon become the public’s worse enemy as their relationship gets exposed. Their reputations are tarnished and things go sour for their career as well. Ha Jin decides to go to the States to start fresh and meets up with Jeong Hoon one last time. She doesn’t want to harm Jeong Hoon by keeping the relationship, so she breaks up with him.

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第31集 河珍返回韩国与李政勋偶遇

13 de mayo de 202035m

When Ha Jin returns to Korea after 2 years in the US, she accidentally bumps into Jeong Hoon. Although they have feelings for each other, it’s not easy for them to open up to each other after a long time. Eventually, when they keep bumping into each other, Jeong Hoon finally opens up to Ha Jin and confesses how he started regretting the moment after they broke up.

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第32集 河珍与李政勋当众表白捍卫爱情

Final de temporada
13 de mayo de 202035m

When Jeong Hoon confesses his feelings to Ha Jin, she also admits that her feelings for him are still valid. Both finally decide to prioritize their feelings over all other circumstantial factors. Later, Jeong Hoon introduces Ha Jin to his father as well as to his mother’s grave. Jeong Hoon still worries how all memories, good or bad, will linger in his memory, but he realizes it’s important to live every moment of life to the fullest with your loved ones.

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