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Young Rock (2021)

TV-14 Comedy
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A comedy about a little kid who dreamed big.


As Dwayne Johnson runs for president in 2032, he takes a comedic look back at his extraordinary life through the outrageous stories of his family and youth that shaped him into the man he is today. He explores his childhood years living amid influential wrestling icons while his dad rose to fame in the business, his rebellious teenage years attending high school in Pennsylvania, and his football years teamed up with powerhouse players at the University of Miami. In his telling, Johnson explains that while his experiences have been larger than life, he remains a down-to-earth guy who still relates to the American people.

  1. Nahnatchka Khan


  2. Jeff Chiang


Series Cast

  1. Dwayne Johnson as Dwayne Johnson

    Dwayne Johnson

    Dwayne Johnson

    36 Episodes

  2. Joseph Lee Anderson as Rocky Johnson

    Joseph Lee Anderson

    Rocky Johnson

    36 Episodes

  3. Stacey Leilua

    Ata Johnson

    36 Episodes

  4. Ana Tuisila

    Lia Maivia

    36 Episodes

  5. Adrian Groulx as Dwayne Johnson (Age 10)

    Adrian Groulx

    Dwayne Johnson (Age 10)

    36 Episodes

  6. Bradley Constant as Dwayne Johnson (Age 15)

    Bradley Constant

    Dwayne Johnson (Age 15)

    36 Episodes

  7. Uli Latukefu as Dwayne Johnson (Age 18-20)

    Uli Latukefu

    Dwayne Johnson (Age 18-20)

    36 Episodes

  8. Fasitua Amosa as Sika Anoa'i

    Fasitua Amosa

    Sika Anoa'i

    36 Episodes

  9. John Tui as Afa Anoa'i

    John Tui

    Afa Anoa'i

    36 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 3


2022 • 13 Episodes

Season 3 of Young Rock premiered on November 4, 2022.

False Ceilings

(3x13, February 24, 2023) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Young Rock
Young Rock


Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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