Jaksot 22


When You're Confused

9 kesäkuu 202142m

The fate of a troubled relationship is at the hands of an ex-partner.

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Acting Normal

16 kesäkuu 202142m

Andi finds herself in the middle of Fatima and Karen, who both want Zac.

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The Gift of Goodbye

23 kesäkuu 202142m

Zac helps a passenger retrieve an item she left on a plane, and the tip she gives him could be life-changing.

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Just a Talk

30 kesäkuu 202142m

Gary decides to surprise And in a way to truly show his love her her, but those close to her are filled with doubt

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Being a Boy

7 heinäkuu 202142m

Zac reveals his feelings for Fatima to Karen; Andi and Gary develop a problem in bed.

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The Chase

14 heinäkuu 202142m

The men in these relationships are ready for the next level commitments, but the ladies are reluctant

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Protecting Myself

21 heinäkuu 202142m

Andi is walking a thin line while trying to keep the peace and stay out of Fatima, Karen and Zac's love triangle.

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Little White Lies

28 heinäkuu 202142m

Fatima believes she’s caught Gary in a compromising position and calls Andi to rush home to drop in on him unexpectedly.

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Complicated Situations

4 elokuu 202142m

Kuvaus ei ole käännetty kielellesi. Auta meitä laajentamaan tietokantaamme lisäämällä sellainen.

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Run Tell That

11 elokuu 202142m

Zac’s investment pays off in a major way; Danni begins to figure out how to move past her toxic relationship cycles

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Unlock It

18 elokuu 202142m

And I has a sudden change of heart after another one of Gary’s antics strikes home

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The Dollar Store

13 lokakuu 202142m

Maurice faces a harrowing experience; Aaron is determined to win Karen's heart; Zac wants to include fatima in an important decision.

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Water Under the Bridge

20 lokakuu 202142m

Sabrina and Maurice have a scary encounter at the bank; Calvin delivers a blow Sabrina was not expecting and may not recover from.

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One Word Answers

27 lokakuu 202142m

Sabrina and Maurice have an awkward encounter with Calvin and a guest; Andi faces off with Gary; danni and Preston let their guards down; Karen makes a mistake in the heat of the moment.

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Unknown Caller

3 marraskuu 202142m

Karen urgently tries to get in touch with Zac; Maurice drops some pearls of knowledge on Sabrina; Robin keeps making moves on Andi; Hayden stirs up trouble for Zac and Fatima.

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At Seven

10 marraskuu 202142m

Hayden tries to provoke Zac; Jacobi makes a peace offering to Sabrina; Karen seeks closure; Maurice offers Calvin advice; Gary's therapist crosses the line.

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Burning Taboo

17 marraskuu 202142m

And I calls Robin after having a drink and it leads to Robin’s hotel room.

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From A Woman

24 marraskuu 202142m

Danni has second thoughts about asking Preston for space when it doesn’t look they way it should

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The Wild Card

1 joulukuu 202142m

Andi has decided she wants to let go and be uninhibited with Robin, but she has no idea just how wild Robin's inhibitions may run.

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We Got Time

8 joulukuu 202142m

Karen confronts Fatima; Maurice agrees to meet Que at the police stationary he turns himself in; Zac and Karen finally have a conversation

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Curve Balls

15 joulukuu 202142m

The aftermath of a slip up causes life altering decisions to be made.

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A Woman's Work

Season Finale
22 joulukuu 202142m

A girls' night out leads to bizarre bedfellows the next morning, Zac struggles with the pressure when Hayden gets on his case, and a revelation drives a wedge between Maurice and Sabrina.

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