The Great North bediscussiëren

It's been an interesting Winter in Lone Moose, Alaska. First off, did anyone watch "Season 1"? Second, did anyone notice anything interesting going on with the Tobin family? I was on the fence until the third episode, where Wolf and Moon engineered a "barter train" that led to overripe Avocados. Since Avocados grow quite well down here in Hawaii, I wondered how far Honeybee's "Avocado pits to fresh Avocados" thing would fly in blizzard-prone Alaska. It's been an up and down ride from a Moose-mangled Sweet Sixteen party to Wolf and Honeybee tying the knot. ("Curling is a sport of Passion!?" A "Bear Grylls"-like public access TV star is a dangerous has-been? Gender lines are extremely fluid in the 49th state? "Dynasty" on VHS is a big thing?) Lone Moose isn't Cicely, but it is just down the road from The Brick and KBHR AM.;)

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