Episodes 26


Pingu et le ski de fond

June 17, 19955m

Pingu fait une course de ski de fond avec Pingo. Mais qui gagne?

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Pingu au musée

June 22, 19955m

Pingu et Robby visitent le musée mais ils s'amusent comme des fous !

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Grand-père vient rendre visite

June 29, 19955m

Father is cooking dinner, and Pingu and Pinga are laying the table – except that Pingu is juggling the beakers and Pinga is enjoying watching the act! Father then comes out of the kitchen, and tells them to hurry up and finish off laying the table. After Pingu finishes up he reads a book, while Pinga prepares the chairs. There is a knock on the door - Grandfather has arrived. After greeting the children Grandfather gives them each a lollipop to suck. Father comes and greets Grandfather, and then takes the lollipops away from the children and puts them away, much to their disgust. Grandfather and the children then sit down at the table, and while they are waiting for the food Grandfather amuses them with a trick, making a flower disappear and then finding it again behind Pinga’s head. Father then appears with the fish part of the main course; Pingu grabs the biggest fish (his fish) much to Pinga’s dismay. Father brings the vegetables, lectures Pinga that she should not have the biggest fish and gives her the little fish. They all finish off their fish, and they are forced to eat their greens, which they don't like. Grandfather tries to feed Pinga hers, but she refuses and shoves the bowl to Grandfather, who reluctantly finishes them off. Pingu then also shoves his bowl of greens to Grandfather, who eats those as well! Father then brings out a large chocolate cake for pudding and dishes out portions all round. The children tuck in but Grandfather is too full to eat his. Pingu and Pinga then each take a second slice, and so does Father. However, Grandfather doesn't want to eat his. Father wants to know why, and he finds out that Grandfather has ate all of Pingu and Pinga's greens. Father tells off the children for spoilng Grandfather's appetite by refusing to eat their greens and making him eat all of them. By then Pingu has finished his second slice of cake so he snaps at Father, and he takes Grandfather’s unwanted slice and tucks it, finishing up the cake. While Father eats his angrily, Pingu and Pinga snuggle with Grandfather.

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La longue journée de Pingu

July 6, 19955m

Pingu is on his way home with his sledge when he sees a poster showing a tropical paradise. He is excited, and when he gets home goes into the shed. A lot of sawing and banging is heard. This catches the attention of Pinga, who is playing nearby, and she goes to listen at the door. Pingu tells her to go away. Pingu goes back into the shed to finish off the changes he is making to his sledge – he has put on a deck, and a mast for a sail. He finishes off by putting a small barrel on the sledge. He then raids the igloo for food, taking a fish and a loaf of bread, which he puts into the barrel. He leaves the shed and Pinga goes in, and is surprised to see what Pingu has been doing. She attempts to get into the barrel, but with both her and Pingu’s food supplies it’s too full. To make room she takes out the food and hides it in a nearby box, and gets into the barrel. Pingu then returns with a cloth that he puts on top of the barrel and sets off, pushing the sledge. After a while he’s a bit tired and peckish, so he stops for a rest and a snack. He takes the cloth off the barrel, and is surprised when the barrel jumps about. Pingu is then annoyed when Pinga pops up out of the barrel, and even more annoyed when he discovers that the food he put in the barrel is not there! Pinga then produces a couple of lollipops from her satchel that they eat. They continue on the long journey and stop when they reach another poster. Pinga cries because she is hungry and wants to go home, so Pingu consoles her and they set off home, arriving as it’s getting dark and the stars begin to come out. They go into the igloo and rapturously greet Mother, who has just finished baking a chocolate cake and seems blissfully unaware of their adventure, and they all sit down to eat.

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Pingu fait semblant d'être malade

July 13, 19955m

Pingu faisait semblant d'être malade pour ne pas aller à l'école.

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Pingu le peintre

July 20, 19955m

Pingu décide de faire de la peinture, mais pour dessiner Robby, c'est pas facile quand il bouge...

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La blague de Pingu

July 27, 19955m

Pingu et Pingo embêtent un manchot pour que Pingo ait plus de cookies.

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Pingu et la maman oiseau

August 3, 19955m

Une maman oiseau profite de l'absence de Pingu pour voler ses poissons pour nourrir ses petits.

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Pingu se dispute avec sa maman

August 13, 19955m

Pingu veut jouer au basket avec Pingo, mais sa mère n'est pas d'accord: il a du bois à couper

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Pingu et le message dans la bouteille

August 17, 19955m

Pingu et Pingo trouvent une bouteille qui contient une...carte au trésor !

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Pingu a une idée

August 24, 19955m

Pingu essaie d'actionner le tourne-disque en faisant de l'électricité statique (qui ne marche pas trop)

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Pingu et le vase cassé

August 31, 19955m

En se disputant avec Pinga, Pingu casse accidentellement le vase de maman

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L'avion de papier

September 7, 19955m

Pingo fait punir Pingu par Pingalo en faisant un avion de papier. Pingu décide de se venger.

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Pingu prend sa revanche

June 13, 19965m

Pingu fait sa revanche sur Ping en sciant le pont qui mène à sa maison, mais en tombant dans l'eau, il se retrouve givré !

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Pingu fait une erreur

June 20, 19965m

Pingu is looking after a neighbour’s egg, which is on a padded sledge outside the neighbour’s igloo, while she and Mother go out. It doesn’t take long before he starts to get restless. Then Pingo arrives, and Pingu abandons looking after the egg in favour of a game of ball with Pingo. A little while later, when Pingu goes past the sledge to recover an over-hit ball, he notices with dismay that the egg has gone. He and Pingo can’t find the egg nearby and go off in search of it, with Pingu pulling the sledge. They spot it going into another neighbour’s igloo while this neighbour, who has tufts on her head, is distracted hanging out the washing. The other neighbour also has an egg, which is on a cot in the igloo. The run-away egg jumps onto the cot, knocking the other neighbours egg off onto the floor. Pingu and Pingo sneak into the igloo and recover the egg that’s on the floor, thinking it’s the one they’ve been chasing, and Pingu returns with the egg to the original neighbours igloo. This neighbour has returned home by the time that Pingu gets back, and she rewards him for looking after her egg with a lollipop. The egg that Pingu has returned then cracks open, and a baby penguin is born. The original neighbour is initially happy, but then sees that it’s not her baby as it has a yellow beak and a tuft on its head. She's angry with Pingu, and takes the lollipop away. Pingu then realises what has happened, explains, and he and the neighbour go to the other neighbours house, where the other egg has now hatched. The babies are united with their correct mothers, everyone is happy and Pingu gets the lollipop back.

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Pingu et le jouet

June 27, 19965m

Pingo a un nouveau camion de pompier. Cela n'intéresse pas Pingu qui le casse en lui donnant un coup de pied !

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Pingu le super-héros

July 4, 19965m

Pingu décide de devenir "SuperPingu". Mais au lieu de jouer dehors, il joue dans la maison...

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Le concours de pêche

July 11, 19965m

Pingu, Pingo and Pongi decide to have a fishing competition. When they arrive where they’re gong to fish they first have to cut holes in the ice. Pingu and Pingo do theirs quickly and start fishing, Pongi struggles to get the saw into the ice. Robby then pops up out of Pingu’s hole, and they all have a laugh at Pongi’s efforts. Robby then helps by cutting out the hole from underneath. Pongi then breaks his rod and has to repair it. Once they’ve all managed to get fishing nothing very much happens for a while and they have difficult in staying awake. Then a fish jumps out of Pongi’s hole and drops back into the water. Pingu tells Pongi that he wants to swap holes with him, which Pongi does reluctantly. After a while another fish jumps, this time from Pingu’s original hole. Pingu swaps with Pongi again, and manages to catch a small fish that he shows off to the others. Then Pongi gets a bite, and it takes all three of them working together to drag the huge fish out of the water. On the way home Pingu and Pingo push the large fish, with Pongi on top, up an incline and pause for breath. They start thinking about the feast they’re going to have on the huge fish. Pongi sees this and slides off down the slope on the other side, and away, much to Pingu and Pingo’s consternation.

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Pingu et la lettre

July 18, 19965m

Pingu a trouvé une lettre sur la table du salon. Il voulait le cacher mais...

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Pingu se sent abandonné

July 25, 19965m

Pingu is on a walk when he comes across Pingo and Robby playing badminton. He wants to join in, but they won’t let him. He mopes off to a nearby block of ice, where he finds a basket of fish. He’s about to look closer but Pingo tells him to leave it alone. Then Pingo hits the shuttlecock very high, and it lands on top of the ice block. Pingu goes up to the top of the block to get the shuttlecock but won’t return it except in exchange for their basket of fish. Pingo and Robby decide to play a trick on Pingu, so Robby gets a crab that they put under the fish before letting Pingu have the basket. Pingu puts his hand in the basket and is bitten by the crab, which holds on. Pingu is so startled he falls off the block of ice, and the crab makes good its escape. Robby is sympathetic about Pingu’s hurt hand, but then goes onto the top of the ice-block with Pingo and he and Pingo eat all of the fish except one. They then feel sorry for Pingu and take him the last fish, which he eats. Robby then gives Pingu his racket to use, and all three of them then play together happily.

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Pingu gagne le premier prix

August 1, 19965m

Pingu vient de gagner à la loterie, le premier prix est une... caisse pleine de poissons !

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Pingu et le fantôme

August 8, 19965m

Pingu effraie Pinga en se déguisant en fantôme. Mais il se fait vite démasqué.

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Pingu et la carte postale

August 15, 19965m

Pingu reçoit une carte postale d'une correspondante de Tahiti.

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La découverte de Pingu

August 22, 19965m

Pingu and Robby are sledging when they come across what appears to be the tail of a large fish sticking out of the ice, and anticipate a good meal. Pingu tries to pull it out of the ice, and gets annoyed when it won’t budge. Eventually they dig it out, still encased in ice, and take it home. Pingu stokes up the fire in the stove to melt the ice on their fish, while Robby gets the frying pan. The frying pan is put on top of the stove to warm up, and together Pingu and Robby lay the table in anticipation of a feast. A little while later all the ice has melted, and then they realise that what they’ve found is not a fish and, disappointingly, it’s not edible. Grandfather then comes to visit, and decides to call the curator of the museum to come and take a look at it. It turns out to be the missing figurehead of a boat on display at the museum, and the curator is very pleased that they’ve found it. Pingu, Robby and Grandfather accompany the curator when he takes the figurehead back to the museum, where a reception party is waiting, and Pingu and Robby have their photograph taken.

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Pingu vole

August 29, 19965m

Mother sends Pingu to the bakers to get some bread. He is just leaving when he sees the jam biscuits. He notices that the baker’s wife is distracted talking to another penguin and takes one of the biscuits. On the way home he starts eating it, but conceals it when a stranger walks past. He is still eating it when he gets home so he hides it behind his back. Mother eventually asks him what he is hiding and after Pingu tries to hide it, she demands to know what he has, so Pingu is forced to own up and Mother takes him back to the bakers to apologize, much to his dismay! Once there, Pingu is too unhappy to apologize and turns away. The baker comes outside and hears about what has happened and decides that as a punishment, Pingu should help him clean the chimney of the bakery, to which Pingu accepts. Pingu is sent onto the roof of the bakery to free the chimney brush, which has got stuck because the rope is tangled. Pingu untangles it, but unfortunately is still holding on to the rope when the baker tugs on the other end, and Pingu gets pulled down the chimney. As a thank-you the baker gives Pingu a cake in a bag, and he rushes home to show Mother. Mother is pleased and she and Pingu go into the bathroom to wash up. Pinga lookes curiously in the bathroom where they are washing up. But when Pingu and Mother come out, much to Pingu's dismay, they find Pinga eating Pingu's cake! Mother decides not to help him or let him make her apologize and bring it back, Pingu shouts at her in an attempt to get it back but Pinga still continues eating it. Pingu is not happy and tells her off.

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Pingu et le ballon perdu

Season Finale
September 5, 19965m

Pingu jouait au patin à glace avec ses copains sans se rendre compte du ballon qui disparaît.

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