Michio Kaku jako Self - Dr. Theoretical Physics Professor

Epizody 47

A Maldição de Oak Island


Durante mais de 200 anos, exploradores desembarcam em Oak Island em busca da lendária fortuna supostamente enterrada em seus domínios.

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Profecias Sombrias


Profetas modernos, premonições catastróficas e revelações sobre crimes vindouros. Um olhar sobre a possibilidade de se prever o futuro e de que maneira esse conhecimento poderia ser aproveitado para evitar algum evento fatal.

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Civilizações Perdidas


Impérios colossais desaparecem sem deixar rastro e os cientistas investigam o que poderia fazer com que civilizações antigas e culturas misteriosas abandonassem suas cidades e jamais retornassem.

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Seitas Mortais


Manipulação religiosa, suicídios em massa e assassinatos. Descubra como os cultos mais perigosos da história persuadiram seus seguidores a assassinar membros da seita ou mesmo cometer suicídio.

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A Terra apresenta fenômenos climáticos misteriosos: uma casa que se esquiva da trajetória de um tornado, chuva que cai do céu como sangue e raios que perseguem pessoas dentro de casa.

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O Mistério das Pedras


Ao longo da história, existiram crenças sobre pedras com o poder de escolher reis e matar pessoas. Conheça a história de meteoritos milagrosos que caíram céu e rochas consideradas sagradas que já foram a causa de guerras.

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Vampiros e Lobisomens


Conheça o caso de seres como Drácula, Licaón de Arcádia e a Besta de Gévaudan. Monstros grotescos que assombraram diversas gerações ao longo da história.

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Animais com Poderes


Conheça um cachorro que detecta o câncer mais rápido que os médicos e seus sofisticados equipamentos, um cavalo que lê mentes e pássaros que pressentem desastres dias antes que ocorram.

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As Grandes Fugas


Desvende a lógica por trás dos truques de Houdini, a famosa fuga de Alcatraz e a história de uma suposta ajuda para um sobrevivente do 11 de Setembro.

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O Potencial dos Sentidos


Os 5 sentidos permitem perceber o mundo tal como ele é. Veja o que acontece quando alguém tem seus sentidos ampliados, modificados ou eliminados.

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Maldições Misteriosas


De lagos que se transformam em túmulos a números que provocam catástrofes ou pinturas que trazem desgraças aos seus donos, é possível encontrar uma explicação para o poder destas misteriosas maldições.

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A Verdade Sobre os Óvnis


OVNIs seriam naves extraterrestres tripuladas por seres de outro mundo? O que o governo americano sabe sobre a sua origem e seus pilotos?

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Um Mundo Subterrâneo


O Hipogeu de Hal Saflieni e a cidade de Derinkuyu sugerem que podem existir estruturas subterrâneas que, apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, ainda permanecem ocultas.

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Pessoas com Vidas Duplas


Pessoas que levam uma segunda vida o fazem por diversas razões. Romances proibidos, problemas financeiros, o desejo de enganar os outros ou até mesmo a fuga da própria realidade.

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Serial Killers


The total disregard for life exhibited by serial killers shocks our sense of humanity and makes us question our safety and security. These sadistic psychopaths rarely show any remorse or empathy for the lives they've destroyed. How could human beings be capable of these horrific atrocities? And what causes such a murderous defect in the human psyche?

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The Mystery of Plagues


On March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization declared that the outbreak of the lethal Coronavirus had become a worldwide pandemic. We'll examine some of the most devastating plagues in human history, as well the scientific advances to combat these diseases, including the development of Edward Jenner's vaccine for smallpox in the 1790s. Jenner's vaccine was one of the first major breakthroughs in modern medicine and helped to end humanity's superstitious attitude towards disease. But in the future, might we face diseases that are different from the ones we've experienced in the past?

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Mysteries of the Moon


For centuries, humanity has looked up at the Moon with a sense of wonder. But is the Moon just a rock floating in space? Or could it hold profound secrets—and perhaps even possess incredible powers? That is what we will try and find out.

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Outrageous Robberies

Season Finale

Will we ever understand the motivations that drive people to undertake the most bizarre, intricate, and dangerous crimes -- or will the mind of a master criminal remain - UnXplained?

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The Hunt for Hidden Treasures


Sunken ships filled with priceless cargo. Lost cities of gold. Ancient temples concealing untold riches. There's something about these hidden treasures that captures the human imagination. But are lost treasures merely the stuff of legend? Or could they actually be real?

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Satanic Encounters


For thousands of years, people have believed in the existence of Satan, the embodiment of evil. Some believe he has the power to possess souls and create mayhem amongst humanity. But is Satan a myth? Or are there signs of Satan's existence--and the evil he brings into our world?

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Throughout history, many have sought the lost Ark of the Covenant. According to the Old Testament, God himself instructed Moses to build the Ark--and it is believed that it held the power of the Almighty. But how could such a coveted religious artifact just disappear? And is it possible that the Ark could actually be found?

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Apocalypse When?


Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been fixated on predicting our own demise. Perhaps it will be asteroids, black holes, or something even more mysterious that will wipe us out. But is there anything we can do to predict the future and protect ourselves from apocalypse? Will our civilization end--or will we find a way to evolve and endure?

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Secrets of the Immortals


Sacred waters with remarkable healing powers. Ancient mystics who lived for hundreds of years. A scientific breakthrough may provide the answers to eternal life. Throughout history many have searched for the secret to everlasting life, but so far, it's eluded them. But is it possible to cheat death and live forever? What if, by re-examining ancient teachings and harnessing modern technology, we could eventually become immortal?

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Sacred Bones


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Mysteries of Mars

Season Finale

Ancient cataclysms are believed to have left Mars barren, but science continues to find clues that this red planet was once blue and capable of producing life. For centuries, humanity has been fixated on Mars, the glowing red orb in the night sky. As a new era of exploration of the Red Planet begins, humans are on the cusp of finally solving the Red Planet's mysteries.

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Mysterious Ancient Ruins


Ancient ruins fascinate us, and some archaeological finds are so baffling that they challenge everything we know about the past. Will we ever learn the truth about these mysterious ruins? Or will they continue to present more questions than answers?

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The Mystery of Genius


Genius is widely considered to be the ability to change the world in an incredible way: inventing new technology, deciphering the mysteries of the universe, or creating transcendent art. But where does genius come from? What is the X-factor that makes someone a genius? Is it "good genes"? A proper education? Or do geniuses tap into something much more mysterious and extraordinary?

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What Lies Below?


More than 80% of the Earth's oceans remain unexplored, and in many ways, the underwater world is the final frontier. As new technology allows us to explore oceans and deep lakes more than ever before, what will we find? Will we discover profound secrets about the oceans? Underwater ruins that were lost for thousands of years? Or perhaps something even more extraordinary?

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Secrets of Abandoned Places


From the ancient Babylonian's to modern day urban explorers, mankind has always been fascinated by abandoned places. What is the allure that draws us to these post-apocalyptic landscapes? Is it simply morbid curiosity? Or, something harder to define? Could abandoned places actually be places of 'magic'--as the ancients believed? Well, that is what we will try and find out.

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Acts of God


There are some events that are so destructive, so astounding, or truly miraculous -- that for the faithful -- they must be directed by the hand of the Almighty. The Great Flood. The Plagues of Egypt. Sodom and Gomorrah. Moses Parting the Red Sea.

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Serial Killer Creatures


The animal kingdom is full of deadly predators, and some of them attack in extraordinary and inexplicable ways. Do some animals strike back at humans for reasons beyond normal defense and hunger? Can they have emotions like anger or a desire for revenge? Despite our technological advancement, do animals pose a greater threat to us than we realize for reasons that we cannot explain?

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Mysterious Tombs


Throughout history, humans have buried their dead in caves or chambers, in pyramids or in some form of a tomb; ancient tombs were visual memorials for the dead; in China, a vast necropolis was constructed as a way to connect to the afterlife.

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Uncanny Curses


All over the world, there are places and objects that are thought to be cursed; many people avoid these locations and things, believing they will bring harm, while others think that curses are nothing more than superstition and folklore.

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Superhuman Feats


Whether surviving freezing temperatures, diving unfathomable depths in one breath, or lifting weighty objects, superhuman feats never cease to amaze; pulling them off could be a matter of training, willpower, genetics, or something more mysterious.

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Mysteries of the Missing Link


Today, human civilization spans the globe, and there are more than 7 billion people on Earth. But how did humanity evolve? Although many around the globe believe that the divine hand of God placed homo sapiens on Earth, were there other kinds of human-like creatures--cousins of man--that could have been just as intelligent as us? And if so, might these other species still exist today, perhaps in remote parts of the world?

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Surviving the Impossible


Humans can survive catastrophic injuries and deadly scenarios that defy the odds in ways that are inexplicable; these survivals challenge the best attempts to explain how anyone could live through such circumstances.

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The Search For King Arthur


King Arthur, England's first pop culture superhero; his exploits inspired blockbuster movies and television series like "Middle Earth", "Harry Potter", "Game of Thrones" and "Star Wars"; the significant impact of Arthurian legend on Western culture.

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Wonders of the Ancient World


Remarkable feats of engineering from our ancient past span the globe. Some are amazing in size. Others in sophistication. Some are so strange they border on inexplicable. Did the ancients have advanced scientific knowledge that has been lost to time? How--and why--did they fashion these incredible wonders?

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The Hunt For Jack The Ripper


Who was Jack the Ripper? The question has baffled police investigators, historians, and armchair detectives for over a century. Countless books, movies, and television shows have been based on the Ripper's murderous exploits each with their own unique take on the killer's identity. Was he an accomplished surgeon? A member of the British royal family? Did he actually exist at all? Over 130 years later, are we any closer to the identity of one of history's most notorious serial murderers?

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The Search for Extraterrestrial Life


Space. The Final Frontier--and the ultimate mystery. Scientists are involved in a never-ending quest to understand the vast universe our planet inhabits. But it seems that for each answer science provides, even more questions arise. Our own solar system is populated by mysterious objects and phenomenon that seem to defy our attempts to understand them. And when we get deeper into space, the mysteries only deepen. What could lay beyond the confines of the Milky Way? Are there galaxies similar to our own? Could they be capable of sustaining intelligent life? And is that life trying to contact us?

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Real Life Monsters


For centuries, fantastic tales of terrifying monsters have fascinated mankind. Bizarre beasts of all shapes and sizes have been portrayed in some of history's most classic stories and folklore. But what if these creatures were more than just works of imagination and superstition? Could these stories of legendary creatures be inspired by actual events and where does the line between fact and fiction fall? Do these famous monsters still lurk in the dark corner of our globe today?

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America's Lost Treasures


For hundreds of years there have been legends of vast treasures hidden throughout the United States. Stories of stolen gold, piracy, murderous revenge, but are these legends of lost treasures tall tales? Or is it possible that these valuables are out there, waiting to be discovered?

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The Bermuda Triangle and the Beyond


All over the world are forbidden 'triangles'--mysterious regions where ships, planes, and people enter and then just disappear. They are found in Bermuda, Alaska, Japan and elsewhere. But why? Do these locations defy the laws of physics? Or is it possible that there are some places on Earth that we are simply not meant to go?

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Secrets of the Founding Fathers


The Founding Fathers established the pillars of freedom and democracy in the United States; more than two centuries after their bold vision came to life, new information has emerged about the agendas and secrets of these important historical figures.

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The Weird Wild West


The American frontier is full of legends of cowboys, Native Americans, and outlaws. But there are also many eerie stories of cursed mountains, monsters and even UFOs. Could these tales be true? Is the Wild West much stranger than commonly though?

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Devastating Disasters


In our modern world, we tend to think that technology and scientific knowledge can help protect us from almost anything, including natural disasters. But is that really true? Or are we just as vulnerable today in the face of raging fires, violent earthquakes, and destructive hurricanes as our ancestors were in the past?

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Mysterious Monoliths

Season Finale

All over the world, there are giant monoliths that our ancient ancestors carved out of solid rock. But what was the purpose of these huge stone monuments? Did they serve some kind of ritual function? Were they intended to honor the gods? Or is it possible that, as some believe, certain monoliths were actually designed to conduct energy?

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