Über RuPaul diskutieren

Item: RuPaul

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Duplicate

Extra Details: Please remove ALL EXCEPT ONE (i.e. remove 2 out of 3 of) this, this, and this English posters I uploaded. They are duplicates (wasn't sure to what extent to downscale the image).

Please remove ALL EXCEPT ONE (i.e. remove 2 out of 3 of) this, this, and this backdrops I uploaded. They are duplicates (wasn't sure whether or not to downscale, and if so, to what extent).

EDIT: Please remove ALL EXCEPT ONE (i.e. remove 6 out of 7 of) this, this, this, this, this, this, and this backdrops I uploaded. They are duplicates (wasn't sure which, of three versions, was the better original image, and for each, whether or not to downscale/to what extent to downscale).

EDIT x2: Please remove ALL EXCEPT ONE (i.e. remove 2 out of 3 of) this, this, and this backdrops I uploaded. They are duplicates (wasn't sure to what extent to downscale the image).

EDIT x2: Please remove ALL EXCEPT ONE (i.e. remove 2 out of 3 of) this, this, and this English posters I uploaded. They are duplicates (wasn't sure to what extent to downscale the image).

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I removed all versions of this very low quality image: https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/vUEKFFPIhMx2twgAPpPFJcnGJvI.jpg

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