
I actually only saw one episode so far, as I'm watching it with someone else and that person hasn't been available this weekend for more than one episode. I'm going to continue as soon as I'm able however.

Anyway, people have long complained that their main problem with Marvel is that it hasn't been dark and serious enough. From the episode I've watched, this one is pretty dark and serious, I mean one of the main protagonists straight up murders someone in the first episode without remorse. However, the reviews have been comming in, and you know what they are mainly complaining about? Helstrom is way too dark and serious for Marvel. o_O

You get what you ask for I guess.

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I didn't think it's too dark. I found the writing subpar and very under-acted. Made it all the way to the 10th episode. Don't feel I'm going to check in for the second season, though.

@dødsriget said:

I didn't think it's too dark. I found the writing subpar and very under-acted. Made it all the way to the 10th episode. Don't feel I'm going to check in for the second season, though.

There's unlikely to be a second season. This was made to fulfill Jeph Loeb's Marvel Television's last contract made just before Feige took control of all of Marvel. It's not even part of the MCU (didn't even get the Marvel moniker attached to it).

Also, rumor has it Disney is considering adding an Adult section to their Disney+ service, which would pretty much signal the end of Hulu (since Disney wouldn't have a use for it anymore).



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