Diskuter Star Trek: Picard

Frankly this whole thing just feels like when they dragged Leonard Nimoy into the Jar Jar movies to get more butts into the theater. Overall it dosn't even feel like its in the same universe as the TNG show. And seems like another cliche plot about some girl with something special that needs to be protected for some reason.

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I takes place in the Kelvin timeline of the movies not the OT of TNG .yeah and there seemed to be similar production troubles behind the scenes as Discovery.Also the fact that Netflix had rejected the series because it didn't met their expectations and that Amazone Prime demanded complete rewrites of the show CBS had offered them doesn't seem encouraging either.Also it this moment because of the new deal with Amazon(The Picard series) and the former deal with Netflix(Discovery plus all the former Trek series) make foreign revenues and distribution uncertain.

There's also some kind of a MAGIC GIRL in the PICARD STORY who can DISAPPEAR into THIN AIR after she JUMPS off the side of the STAIRS of a BUILDING.

She is a female incarnation of the TNG character The Traveler (who became Wesley's mentor)

Hence why I said a female incarnation of The Traveler

@Invidia said:

Since she comes from VOYAGER, what kind of a connection do you think she'd have with PICARD and whatever he's up to in this NEW SHOW???


Both were part of the Borg Collective.

Oh NO Borgs .......AGAIN ! (start the music Johnny ,you know the Benny Hill end credit music with images of bumbling Borgs)


Really the series sounds like former CBS director Les Moonves wet dream all the dumb shit he forced onto ENT (time travel,Borg,Klingons too advanced technology) he put into DISC and it it seems that people of the current production team listened to his dumb ideas and took them seriously,And even though after VOY turned the Borg into the neighborhood's bumbling idiots ENT managed at least to make the Borg scary again Picard is probably going to f this up by having too many Borg related stories(The point of the Borg is they can be truly scary but only if used with moderation)

Ok. So in what sense would this YOUNG WOMAN be the INCARNATION of the TRAVELER???

I meant the female VERSION of the Traveler you know like Humans have males and females.

Is this one of his followers or someone he's MENTORED the same way as he did WESLEY??

No she herself is a Traveler just like the Traveler that mentored Wesley but only of the opposite sex ,she could perhaps be Wesley's daughter.

And WHY do you think 7 of 9 is in this SHOW???

For the same reason she was brought onto VOY ,tits and ass!but they probably have some feminist excuse to bring her onto the show although for the love of God I don't know why Picard (apart from having been part of the Borg collective)would have any interest in her also what would Chakotay think of Picard messin' with his partner?Do we get to see Chakotay kicking Picard's ass and beating him with his own walking stick?

But it seems that this show is going to be similar in tone like DISC season 1 ,that one has to have a supply of Prozac at hand while watching the show in order not to become depressed oneself.That doom and gloom shit has also lasted for too long what was cutting edge and original back in 2003 has now become stale and boring .This is another error the showrunners of the show are making that ALL PEOPLE want all these dark,moody and gritty shows while the current trend seems to be that people want more lighthearted and optimistic and bright shows(hence the popularity of The Orville)

Well since comedy central just started broadcasting The Orville over here one suspects that won't be happening soon.And a lot of other FOX shows can be viewed on Netflix

@Invidia said:

Bratface posted a message saying THE ORVILLE is also going to become part of a PAY PLAN like DISCOVERY and PICARD. So there goes another SHOW down the drain and now one is LEFT with NO SCI FI show that one can watch on a REGULAR TV channel anymore.



I'll check my Plex library when I have time - I'll bet there will be shows on there that are FTA you haven't watched yet.

@Invidia said:

What's FTA???

Free To Air

@Invidia said:

I should have said we'll be left with no NEW and POPULAR SCI FI show to watch

Now you put in stipulations! wink

Popular doesn't necessarily = good, though. Plus, judging from the negativity 'round these parts DSC isn't that popular (nor will Picard be).

Anyway, Killjoys is on SyFy. It's a bit low-budget and you need to start at the beginning as it's currently on it's fifth and final season and will make no sense to newbies.

Not SF, but fantasy, they also have probably my current favourite show: The Magicians. Imagine Harry Potter goes to university with sex, drugs and swearing. Doubt many of the people who post here are fans (strong women, gay people) but I love it! S3 was probably the strongest, though they're all pretty good. S5 due in January(?). Put it this way, very few shows elicit a physical reaction from me, but I clapped with joy at one scene in S3 and ugly cried at another in S4.

S1 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCMMNUAYoNE

Does SyFy still exist hasn't it been transformed into the Wrestlemania Channel or something like that?or turned into the Sharknado channel?

I don't dislike Burnham ,I dislike how poorly she was written in season 1 for the main protagonist which is something entirely different and why Star Trek died wasn't even a discussion we were having so where that comes from I don't know .

I was not pissy one was annoyed because one keeps asking the same questions again and again neither did I tell you to piss off stop making things larger than they really are.

I was not having preconceptions about what the series should be about since Star trek is a large franchise with a large and varied background the opportunities to try something new and different are numerous and should not be a problem since it is SF and Trek has changed on various occasions throughout it's history so to stay that the franchise had become stagnant or dead doesn't really seem to apply considering the succes of the reboot movies.And by the time that DISC was announced interest in the franchise hadn't been that high since 1994 (when Trek was at an all time high) So Star Trek is still very much alive.

Look I will always appreciate when somebody tries to do something different so I am not for sticking to the past.But considering the ample possibilities that CBS could have chosen for the series to take place in and for it to fully explore trying something different it choose rather poorly and it wouldn't have mattered so much if they hadn't put in already established characters ,ideas and concepts as fan service (to attract as many Trek fans as possible)even though that from a perspective of continuity and established canon these additions make very little sense or clash with continuity and established canon THAT is the main issue.

If DISC had just been about Burnham the Discovery and her crew without the addition of Sarek,Spock,different Klingons etc etc I would have had less problems with the show because it is trying to do it's own thing and trying to stand on it's own.But because CBS was afraid to miss out an a substantial amount of income from Trek fans and possibly for the sake of familiarity for fan service they introduced all these things from previously established Trek lore to make DISC more appealing and familiar to the fans as much as possible.Which turned out was the dumbest thing they could do.

So in stead of exploring the fullest potential of the show in trying something new it limited itself by placing it between ENT and TOS and more importantly in the Original Time line (OT) where there is already a lot of established canon one has to deal with,but since most of the things that people associate with Star trek comes from the OT (and the ability to draw in more fans) CBS choose for the series to take place in the OT.The smarter option for the series to try something new and entirely different to it's fullest potential without having to deal with tons of established canon was to have it take place after the reboot Kelvin Timeline (KT)movies. Also a lot of the designs of DISC (the interior of the Discovery,the way the Klingons look ) seem to suggest that the original showrunner Bryan Fuller was planning to do just that and was probably the reason why he got into conflict with CBS and got sacked even before an inch of footage was shot.

As for the "familiar additions"they also proved to be a limiting factor for DISC ,because by introducing them they prevented the show from becoming it's own thing and it became more about rehashing familiar concepts,ideas and characters then about trying something different and when it was trying to be different it clashed with these "familiar additions".That Invidia is DISC biggest problem.

And it looks with Picard they are making the same mistake again they have a character which is familiar which largely has a history in the OT and they suddenly place him in the KT after the destruction of Romulus an expecting Picard to kinda be the same Picard of the OT which I think that it is absurd to assume that the alterations in the Kelvin timeline would not have greatly affected events that took place in TNG,DS 9,VOY and the four TNG movies(ENT since it was a prequel to TOS was not affected by the alterations made in the KT or the OT)so who is not to say that the Picard from the Picard series should not be an entirely different character ,But let's for the sake that the writers did their homework and have taken this al into account, but now we have rumors that suggest various characters like 7 of 9,Data/B4,the Borg and Burnham will appear on the show, again makes no sense since these are all characters from the OT !! Who is to tell that 7 0f 9 /Annika never got assimilated by the Borg ,what if the Federation had no previous contact with the Borg in the KT? What if Data had not been blown up in Nemesis ? To assume that the events that took place in the KT during the TNG era would be similar to the events already established in OT is folly (it certainly did affect the introduction of Khan).As for Burnham travelling through time and to mirror universes is one thing but to travel to an alternate timeline is another.Also by introducing these familiar faces they again are restricting themselves because the writers now have to take OT established canon into account when writing their stories and make them fit the KT universe.

@Invidia said:

I've also just found this FACINATING LINK where they discuss the reasons why the ST SERIES DIED:


Not normally a fan of Quora, as it quite often just seems to be opinion rather than fact, but I can see Rodenberry's point. There are a few shows that I still follow that really should've been put to death long before now.

@Invidia said:

Never was a HARRY POTTER fan though … tried to watch the first FILM on HBO and couldn't even get through the damn thing.

Being a KID probably helps to endure it.

Don't read the books then!They start off quite well edited, but as they grew in popularity so did the page count. The last one went on for ages with a long, dull, camping trip.

Having a DEGREE in LIT almost makes watching it impossible due to the way it also takes FANTASY to the EXTREME END of plausibility.

But so does turning a MICROSCOPIC TARDIGRADE into a HUGE CREATURE and one also had no problem with watching that take place???


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

I wouldn't write off all fantasy.

Anyway, talking of reading and writing, if you're out of shows, why not try reading? There is plenty of good SF!

@Invidia said:


I LOVE this GUY in the MAGIC SHOW CLIP who was in an EPISODE of BSG (TNS) called THE FARM where he plays the part of a DOCTOR who REMOVED STARBUCK'S OVARY without her KNOWLEDGE or PERMISSION while treating her for a GUN SHOT WOUND.

https://www.themoviedb.org/person/61545-rick-worthy?language=en-US ? He starts off as a supporting character in "The Magicians" but gradually gets a bigger role. By S4 he even gets to sing in the musical ep. I mentioned they do one of those from time to time, didn't I? wink

@Invidia said:

Since the last ST MOVIE I saw was NEMESIS, and I haven't seen the REBOOT FILMS (because it was my understanding NEMESIS would also be the LAST ST FILM that would be made), I can't address that matter. But don't others here at tmdb who've seen them feel they were awful???

Others seem to think that pretty much everything is awful. Give them a go. I thought the first was a clever way to reboot but still keep ties with existing continuity. The second would've been fine if they hadn't denied who the antagonist was (if you missed the fuss, don't search and you may enjoy the film more) and the third was OK, if forgettable.


It seems that wherever a new Trek show is set - Prime, Kelvin or a potentially new timeline - people are going to complain.

  • Prime: Canon, tech.
  • Kelvin: We hate J J Abrams!
  • New: Why isn't it in the Prime Universe?

I thought Picard was set in the Prime Universe, anyway.

@Invidia said:

Found the SHOW LISTED for JULY 31ST at which time they'll air S1 Ep1, 2 and 3 starting at 5:30 AM

The show pretty much starts as it means to go on, so record 'em and give it a shot. If you're not liking it by then, it's not the show for you. Sadly Mme Le Marchand finds it too scary/bloody and won't watch shows where people have the same predilections as one of the antagonists and Mlle LeMarchand (did drama) says the acting is awful but, as she insists Jared "Sam Winchester" Padalecki is a good actor, what does she know? If you do decide to "catch up", there will be major spoilers about for some of the events you'll want to avoid.

@Invidia said:

I'm out of SCI FI TV shows to watch, but not other shows. And HBO also has WESTWORLD, a SCI FI show which will be back again for S3. Have you seen it before??? Odd Rob and I are having debates about what we think the 2 NEW PREVIEW videos mean.

Similarly to "The Magicians", I'm the only one who's interested in "Westworld" at home, so I'm way behind. Just started S2 as I'm wary of spoilers now that S3 is imminent. Really enjoyed S1 and the 2 eps I've managed of S2.

@Invidia said:

No you didn't mention he sings!!! Thanks for the LINKS and the HEADS UP about the show!!!

Well, he tries. I think only two of the cast have actually had proper musical training, but it's quite endearing that they all give it their best shot. If you want to hear him sing, the link below should open in full screen so that you avoid"suggested video" spoilers and is part of an hallucination, so no plot spoilers.


@Invidia said:

Is Jared also in this show??? I've ADORED him ever since he was RORY'S LOVE INTEREST in GILMORE GIRLS. heart_eyes

Is he a GUEST STAR??? Has SUPERNATURAL finally ended???

Sorry! I was trying to pick an example of a bad actor that Mlle LeMarchand thinks is good. As far as I can see he only has three expressions:

  1. Puppy dog eyes
  2. Nostril flaring
  3. I think I need a poo

Mind you, she's been watching him in Gilmore Girls too, so maybe he's forgotten how to act since. Supernatural's final season is starting this year. Rick Worthy (Dean Fogg in The Magicians and the doctor in BSG's The Farm ep) played the alpha vamp in a few episodes of Supernatural, and Felicia Day (Charlie in Supernatural) has a recurring role in The Magicians.

@Invidia said:

SPOILERS don't bother me, I'm always CHEATING and LOOKING AHEAD anytime that I can (so I can FLY into something with a PRE FLIGHT PLAN beforehand).

I'm the opposite - I like to go in fairly "blind". If I know I'll be watching something I sometimes don't even bother with trailers - and I always skip the "next episode" trailers on TV shows.

@Invidia said:

Thanks for the link !!!

Imo, The BLOND girl is the best vocalist, which also makes one wonder why the other girl in the LEAD of the pack pretends to be so impressed with the other one who shows up and calls her a SHOW OFF.

The blonde girl isn't bad, but (it's hard to make out) the latecomer (Kady) claims she has a four octave range - which is a big thing. I think she tries a bit too hard, but I'm prepared to forgive her after her burlesque act in an earlier episode stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye .

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