Epizodai 20



2022 spalio 1043m

Gdy wszyscy mają przerwę świąteczną, Spencer postanawia urządzić niesamowite przyjęcie bożonarodzeniowe z pomocą JJ i Ashera, aby zbliżyć się do Olivii. Jordan dostaje wiadomość dotyczącą jego ręki i nie jest pewien, co robić.


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Don’t Sweat the Technique

2022 spalio 1743m

Gdy życie Spencera osiąga punkt krytyczny, bohater korzysta z rad JJ i Coopa, aby przetrwać w college'u. Podejrzenia Olivii i Billy'ego dotyczące trenera Garretta wracają na tapetę, co wywołuje napięcie między nimi a Jordanem.


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Feeling Myself

2022 spalio 2443m

Spencer dołącza do Olivii w jej dążeniu do skłonienia byłych graczy do rozmowy o trenerze Garretcie i sprawy nabierają tempa.


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Turn Down for What

2022 lapkričio 743m

Wokół ślubu Grace i Cartera rodzą się nieporozumienia. Dodatkowo kolejne sekrety wychodzą na jaw podczas nocy gry Vortex.


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I Need Love

2022 lapkričio 1443m

Kiedy Spencer otrzymuje niepokojące wieści o swojej przyszłości, Billy pomaga mu opracować plan awaryjny. Layla składa Patience ofertę, której się nie spodziewała. Zmusza to bohaterkę do odbycia od dawna odkładanej rozmowy z Coopem.


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Can't Nobody Hold Me Down

2022 lapkričio 2143m

After what happens at the press conference, Spencer and Jordan try to secure as many commitments before the end of National Signing Day to help their team. Asher tries to capitalize on the unfortunate opportunity by swaying some new recruits with an assist from an unlikely source. Olivia is torn on how to publish her article while also protecting those she loves. Patience is pushed outside her comfort zone while shooting a music video. Meanwhile, Jordan and JJ throw a party that escalates and ends with Jordan witnessing a rude awakening.


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Hate It or Love It

2022 lapkričio 2843m

Spencer stara się poradzić sobie z konsekwencjami szokujących wiadomości i zwraca się do Billy'ego o pomoc. Jordan zastanawia się, jakie są jego priorytety, a Olivia czuje się rozdarta między pracą a rodziną.


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Feels So Good

2023 sausio 2343m

When Laura throws Billy a surprise birthday party, everyone comes together to roast Billy, but Billy has a looming decision hanging over his head. Spencer makes an effort to do what’s best for himself, hoping it helps Olivia and him take a step towards moving on. Jayme offers some sage advice to Asher about his speech with JJ, but she ignores her own about watching out for red flags. Meanwhile, Jordan and Layla get in their first fight over something neither of them could have predicted.


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Feel It In the Air

2023 sausio 3043m

When the Santa Ana winds blow into town, they seem to confirm Billy’s theory that they are a bad omen after he faces multiple setbacks. Spencer convinces a reluctant ally to speak their truth, but it doesn’t come without consequences. Jordan finds himself juggling too many secrets and accidentally lets one slip. Olivia throws herself into moving on and comes to an unexpected realization. Meanwhile, Skye offers to help Patience with her social media, leaving Coop’s and Skye’s relationship dynamic to change.


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2023 vasario 643m

While Billy preps his team for the combine, Spencer hears some news that leaves him rattled. Asher steps up to help Jaymee following her hospital visit but wishes he could do more, so Layla devises a clever plan that involves some unlikely couples ending up on unconventional dates. A plan that could also prove helpful to Olivia. Meanwhile Coop helps Preach prepare for his custody trial and Jordan is torn about how to handle a confrontation between Layla and Clay.


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2023 vasario 1343m

In an attempt to avoid one big life decision about his relationship with Olivia, Spencer decides to attend the Crenshaw combine with Jordan, even if it means having to avoid another big issue…being in the same place as Billy. Meanwhile, Layla clashes with her father over a decision she made about Keating Records, Olivia contends with success behind a pseudonym, Preach gets a surprise visit from Amina and Asher receives some life changing news. Despite how the day begins, no one is prepared for how it ends.


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Lost One

2023 vasario 2043m

When an unexpected event rocks both the Beverly Hills and Crenshaw communities, they come together to support each other in an unexpected way.


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Day Ones

2023 kovo 1343m

As Olivia struggles with the loss of her father, friends and family must set aside their grief to help as she fights to stay sober…but only one person can help her find peace in the midst of her pain.


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Make Me Proud

2023 kovo 2043m

Despite his grief, Jordan attempts to man up in his dad’s absence, but when Billy’s death is used to garner positive attention for the struggling GAU football program, Jordan is left wondering if his legacy is only to live in his father’s shadow. Back at the Baker house, no one knows how to confront Laura’s excessive den-mothering, and Patience gets ready for her extravagant video premiere event.


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United in Grief

2023 kovo 2743m

Spencer comes face to face with his grief and those he loves are collateral damage as he spirals into a person almost unrecognizable. Jordan tries to step up as a leader but no one's following, JJ makes a shocking appearance, and Layla urges Patience to beware of her #1 fan.


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My Name Is

2023 balandžio 1743m

Hoping to revive the GAU football program, Spencer and Jordan take a page from the Billy Baker playbook and revisit some former football stars as potential walk-ons…without Coach Kenny’s blessing. Olivia, Layla and Patience look for an escape from their current life stressors and ultimately rediscover themselves in the process. JJ tries to straddle football and the fraternity, and Coop gets great news but it may cost her something precious.


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Mask Off

2023 balandžio 2443m

It’s Spring Break for GAU, but the well-deserved break brings some big changes when an old friend surprises Spencer and Jordan, Olivia searches for the courage to share her truth, Patience has a decision to make as her career skyrockets, and Layla has an eye-opening conversation.


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This Is How You Do It

2023 gegužės 143m

The GAU football team is undergoing some growing pains and Spencer is challenged to try and bring them all together. Asher and Jaymee are ready to share their news but not everyone is supportive. Coop is stumbling on new challenges in class, and Olivia is learning that Jayden Davis stirred up more than the football team, but it ultimately sends her in an exciting new direction.


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2023 gegužės 843m

Olivia gets an exciting opportunity but has to decide if the timing is right for her to make a big leap. Coastal football training forces Spencer, Jordan and Asher to go look in on JJ who has been off the grid. Patience contends with major ramifications after she fails to heed Layla’s advice about her #1 fan.


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Now That We’ve Found Love

Season Finale
2023 gegužės 1543m

Dramatic changes are on the horizon for the whole gang; the road forward is destined to be influenced by the past.


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