Über Mystery Science Theater 3000 diskutieren

How do we get specials added to the show that's locked due to its canceled status? There's also an upcoming 13th season in March from the crowd-funded efforts of the creators so it's un-canceled or at least will need yet another entry for the new season. Either way is there anyone able to get specials added to the last 2 Jonah seasons. Specifically, on older seasons there are original unedited movies, turkey day thanksgiving bumpers, and other interviews, etc that should be added.

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Hows does one contact them? I'm only seeing names of top contributors, no messaging option. Could just be me.

@fugitivealien said:

Hows does one contact them? I'm only seeing names of top contributors, no messaging option. Could just be me.

Go to the support pages & leave your question there.


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