Discuter de Matkalla avaruuteen

Can't wait for the next season. I hope it gets one. It was mostly because of the acting and character development that I loved it but the twists were great too. I started the old show last week and I loved how the final episode of the new show had a harpoon just like in the first episode of the old one. The tie ins were great. The people and sci-fi stuff was believable so overall great new version of this show.

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Agreed! Although the water-freezing bit in episode 1 wasn't handled very well and was pretty silly. But for the most part this really hit the mark.

@warrior-poet said:

Agreed! Although the water-freezing bit in episode 1 wasn't handled very well and was pretty silly. But for the most part this really hit the mark.

I think they can kind of get away with it because it's another planet... Anyway It was only really a plot device they used that led to many other things in the show.

@Damienracer said:

@Je_suis_le_vampire_Lestat said:

Can't wait for the next season. I hope it gets one. It was mostly because of the acting and character development that I loved it but the twists were great too. I started the old show last week and I loved how the final episode of the new show had a harpoon just like in the first episode of the old one. The tie ins were great. The people and sci-fi stuff was believable so overall great new version of this show.

The cast (minus Parker Posey) are as boring as fuckk. Parker Posey saves the show. I've never seen a such a bunch of more utterly boring, contemptible earth humans ever in sci-fi.

If you think so that's your opinion and cool for you but I liked the family I felt like the characters were kind and relatable human beings. Apart from Dr. Smith and her little finger in space which I loved, my other favorite was Penny. The actress was excellent and good comic relief.

Oh God! Penny is just gross. Leave the wisecracking to Downey Jr please.

What so only Robert Downey Jr is allowed to make wise cracks now... And "gross" that's a bit extreme dude.

I'm enjoying the show. It's not like the original was very spot on scientifically anyway. I remember talking carrot people at one point. I like the cast and it's fun. Stray observation :if you gave this show a horrible review why did you watch it all the way through? That's my criticism of folks saying they forced themselves to watch it. I mean get a life and turn off what you don't like...

:if you gave this show a horrible review why did you watch it all the way through? That's my criticism of folks saying they forced themselves to watch it. I mean get a life and turn off what you don't like...

Who said that? Not sure if you are talking to me here.

No one here. On the many other comments. I think we're all in agreement

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