Jaksot 26


How to Hide an Oak Tree

3 toukokuu 201010m

Rosie, Raggles and their friends try to make Oakley disappear for a game of hide-and-seek.

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4 toukokuu 201010m

Bluebird makes Raggles disappear, but she has no idea how she can make him reappear.

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How Will Got His Wings

5 toukokuu 201010m

Rosie comes up with a plan to enable Will's wish to fly to come true.

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How to Teach a Bear to Meet the Queen

6 toukokuu 201011m

Big Bear is nervous after he receives an invitation to have tea with the Queen.

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From Little Acorns Great Oakleys Will Sleep

7 toukokuu 201010m

Rosie decides to get Oakley's Little Acorns into shape as a choir.

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The Curious Story of Holly and the Four Bears

10 toukokuu 201011m

Rosie turns director when everyone wants to put on a play of The Three Bears.

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Raggles the Reporter

11 toukokuu 201010m

Raggles wants to start his own newspaper and so becomes a reporter.

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Things That Go Glug in the Night

12 toukokuu 201010m

No one can get to sleep, because of a deep rumbling noise coming from outside.

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Little Bear

13 toukokuu 201010m

Little Bear, Big Bear's nephew, has come to visit, and soon he is wreaking havoc.

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The Mystery of the Four Feathers

14 toukokuu 201011m

Special items start to disappear, with a paper package left in their place.

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How Rosie Mislaid Her Raggles

17 toukokuu 201011m

Rosie plays a game with Raggles, but she gets distracted and forgets all about him.

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How Holly Got Her Groove Back

18 toukokuu 201010m

When Holly loses her natural dancing ability, Rosie tries to help her.

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The Slowest Race That Ever There Was

19 toukokuu 201010m

Raggles challenges Will to a race, so Rosie she decides to help Raggles with his training.

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Bossy Bluebird

20 toukokuu 201011m

Raggles is upset because his penny whistle is missing.

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The Call of the Wild

21 toukokuu 201011m

Rosie and the others show Bluebird the wonders their little world has to offer.

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Oakley and the Big Sneeze

24 toukokuu 201011m

Something is getting up Oakley's nose and he can't stop sneezing.

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Saffie wants to invite the Little Acorns over for a sleepover, but must ask Oakley first

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Looking After Little Bear

26 toukokuu 201010m

Big Bear decides to build Little Bear his first scooter as a surprise.

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Super Will

27 toukokuu 201011m

Will decides to become a superhero, but no one seems to need his help.

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When Did You Last See Your Nest

28 toukokuu 201010m

Bluebird upsets everyone with accusations when she thinks her nest has been stolen.

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The Greatest Show in the Garden

31 toukokuu 2010

Rosie and her friends perform their special circus acts for Holly.

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It's Time to Let It Go Little Bear

1 kesäkuu 201011m

Little Bear takes home a Fluffy Bug with a hurt wing, who he calls Tickle.

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The Last Snowball

2 kesäkuu 201010m

Big Bear wakes from a long sleep to find he's missed all fun his friends have had.

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3 kesäkuu 2010

Big Bear panics after he ruins a picture book he borrowed from Raggles.

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Rosie's Swap Shop

4 kesäkuu 201010m

osie sets up a real shop outside the playhouse, where people can swap chores.

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How to Catch an Echo

Season Finale
7 kesäkuu 201010m

The Twooter mysteriously moves, and Rosie thinks Will is responsible for strange goings-on

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