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A 16-year-old boy named Shurato and his friend Gai happen to be drawn into a gigantic ball of light while competing in the final match of a martial arts tournament. When they regain their senses, they find themselves transferred to a mystic heavenly sphere with a divine atmosphere. It's soon discovered that Shurato used to be the governing king of this world and that he has only been brought to his original state. Shurato is shocked as Gai suddenly turns hostile. After this unfortunate incident, a spectacular yet fantastic drama develops involving the two.

  1. Todoroki Mihara


לַהַק סדרה

  1. Takehito Koyasu as Gai

    Takehito Koyasu


    38 פרקים

  2. Toshihiko Seki as Shurato

    Toshihiko Seki


    38 פרקים

  3. Nobuo Tobita as Dan

    Nobuo Tobita


    38 פרקים

  4. Kenyu Horiuchi as Hyuuga

    Kenyu Horiuchi


    38 פרקים

  5. Hirotaka Suzuoki as Indra

    Hirotaka Suzuoki


    38 פרקים

  6. Kazuhiro Nakata as Kuuya

    Kazuhiro Nakata


    38 פרקים

  7. Yuko Mizutani as Lakshu

    Yuko Mizutani


    38 פרקים

  8. Kazuhiko Inoue as Reiga

    Kazuhiko Inoue


    38 פרקים

  9. Megumi Hayashibara as Renge

    Megumi Hayashibara


    38 פרקים

  10. להציג עוד

להק וסגל מלאים

עונה אחרונה

עונה 1

1989 • 38 פרקים

A 16-year-old boy named Shurato and his friend Gai happen to be drawn into a gigantic ball of light while competing in the final match of a martial arts tournament. When they regain their senses, they find themselves transferred to a mystic heavenly sphere with a divine atmosphere. It's soon discovered that Shurato used to be the governing king of this world and that he has only been brought to his original state. Shurato is shocked as Gai suddenly turns hostile. After this unfortunate incident, a spectacular yet fantastic drama develops involving the two.

Be Forever, Shura-Oh

(1x38, ינואר 11, 1990) סיום עונה

הצג את כל העונות



שם מקורי 天空戦記シュラト

מעמד הסתיים


  • TV Tokyo ראה עוד סדרות מאת

סוג מתוסרט

שפה מקורית יפנית

מילות מפתח

ניקוד תוכן 


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