Über The Orville diskutieren

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2 Antworten (Seite 1 von 1)

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Didn't like the 'rebellious' teenagers story. I like Marcus & his little brother but I don't want to watch a show about kids, adding them changes the whole dynamic of the show.

I also was thinking that Kelly's news was going to be that she was pregnant, glad that didn't happen.

Invidia, If you wanted to get a girl back in the late 70's, & into the 80's you played lots of Steve Perry & Journey. I still get the chills when I hear him sing.

Cool show. The way this episode held together was absolutely amazing. There were 5 plotlines all running concurrently. Five! You'd think that could never work, but it did. Successfully I might add. I have to give props to the writers for achieving that.

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