The Orville bediscussiëren

The Orville Season 2 premiere will not be ready for a fall 2018 release and is instead happening on Sunday, December 30. Fox's schedule is all messed up because of Thursday Night Football, hence the delay. The second season will have at least 14 episodes, though. "I’d rather do fewer episodes and have them be better content-wise than do 22 and have them be filler," MacFarlane is quoted as saying by

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I suppose they'll actually start with the unaired 13th episode from season 1.

@Knixon said:

I suppose they'll actually start with the unaired 13th episode from season 1.

Of course.

Have you tried the networks site? They have all 12 episodes.

And they were repeating season 1 episodes on Fridays, recently.

Do you have Hulu? Also try Daily Motion.

Don't forget season 2 starts Sunday. Check your local listings for time. It's on at 6:00 pm in my area (which is really weird). And from what I've read the 13th episode of the first season will be #3 of season 2 (I think).

@Invidia said:

@bratface said:

Don't forget season 2 starts Sunday. Check your local listings for time. It's on at 6:00 pm in my area (which is really weird). And from what I've read the 13th episode of the first season will be #3 of season 2 (I think).

Thanks for the reminder BF.

Almost forgot all about it!!!

Here in this area it starts at 702PM (CST) tonight, but it also says Ep2 of S2 will be aired Thursday night at 8PM.

You're welcome. Thanks for the heads up about Thursday, although it will be on at 9:00 pm after the premiere of Gotham (in my area).

Didn't like the 'rebellious' teenagers story. I like Marcus & his little brother but I don't want to watch a show about kids, adding them changes the whole dynamic of the show.

I also was thinking that Kelly's news was going to be that she was pregnant, glad that didn't happen.

@Invidia said:

Posted this message regarding the kids to the other topic:

What I liked about the scene where they find the KIDS drinking in the HOLODECK was the way we expect to find her hubby in there after the way he STALKS her and SPIES on her in the SHUTTLE craft.

And when we see her stop and see her looking at something inside of the HOLODECK, we automatically assume her hubby's done something else GOOFY again and he's the one there inside of the HOLODECK.

So that's the reason why one likes that scene because of the way the KIDS were the last thing that you expected to see her looking at.

Great SURPRISE factor.

And, don't worry, because child labor laws probably also keep them from doing lots of other scenes, or taking up the majority of time on the show. Mostly they're probably there due to the way they want to make it a FAMILY SHOW, and the kids in the show would be there to keep up the interest of other kids in watching the show.

I also was thinking that Kelly's news was going to be that she was pregnant, glad that didn't happen.

*Which news was this BF?? *

Must have missed that part while raiding the fridge during a commercial break or being distracted by something else or something.

Since they had the other Alien pregnancy last season, they probably won't do it again this season.

In the descriptions for the first show of the season:

"As The Orville heads toward Moclus for a unique ceremony, life aboard the ship heats up when Kelly gives Ed some startling news; Gordon asks John for dating advice; Claire turns to Isaac for parenting advice."

Since they had been 'together' last season this seemed like the logical conclusion. I was glad I was wrong.

@Invidia said:

Oh ok. Yes the assumption that the startling news might be she's pregnant makes sense now. Didn't previously notice the preview description for the show.

Are you glad you were wrong because she's seeing someone else and might not know who fathered her child???

How long were they married before they split up after she got caught cheating with the BLUE CHARACTER (that also seduced her hubby later on)?

Wonder why she didn't get pregnant when they were still together? Is it possible they didn't want kids?

It's also odd that she never considered the situation that she mentions before she pulled strings to get her hubby assigned as CAPTAIN of the ship.

Because her excuse as to why they can't get back together again now should also have been taken into consideration BEFORE they started seeing each other again.

So WHY does she consider it now, but she didn't consider it before???

Something about her excuse for staying apart doesn't feel quite feel right.

Could she have a SUBCONSCIOUS desire to want to PUNISH him for breaking up with her and want him to feel as badly as she felt after they split up???

Could this hypothetical situation that she mentions be a way of doing that???

Is this a PAY BACK or a way of making him feel as miserable as she did before???


No I'm glad it didn't go that way. The show doesn't need another baby s/l especially between the Captain & Kelly.

You mentioned the new character in your other post & my first thought was that that he would end up in bed with her (she looks a lot like Kelly his ex), so when they went the other way with Grimes' character trying to romance her, I thought shoot I'm wrong again. But then the shot at the end of episode made it look like they are going to put them together. Although I don't see why writers always have to partner people up all the time. It is possible to live a good & fulfilling life without a partner.

@Invidia said:

Yes even though something like 25 to 30 percent or more of the US population is SINGLE and lives ALONE, they still feel the need to COUPLE characters up for some reason.

Perhaps that's because it's EASIER to write SCENES for them that way than if they LIVE alone???

DATA from STAR TREK NG lived alone, for example, but he also had a PET CAT to talk to.

And Tom Hanks had the BALL to talk to when he got stranded there on the island.

So maybe the writers PAIR people up because it's easier to write scenes for them that way???


Why do you think she didn't think about the situation SOONER …

about how getting back together with her hubby again could put someone else in DANGER …

(because he'd chose the other person instead of her to do a DANGEROUS MISSION)???

Shouldn't that have occurred to her MUCH SOONER than it did???

Do you think there's a chance that could be an EXCUSE she's using as a way to keep her distance from him EMOTIONALLY so she won't get HURT again???

Maybe? But I think they are just too different. Funny in most relationships on TV (& in the movies) the female is the 'clingy' one but with them he is the 'clingy' one & she is more independent. But as they are fictional characters & none of know what's going through MacFarlanes mind, who knows where he is taking them? But I will also be surprised if it makes it to season 3.

I read a few comments at other sites & some were saying that to begin with they didn't find out out about the premiere until that day & others were still upset that it took over a year for the second season (which is something I mentioned on another board, that for a brand new series they were taking a big chance with taking so long for the second season). We'll just have to wait & see.

That's cable. But what I mean is that for a BRAND NEW show they only give people 12 episodes for the first season & then said it would be a year before the next. With so many other choices out there they were taking a big chance on people waiting that long. for the second season when there are so many other shows out there.

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