
I am not sure what the critics expected from this show, I guess since it is produced and starring Seth MacFarlane, I guess they expect it to be funny, mainly based on his movies and TV Shows. Surprisingly there is a lot of Drama in this series, with minimal comedic elements and it is somewhat refreshing. I know I have heard the comment on certain You Tube sites it has been stated that it feels like Star Trek, which I contribute to its popularity. I feel like the criticism that Seth gets for this series is unwarranted because he is pulling off the dramatic elements of the series which makes the series feel like more of homage to Star Trek than a parody and makes you think at times. I feel like Seth doesn't get the respect he deserves for this series, despite the fact it is successful, and that the Hollywood executives will always view him as the funny cartoon guy.

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I agree. In fact, there is so much drama that when the comedic elements do popup, it's rather jarring.

I'm loving the show so far. It feels like a proper tribute to Star Trek, I much prefer it over the new Star Trek trilogy.

"The Hollywood executives will always view him as the funny cartoon guy.?"

Hollywood executives always strike me as being pretty stupid. When an actor and writer is successful in one genre, they immediately assume that he/she can't do anything else, and the successful person's career is stalled because of their success. It's why you seldom see STAR TREK supporting actors in anything else.

I don't know. It kind of feels like comedy with an agenda sometimes, like there is some message being implied at times, though I can't necessarily figure out what it is supposed to be. I kind of liked the first season; I kept watching to give it a fair chance. But it seemed to me like the show couldn't decide what it wanted to do. Somehow it didn't seem to blend together cohesively, from my perspective. I thought a lot of the individual performances were great; those two guys at the helm for instance.

I agree that it mimics Star Trek quite a bit, but it isn't a spoof of Star Trek. I don't know if I would call it a tribute to it either. But it definitely borrowed the major elements of Star Trek and I imagine a lot of people are attracted to it for that reason. I generally like shows about space travel. I loved Dark Matter and am ticked that it got canceled. I love The Expanse also. Those are pure dramas however.

Basically they are following the STAR TREK format, and inserting jokes. Lots of times the jokes don't fit in and fall flat.

At no point have I seen a deliberately comic episode like "Troubles with Tribbles".



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