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I guess that's what this show is about since the lead character is a black man and this series is about how the crack epidemic began. Crack wasn't developed by the CIA to destroy black communities. It was just a black guy causing the problem within his own community. At least this show will debunk the myth.

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Is this character supposed to be based on Freeway Ricky Ross? He is the one who had connections to the Iran Contra affair or more to the point his main dealer Blandon did.

@rarebreed said:

I guess that's what this show is about since the lead character is a black man and this series is about how the crack epidemic began. Crack wasn't developed by the CIA to destroy black communities. It was just a black guy causing the problem within his own community. At least this show will debunk the myth.

I'm interested to see who actually "invents" crack. I don't see the CIA inventing it, but I'm pretty sure that a black man(likely Freeway Rick Ross) invented it and it's a fact that he was the one to introduce it into the black culture, how exactly I do not know, probably by accident while cutting it with Baking Soda or experimenting with it maybe, idk I tried Googling but didn't find the "inventor". I hated cooking crack and it was the worst drug I ever sold, fiends banging on my doors at all hours, nothing worse than dealing with crackheads so I took that off the menu permanently except for weight, at least with powder the people act civil and have some sort of respect, crackheads have no bounds.

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