Über Anne with an E diskutieren

Great adaptation (as far as the first episode goes). The girl is a better actress than the whole Downton Abbey cast. Looking forward to episode 2.

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Looking forward to starting it tomorrow on Netflix!

Is this a re-do of Anne of Green Gables?

@ausfem said:

Is this a re-do of Anne of Green Gables?

yes, another adaptation. I think that's the best one so far. Will see what happens in S2.

Watched the first two episodes and love it so far. I wonder how far this season goes into the book (the whole book?) and whether it will continue in future seasons.

I loved it, too! My favorite adaptation so far!

I'm loving it as well. One of my favorite books as a child and I have seen most of the contemporary versions. This is so well done, beautiful production and the casting of Anne could not be better. I also love the beautiful title sequence and found a good article about it, really interesting.


Cool article. I like the title sequence a lot, too. Nice music and art, very dreamlike.

I have just started watching & three episodes in I'm absolutely loving it, hope it continues as well as its begun. Dont know anything about her but the actress Amybeth is stunning in this, really well cast.

I love this series. Can't wait for season 2!

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