Crunchyroll Amazon Channel בשירות מוזרם כעת

מוזרם כעת

צפה עכשיו

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The Alzano Imperial Magic Academy is located in the southern part of the Alzano Empire and is among most prominent magic schools in the world, where students can learn the highest forms of magic. All those who strive to learn magic dream of studying at this academy, and its students as well as its teachers are proud to be a part of its 400-year history. Glenn Radars is a new instructor who has suddenly been appointed to teach part-time at this highly respected academy. The previously unheard-of lessons of this man known as a good-for-nothing bastard are about to begin.

לַהַק סדרה

  1. Soma Saito as Glenn Radars (voice)

    Soma Saito

    Glenn Radars (voice)

    12 פרקים

  2. Akane Fujita as Sistine Fibel (voice)

    Akane Fujita

    Sistine Fibel (voice)

    12 פרקים

  3. Yume Miyamoto as Rumia Tingel (voice)

    Yume Miyamoto

    Rumia Tingel (voice)

    12 פרקים

  4. Ari Ozawa as Re=L Rayford (voice)

    Ari Ozawa

    Re=L Rayford (voice)

    12 פרקים

  5. Hiroki Takahashi as Albert Frazer (voice)

    Hiroki Takahashi

    Albert Frazer (voice)

    12 פרקים

  6. Eri Kitamura as Celica Arfonia (voice)

    Eri Kitamura

    Celica Arfonia (voice)

    12 פרקים

  7. Yui Ishikawa as Wendy Nablesse (voice)

    Yui Ishikawa

    Wendy Nablesse (voice)

    9 פרקים

  8. ג'וניה אנוקי as Kash Winger (voice)

    ג'וניה אנוקי

    Kash Winger (voice)

    9 פרקים

  9. Shunichi Toki as Cecil Clayton (voice)

    Shunichi Toki

    Cecil Clayton (voice)

    9 פרקים

  10. להציג עוד

להק וסגל מלאים

עונה אחרונה

עונה 1


2017 • 12 פרקים

עונה 1 של Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor עלתה לאוויר בתאריך אפריל 4, 2017

Finding One's Own Place

(1x12, יוני 20, 2017) סיום עונה

הצג את כל העונות

Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor


שם מקורי ロクでなし魔術講師と禁忌教典

מעמד הסתיים


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ניקוד תוכן 


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  • נוצר לפי קרדיט

תורמים מובילים

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