Über Genius diskutieren

... if this program is factually correct, he was also an immature, irresponsible jerk who was afraid of his mother and treated the women in his life horribly, particularly poor Mileva.

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It's unlikely to be factually correct about much of the interactions between the various characters. Yes, it's getting the various known aspects of his life correct, but the rest is pure conjecture.

This show started out great, but has gotten bogged down by the family drama. Einstein's life is and was interesting enough to focus on the known aspects without being turned into a story about a dysfunctional family with no basis in fact.

Well, it's based on a biographical book, and if facts were grossly distorted the critics would be howling, so I'm inclined to believe that Einstein, in his personal life, was an immature jerk. Now, if you are privy to information that the rest of us aren't, then by all means share the true facts of the man.

Nice straw man. At no point did I say I had information others don't or comment on what Einstein's personal life was like. Just b/c it's based on a biography does not mean that biography got things right, especially things about a persons personal life. That kind of stuff is highly subjective and based on the perspective of the biographer or the source of information.

Also, whether Einstein's personal life is being portrayed accurately is beside the point. For some reason a show about one of the greatest and most accomplished scientists of the 20th century has been turned into just another period family drama.

"It's unlikely to be factually correct about much of the interactions between the various characters. Yes, it's getting the various known aspects of his life correct, but the rest is pure conjecture."

"... a story about a dysfunctional family with no basis in fact."

Sounds to me like you think you know "the true story".

I am tempted to skim the book to find out how much creative license was taken. In a biopic, it is absolutely essential and appropriate for the truth to be stretched for dramatic purposes. But turning young Einstein into a young "Tony Stark"? I love the show, that said.

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