Discuss Imposters

Jules and Richard are hilarious together! The first few minutes of this week's episode was funny. For such a serious premise, the humour they insert really makes it feel lighter than it is. I love that!

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Yea, I agree. It is considered a dark comedy but I really love this. The actress who plays Maddie/Saffron/Cece/Ava/Alice is a true breakout. Love to see her in more stuff.

Yes, she is excellent in this role and can play many different characters believably. Its going to be interesting when she finds out who Patrick really is. She will see what it feels like to be betrayed by someone she truly cares for (unless of course he falls for her)...So many possibilities!!!

I hope she gets burned. Weird that there don't seem to be many potential romantic pairings. Makes me hope Ezra goes back to the family business and marries Gaby.

@TrentTX said:

I hope she gets burned. Weird that there don't seem to be many potential romantic pairings. Makes me hope Ezra goes back to the family business and marries Gaby.

Yeah, you are right. Most shows try very hard to couple people up. I do think Ezra will end up with Gaby. I like Richard and Jules together but I know they are more like brother and sister.

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