Patty Lin — Producer

Episodes 179

Unaired Pilot


The original pilot featured Sheryl Lee as Mary Alice Young, Michael Reilly Burke as Rex Van De Camp and Kyle Searles as John. Lee was later replaced with Brenda Strong, Reilly with Steven Culp and Searles with Jesse Metcalfe, and their scenes were re-shot for the broadcast pilot.

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October 3, 200443m

Mary Alice Youngová bere stále ohledy na všechny kolem sebe: na rodinu, na přátele, na sousedy. Když o tom tak přemýšlí, dochází k závěru, že to není právě život podle jejích představ. A tak se jednoho dne ve svém dokonalém domě na roztomilém předměstí rozhodne a učiní všemu přítrž – spáchá sebevraždu. Ze záhrobí pak s osobitým komentářem prozrazuje různá tajemství, která skrývají manželky i manželé před sebou navzájem i před sousedy a která zůstávala dosud skrytá za zavřenými sousedskými dveřmi zdánlivě dokonalého amerického předměstí...

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Ale co je pod povrchem?

October 10, 200443m

Gabrielle se snaží tajit své pletky se zahradníkem Johnem, ale téměř se nechá chytit Carlosem, který přichází domů brzy a chce ji překvapit dalším dárkem.

Lynette se pokouší umírnit tři divoké chlapce tak, že je nechá na kraji u cesty. Když se po několika minutách vrací zpět, aby je vyzvedla, už tam nejsou.

Bree a Rex se snaží zachránit své manželství i prostřednictvím manželské poradny, ale Breeino hledání dokonalosti téměř překazí celý léčebný proces.

Susan shromažďuje odvahu, aby pozvala Mika Delfina na večeři. Chce to ovšem udělat pouze proto, aby naštvala Edie. A mezitím se dámy nemohou dohodnout, co udělají se znepokojivým psaním, které našly mezi osobními věcmi Mary Alice...

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Hezký obrázek

October 17, 200443m

Susan přesvědčí ostatní ženy, aby uspořádaly velkou večerní party, kterou chtěla organizovat Mary Alice. Sejdou se tam sice všechny, ale jejich vztahům to moc nepomůže, spíš naopak...

Gabrielle začne vydírat devítiletá dcera nové sousedky. Bree bojuje, aby nevyšla najevo pravda o jejím rozpadajícím se manželství. Susan se snaží vyrovnat se konečně s rozpadem svého manželství. I ji se ale pokouší vydírat sousedka – paní Huberová...

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Kdo je ta žena?

October 24, 200443m

Paní Huberová zjistila, že má Susan něco společného s požárem domu Edie, a pokouší se ji vydírat. Carlos začne podezírat Gabrielle z nevěry, ale jeho podezření se ubírá špatným směrem. Lynette trápí výstřelky dvojčat a vyleká se, když si přečte na receptu jejich diagnózu. Aby se nezhroutila, rozhodne se pro „samoléčbu“. Problémy s vlastním dítětem má i Bree – Andrew se rozhodně nechová tak, jak by si představovala...

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Vstupte, cizinče

October 31, 200443m

Lynette se konečně vzchopí natolik, že otevřeně řekne svému manželovi svůj názor. A Bree, které stále vrtá hlavou smrt kamarádky Mary Alice, se rozhodne, že se na vlastní pěst pustí do vyšetřování jejích okolností…

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Ve slepé uličce

November 7, 200443m

Gabrielle pokračuje v poměru se zahradníkem Johnem. Její manžel Carlos si pozve na pomoc svou matku Juanitu, aby mu pomohla vypátrat, s kým se Gabrielle stýká. Zprvu se zdá, že vychytralá Gabrielle nad tchyní zvítězí, zvlášť když se dozví, že Juanita je odnaučená gamblerka...

Lynette Scavová pomáhá ve školním divadelním kroužku připravovat dětské představení Červené Karkulky a tvrdě se střetne s ambiciózní matkou Maisy Gibbonsovou, která jí vmete do tváře, že je neschopná. Lynettina přítelkyně Jordan jí doporučí povzbuzující prášky, které Lynette nabudí tak, že pracuje na divadelních kostýmech nepřetržitě osmnáct hodin…

Rex Van De Kamp prohlásí v manželské poradně, že není v manželství s Bree spokojený se sexem. Bree ho navštíví v motelu, kam se Rex odstěhoval, a pokusí se ho svést...

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Za každou cenu

November 21, 200443m

Detektiv najatý Paulem Youngem zjistí, že výhrůžný dopis byl odeslán z nejbližší pošty. Paul musí pisatele znát. Edie Brittová pomáhá Paulovi s prodejem domu a zapomene si u něj složku spisů. Když ji Paul otevře, s překvapením si uvědomí, že se písmo Edie shoduje s písmem v dopisu...

Susan Mayerová se chystá na první rande s Mikem Definem. V den schůzky k němu však přijede jeho kamarádka Kendra Taylorová. Chce jen zjistit, jestli Mike, kterého si najal její otec, už něco ve čtvrti vypátral o její zmizelé sestře. Sestru naposledy viděli ve zdejším baru. Kendra s Mikem se jdou do baru poptat. Susan doprovázená Britt je sledují...

Tom Scavo potřebuje domácí prostředí k tomu, aby prosadil před svými obchodními partnery svůj geniální reklamní nápad. Lynettte poslušně připraví velkolepou večeři, ale při hovoru se neudrží a navrhne řešení, které se Tomovým partnerům líbí. Tom ji vyčte, že ho před nimi shodila...

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November 28, 200443m

Andrew Van De Kamp srazil svým novým autem matku Carlose Solise, což ví jen De Kampova rodina. Bree se rozhodne udělat vše proto, aby nikdo nemohl jejího syna obvinit. Druhý den navštíví Gabrielle s Carlosem a po návštěvě je Andrew spokojený, že se na nic nemůže přijít, což začne dělat Bree starosti...

Lynnette je v koncích se silami při zvládání svých čtyř dětí, začne brát léky, které ji povzbuzují, ale začne bdít hlavně v noci a přes den je unavená o to víc. Susan se chystá na víkend s Mikem, ale když chce dát Bongovi psí suchary, najde ve skříňce místo sucharů balík peněz. To jí vyděsí...

Paul Young si najal pana Shawa, aby zjistil kdo má vinu na sebevraždě jeho ženy. Všechny stopy vedou k Edie Brittové, která bydlí u Marthy Hubertové, ale když přijde den, kdy má Shaw Edie zabít, zjistí, že Edie není hledaná osoba...

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V podezření

December 12, 200443m

Gabrielle přemýšlí u lůžka své tchyně nad svým životem a zjišťuje, že jí něco chybí. Rozhodne se být užitečná a uspořádá dobročinnou módní přehlídku a požádá své sousedky, aby šaty předváděly.

Lynette se dává dohromady, manžel si vzal týden volno, aby jí pomohl s dětmi, ale Lynette je jasné, že potřebuje někoho na stálou pomoc a rozhodne se najít chůvu. Přes agentury se jí nikdo nezamlouvá, ale nakonec najde v parku sympatickou Claire, kterou přesvědčí, aby nastoupila jako chůva u ní.

Bree zjistila že Andrew kouří marihuanu, a v rámci výchovného působení anonymně upozorní trenéra plaveckého oddílu o přítomnosti drog ve skříňce svého syna. Trenér u Andrewa drogy najde...

Při přípravách na módní přehlídku pomáhá i John a Gabrielle si neodpustí bližší kontakt. Pod stolem dá svou nohu Johnovi do rozkroku, čehož si všimne Susan. Susan řekne Gabrielle, že ví o jejím vztahu s Johnem a dá nejevo sbůj nesouhlas...

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Vrať se ke mně

Mid-Season Finale
December 19, 200443m

Susan s Mikem se chystají prožít romantický víkend, což jim překazí Susanina dcera Julie. Volal její otec, že si ji nemůže na víkend vzít. Susan zatím ještě stále netuší, že Julie ukrývá ve svém pokoji Zacha, který utekl z léčebny...

Susan, že někoho v domě slyší a když nikdo neodpovídá na zavolání, vezme posilovač paží a jde prohledat chodbu. V okamžiku, kdy zaregistruje pohyb, máchne posilovačem a srazí na zem Mikea. Hned se mu omlouvá a Zach vystoupí ze svého úkrytu. Společně počkají na Julii a pak Mike odvede Zacha domů, kde ho otec rád obejme a zpět do léčebny ho už posílat nechce. Zachův otec Paul nechce ani to, aby se Zach vracel do minulosti, což Zacha strašně trápí...

Lynette je velmi spokojená se svou novou chůvou Claire. Aby se ale přesvědčila, že nechává děti v dobrých rukou, zakoupí kameru, kterou zapíná když odchází a před spaním si pouští nahrávku. Vše je v naprostém pořádku a Lynette děsí, že až moc v pořádku, začne trochu žárlit…

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Kdo ji najde?

January 9, 200543m

Rexe Van De Kampa propustí po infarktu z nemocnice a Bree ho zatím vezme na milost. Rex jí děkuje a je rád, že dětem neřekla o jeho nevěře. Na truc svému manželovi se však Bree začne scházet s místním lékárníkem Georgem Williamsem...

Gabrielle Solisové, jejíž manžel je ve vězení, zablokovali konto. K propuštění na kauci je zapotřebí jeho pas. Gabrielle chce, aby za to, co provedl, trochu trpěl, a pas hodí do hořícího krbu. Začne si hledat práci. Jako bývalá modelka má velké nároky, ale nakonec je nucena přijmout prezentaci nejrůznějších výrobků. Brzy toho má plné zuby...

U Susan Mayerové se objeví její bývalý manžel Karl, který se rozešel se svou novou přítelkyní. Susan ho pozve na oslavu Juliiných narozenin. Mike Delfino jí řekne, že ji miluje. Karl přijde na oslavu s Edie, která přizná, že ji Karl osahával. Susan mu přede všemi vynadá...

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Bolestná přiznání

January 16, 200543m

Bree zneužívá svého nového přítele George Williamse k tomu, aby jí pomáhal s nákupy. George ví, že je Bree u domobrany, a daruje jí historickou pistoli. Lynette se snaží dostat na cvičení jógy, ale vždy je už obsazeno. Jednou přistihne syna se žvýkačkou ve vlasech a musí mu oholit hlavu. Když s ním dorazí na cvičení, recepční si myslí, že je po chemoterapii a Lynette pustí cvičit...

Carlos Solis je propuštěn na kauci, ale nesmí se vzdálit z domova. Proto nemůže pracovat, a tak Gabrielle musí dále chodit na prezentace, což ji unavuje. Navíc Carlos chce, aby měli dítě, čemuž se Gabrielle vzpírá. Carlos se uchýlí k triku a vymění Gabriellinu antikoncepci za neškodné prášky...

Policie zjistí, že Martha Huberová zemřela násilnou smrtí a že ještě žila, když byla pohřbena. Felicia se zmíní Susan Mayerové o tom, že si chce přečíst deník, který si Martha psala. Susan se vyděsí, protože v deníku určitě bude, že jízapálila dům...

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Tvoje chyba

January 23, 200543m

Susan se domnívá, že její dcera Julie je zcela bezproblémová mladá dívka, až ji jednoho dne přistihne, jak se líbá se Zachem. Když se dozví, že oba půjdou společně na ples, zařídí to tak, aby tam šla také – jako dozor...

K Lynette a Tomovi přijíždí dědeček, Tomův otec, a téměř vzápětí ho Lynette přistihne, jak se v jejich domě miliskuje s neznámou ženou. Je tím velmi pobouřená a chce, aby Rodney okamžitě odjel. Proti tomu se Tom ostře postaví...

Bree se chce pomstít manželovi a kromě nechutných tahanic o majetek uvažuje i o tom, že by mu také byla nevěrná. Jako dokonalý partner se nabízí lékárník George Williams, který je do ní zamilovaný...

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Oprah Winfrey is the New Neighbor

February 3, 2005

Karen Stouffer with husband Gordon moved in to home at the number 4351 Wisteria Lane. Her character were fitted in fragments of other episodes of the first season: Gabrielle (with John; "Pretty Little Picture"), Bree (with George; "Every Day a Little Death"), Susan ("Ah, But Underneath"), Lynette (beginning of "Your Fault"), Edie ("Who's That Woman?") and with Paul ("Suspicious Minds").

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Láska visí ve vzduchu

February 13, 200543m

Lynette už v životě dostala od svých tří nezbedných synů hodně podivných dárků, tentokrát – před Valentýnem – jí ale přinesou květinu v krásném květináči. Lynette je dojatá, ale jen do chvíle, než k ní přijde sousedka a oznámí, že jí kluci květináč ukradli...

Gabrielle vyhodí služebnou a nadále se chová zpupně a nabubřele. Vezme práci v obchodě s matracemi, pak prodává v parfumérii, kam si rtěnku přijde koupit právě služebná, kterou nedávno potupně vyhodila…

K Paulovi přichází sousedka a nese mu květinový koš, který jí omylem dodali. Paul si vzpomene, že permanentní objednávku pro Mary Alice zapomněl zrušit. Když sousedka v domě vidí fotografii jeho zesnulé ženy, prohlásí, že vypadá jako žena, s níž kdysi pracovala. Jmenovala se Angela Forestová...

Bree je opět s Rexem a pokouší se slepit jejich vztah, když vtom jí manžel nečekaně oznámí, ze k sexu potřebuje, aby byl otrok. Bree se se tedy bude muset změnit v „dominu“...

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February 20, 200543m

Susan Mayerová se s přítelkyněmi rozhodne, že zavolá na Mikea Delfina policii kvůli šperkům Marthy Huberové, které se u něj našly. Policie ho zatýká, ale záhy ho propustí. Susan se ale na policii dozví, že byl Mike před lety odsouzen do vězení za obchod s drogami a za zabití, a nechce od něho slyšet žádné vysvětlení...

Bree Van De Kampová najde v koši na prádlo nepoužitý kondom. Podezírá Rexe a potom Andrewa, ale zjistí, že kondom patřil Danielle, která chce znovu získat Johna Rowlanda, s nímž se rozešla...

Tom Scavo je zklamán, že byl místo něj povýšen jeho kolega Tim, Lynette to naopak vítá…

Za Gabrielle Solisovou přijde Johnův kamarád Justin a nabídne jí, že by u nich zadarmo zahradničil. Chce se s ní vyspat a vydírá ji tím, že ví o jejím vztahu s Johnem...

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Dámy v nesnázích

March 27, 200543m

Maisy Gibbonsová, k níž docházel i Rex Van Den Kamp, je zatčena pro prostituci. Bree s Rexem se vyděsí, když se dozvědí, že si Maisy vedla zápisník se jmény všech svých klientů. Bree se za Maisy vypraví do vězení a chce ji uplatit, aby ze seznamu jejího muže vyškrtla...

Ve škole, kam chodí synové Lynette Scavové, se objeví vši. Jedna z matek, Tammy, rozšíří pověst, že je do školy zanesly právě Lynettiny děti. Zakrátko se Lynette dozví, že Tammy nechce pozvat její syny na oslavu narozenin svého syna Tophera. Lynette se rozhodne rázně jednat...

Paul Young se rozhodne, že dům neprodá. Setkává se s Marthinou sestrou Felicií a vnucuje jí představu, že Marthu zabil Mike Delfino. Na Feliciinu otázku, jestli byl někdy v Salt Lake City, odpoví záporně…

U Solisových, kteří mají zablokované účty, se porouchají odpady. Protože nemají na opravu, musí Gabrielle pod různými záminkami používat koupelny svých přítelkyň...

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Žádný důvod k oslavám

April 3, 200543m

Juanita Solisová se po pěti měsících probouzí z kómatu. Její první myšlenkou je říct Carlosovi o Gabriellině nevěře. Vyjde z nemocničního pokoje na chodbu, kde nešťastně uklouzne, spadne ze schodů a umírá. Gabrielle naléhá na Carlose, aby se žalobou podepsal dohodu. Šel by sice na osm měsíců do vězení, ale zůstal by jim majetek. Mike Delfino podstrčí pod dveře Susanina domu dopis, v němž jí všechno vysvětluje. Susan mu ho za několik dní vrátí neotevřený. Andrew Van De Kamp odmlouvá školníkovi a srazí ho autem. Má být za to vyloučen ze školy. Bree se rozhodne, že nezdárného syna umístí do nápravného tábora. Když si pro něj přijedou, Andrew matce plivne do tváře.

Lynette Scavová se ve školním divadelním kroužku seznamuje s hluchoněmou maminkou Alisou Stevensovou. Pozve ji i s manželem Dennisem na večeři. Všimne si, že Dennis svou hluchoněmou manželku pomlouvá...

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Neposlušné děti

April 10, 200543m

Je sice mnoho věcí, které Gabrielle buď vůbec neví, nebo neví jistě, zato ví naprosto přesně, že nikdy nechce mít děti. Na rozdíl od manžela Carlose, který se uchýlí ke lsti. Gabrielle a Carlos se navíc přou o finanční záležitosti a Carlos chce, aby jeho žena podepsala tzv. „pomanželskou smlouvu“. Gabrielle o tom ovšem nechce ani slyšet… Bree se rozmýšlí, jestli má manžela doprovázet na návštěvu syna. Pak k ní přijde Lynette, která nutně potřebuje pohlídat děti, protože jde na schůzku s bývalými spolužáky...

K Susan přijíždí její stále dobře vypadající matka, a když vidí Mika, začne mu vykládat, že toho už o něm hodně slyšela. Susan jí musí připomenout, že už s Mikem nejsou. Matka jí na oplátku prozradí, že i ona se rozešla se svým přítelem Mortym, majitelem restaurace, a protože nemá momentálně kam jít, navrhne dceři, že by mohla zůstat nějaký čas u ní. To Susan upřímně vyděsí...

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Kdo je rád sám?

April 17, 200543m

Noah Taylor prozradil Mikovi, že se po patnácti letech našlo v dětské truhle na hračky rozřezané tělo jeho dcery Deirdre. Lynette Scavová chce v dobré víře pomoct zhroucené sousedce Karen McCluskeyové, od té doby se jí však nemůže zbavit. Susanina matka Sophie si užívá svobody po rozchodu s Mortym a přivede si večer domů jakéhosi Tima. Sjedná Susan schůzku s jeho kamarádem Lamontem. Susan se jí ale svěří, že ji nešťastná láska k Mikeovi velmi zasáhla. Matka to vypráví Mikeovi, ale ten teď nemá na Susan čas. Při čtení Deirdřiny složky totiž narazil na jméno Paul Young…

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Sorting Out the Dirty Laundry

April 24, 20051h

Memorable moments of the season combined with new insight into the many mysteries of Wisteria Lane and its residents including Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria), Bree Van Dee Kamp (Marcia Cross), Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman) and Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher); a preview of the season's remaining four episodes.

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May 1, 200543m

Neodbytný Zach hází večer kamínky na Juliino okno, ta má ale na uších peřinu a neodpovídá. Když vyjde Susan ven, dostane hrst kamínků přímo do očí. Julie je ráda, že má konečně pádný důvod se se Zachem rozejít…

Gabrielle si jde vyhlédnout nové auto. Udělá se jí špatně a důvod je nasnadě: je těhotná. Lynette zjistí, že v manželově firmě už tři měsíce pracuje jistá Anabelle, s níž Tom chodil předtím, než se seznámili spolu, a která tehdy dělala všechno pro to, aby ho ulovila za manžela. Paul se snaží zjistit, co Susan a Eddie hledaly v jeho domě, a je kvůli tomu velice rozzlobený. Susan z něj začíná mít strach. Zanedlouho nato dojde v jejím domě k výbuchu...

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Neděle v parku s Georgem

May 8, 200543m

Susanina matka Sophie, která má za sebou čtyři nevydařená manželství, je přesvědčená, že se už nikdy neprovdá. Pak se ale náhle objeví Morty, kterému dobře šlape restaurace a lepší se jeho zdravotní stav, bez Sophie ho ale nic nebaví. Přijel ji požádat o ruku a Sophie souhlasí...

Gabrielle se zlobí na Carlose, že jí zaměnil antikoncepční pilulky, a Carlos se vše snaží svést na svou mrtvou matku – věděla, že by měl rád dítě.

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Zatím na shledanou

May 15, 200543m

Eddie se stále marně snaží získat Mika, toho už ale pevně drží Susan. Mike dokonce navrhuje, aby začali bydlet spolu a ona nemusela pořád běhat přes silnici. Susan je nadšená, Eddie už méně. Rozhodne se celou záležitosti překazit...

Gabrielle zjistí, že záměnu pilulek skutečně provedl Carlos, a rozhodne se ho opustit. Ostatně jen na den, protože pak už nastupuje do vězení. Jede za Johnem, doma je ale jen jeho homosexuální spolubydlící. Carlos, který ji sleduje, myslí, že právě on je otcem jejího dítěte – a nešťastníka zmlátí...

Bree vysvětluje Georgeovi, že ho považuje jen za přítele, což lékárníka naštve. Tajně pronikne do domu Van den Kampových, vymění Rexovy pilulky a náhodou najde krabici s podivnými sexuálními pomůckami…

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Jednoho krásného dne

Season Finale
May 22, 200543m

Je nádherný den, ale pro obyvatele Wisteria Lane rozhodně nijak úžasný není. Vracejí se k nim totiž události doby minulé, které rozvíří mírně stojaté vody klidného předměstí. A co víc? Dámy mají novou sousedku...

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All the Juicy Details

September 4, 20051h

Desperate Housewives: All the Juicy Details is an original special celebrating some of the best and most-loved moments from the popular show, while also bringing viewers up to date in Season Two. The hour will follow the story arc of each character with original narration by Mary Alice Young, who will guide viewers, much as she does in the weekly episodes, through the various twists and turns of their stories.

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Život jde dál

September 25, 200544m

The new neighbors, the Applewhites have moved in. Gabrielle, Lynette, and Susan attempt to comfort Bree while Rex's mother arrives on Wisteria Lane for his funeral. Meanwhile Mike and Susan deal with Zach while Gabrielle struggles with the two men in her life.

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Z tebe by se jeden zbláznil

October 2, 200543m

Susan is surprised when she finds out who Edie's new boyfriend is. Meanwhile, Lynette has gone back to work, leaving Tom at home in charge of the house. Carlos makes an unusual request to Gabrielle after his life is threatened behind bars. Lastly, pharmacist George reemerges in Bree's life, which sets off an alarm to mother-in-law Phyllis and her suspicions surrounding her son's death.

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Mě se nikdy nezbavíš

October 9, 200543m

Susan tries bravely to accept Edie’s new role in Julie’s life, while Lynette’s demanding boss makes her miss Parker’s first day of kindergarten. Bree later on takes a polygraph test to prove her innocence in Rex's death and realizes she has feelings for George.

Gabrielle finally comes to the truth about Carlos and John after seeing John with another woman.

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Já mám tátu rád

October 16, 200543m

On one of Gabrielle's prison visits to see Carlos she creates a terrible riot, which lands Carlos in hot water. Also, Susan puts her feelings aside and joins Mike in searching for his son Zach. Lynette is surprised to find out that her son Parker has an imaginary friend. Lastly, George and Andrew both vie for Bree's attention as they both compete in making each other look bad in front of her, until one fight goes a little too far.

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Diví se, proč ti věřím

October 23, 200543m

Susan's longtime book agent and dear friend, Lonny Moon gets into financial trouble. Lynette is forced to go out to bars night after night with her man-hungry boss, Nina. Bree finds out about Rex's feelings about her prior to his death. Lastly, Gabrielle hires hotshot lawyer David Bradley to defend Carlos in court but Carlos rejects him after he witnesses an attraction between David and Gabrielle.

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Chci na tebe zapomenout

November 6, 200543m

Mike and Susan face a crisis in their relationship when Susan tries to get Paul Young arrested by confessing to a police officer that he killed Mrs. Huber and Mike has her diaries as proof. The officer goes over to Mike to get the story, but Mike denies the whole thing. As Carlos continues serving his jail sentence, Gabrielle valiantly tries to free him. Bree goes to a romantic hotel with George, but requests they sleep in separate rooms.

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Odvrácená strana

November 13, 200542m

Gabrielle tries to revisit her past when old friends come to town, but doesn't want anyone to know that she's three months pregnant. With the aftermath of her breakup with Mike, Susan finds temporary solace from her ex-husband Karl as his relationship with Edie hits a bump. Also, the Scavos learn more about the new neighbors, the Harpers when they babysit their children and uncover a sex tape of the couple. Lastly, Caleb gets loose from the basement and roams around Wisteria Lane at night, which leads to major consequences for Gabrielle.

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Slunce nikdy nezapadne

November 20, 200543m

All of Wisteria Lane is panicked by a burglar loose in the neighborhood and thus a neighborhood watch committee is formed. Bree finds out some disturbing information about George. At the wedding of Sophie and Morty, Susan learns who her real father is and is determined to find him.

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Takhle ano, takhle ne

November 27, 200544m

George stalks Bree, despite her efforts to break up with him. Lynette takes charge of office politics. Carlos is paroled from prison and returns a new man, and Gabrielle is jealous of his new 'holier-than-thou' confidante. Susan meets her birth father and tries to begin a relationship with him.

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Návrat domů

Mid-Season Finale
December 4, 200544m

Lynette tries to put a daycare center in Parcher & Murphy by recruiting employees' children to get the program started. Gabrielle and Sister Mary Bernard face off over Carlos' mission of mercy to Africa. Bree brings Andrew home and tells him about the revelation of George poisoning his father Rex and killing him. Lastly, Susan confronts her biological father's wife after she thinks they are having an affair.

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January 8, 200643m

Gabrielle kisses Tom and Lynette is not happy and drives a wedge in her friendship with Gabrielle. Paul attacks Mike. The housewives become more suspicious of Betty and her family. Andrew is trying to blackmail Bree, but Bree gets some assistance from Susan's ex, Karl.

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To bude v pořádku

January 15, 200644m

After a number of bad dates, Susan finally meets Dr. Right. Susan flirts with a handsome doctor, but they accidentally head butt. Meanwhile, some old pictures of Gabrielle turn up on the Internet. Tom is alarmed when his kids come down with chicken pox because he never had it. Bree gets arrested. Lastly, after months of silence, Noah Taylor contacts Mike Delfino.

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Válka na Wisteria Lane

January 22, 200643m

Dr. Ron informs Susan that she needs a splenectomy. Gabrielle and her arch-enemy Sister Mary Bernard finally face off in church.

Also, Tom decides to apply for an empty position at Lynette's job, which leads to the arousal of past issues in their marriage. Lastly, Matthew and Danielle's relationship is found out by both their mothers, which leads to big repercussions later on for Bree and her past secret with Andrew last year.

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Ach, ti lidé...

February 12, 200643m

Tom tries hard to bond with his new boss and tries to get Lynette to help him out. Meanwhile, Susan gets some help from Edie and Karl on her situation of getting health insurance before her upcoming surgery. Gabrielle becomes very attached to a temporary Chinese immigrant housekeeper who is staying with Solis' after being rescued by another slave owner employer. Lastly, Bree tries to uncover more about the Applewhites by sneaking into their house to meet Caleb.

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Mnohokrát děkuji

February 19, 200644m

Edie thinks that Karl is going to pop the question after she finds an engagement ring and prenuptial agreement in his briefcase. Also, Gabrielle and Carlos learn she is highly unable to conceive a child again because of complications caused from her recent miscarriage. Lastly, Bree's problem with alcohol intensifies with the notice of Lynette after Bree babysits her children.

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Tudy cesta nevede

March 12, 200643m

Carlos and Gabrielle decide to adopt, but the process comes to be a lot more difficult than either had expected. Susan finally has her surgery as she finally has medical insurance. Meanwhile, a showdown between Bree and her son Andrew lead to a full out war between mother and son. Also, a dying Noah Taylor learns more about Paul Young and his biological grandson Zach. Lastly, Tom is having more difficulty at the job when having to take orders from his boss and wife Lynette.

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Copak se tě můžu vzdát?

March 26, 200644m

Susan invites Dr. Ron to meet Karl after he finds out about their arranged marriage. Lynette is surprised that a woman at work is still breastfeeding her child of five. Gabrielle becomes very picky when choosing a birth mother, and a beautiful baby. Bree has to deal with a fresh accusation from Andrew, that of repressed memories.

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Všichni říkají, nedělej to

April 2, 200643m

Carlos and Gaby learn the truth about their baby. An ex-stripper gives birth to her child, and Gabrielle holds her for the first time. Also, Paul Young comes to face his demons head on with Wisteria Lane. Lastly, Lynette is forced to give a court deposition about Bree's drinking and alcoholism.

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Na mě se nedívej

April 16, 200643m

Lynette is called in to her kids' school as Parker has gone from being obsessed with Dinosaurs to being obsessed with nudity. Carlos and Gabrielle must go to court to get custody of their baby. Bree's father Henry and stepmother Eleanor come to town to mediate between Andrew and her. Susan is convinced that Karl doesn't really love Edie. Later, she goes to a movie theater, and spots Mike with a date.

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The More You Know, the Juicier it Gets

April 23, 20061h

This special features the best and most-loved moments from the show, while also bringing viewers up to date with the remaining 5 hours of the show's second season. The special will bring viewers up to date with all the latest goings-on, including Bree and Andrew's escalating war, Susan's love triangle with Mike and Karl, Lynette's new job as her husband's new boss, Gabrielle and Carlos' quest for a child, as well as the ongoing mystery of the Applewhite family's secret life.

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To jsem nechtěla

April 30, 200644m

Gabrielle and Carlos are shocked when the father of their baby shows up to take the baby back. Cops and a lawyer arrive to a house on Wisteria Lane. Lynette tries to help Ed heat up his sex life. Meanwhile, Karl decides to break up with Edie, as Edie has no idea that Susan is the "other woman." Edie causes a fight to break out in a bar, after she trips a waitress. Lastly, Bree is taken a step forward to help Peter when she finds out how bad his other addiction is.

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Pravda vyjde najevo

May 7, 200644m

Bree and Andrew finally reach an impasse in their relationship as tension has finally reached a critical point. Meanwhile, Ed finally fires Tom with the pressure from his wife. Lastly, Edie's private detective begins to uncover numerous details of Karl and Susan's relationship as of recently. Gabrielle is having a tough time keeping her servant in the country.

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Nikdo není sám

May 14, 200644m

Reaching the end of her rope, Bree checks herself into the Fairview psychiatric hospital. Lynette suspects that Tom is cheating on her, so she follows him to Atlantic City. Susan must start over. Felicia Tilman has more in store for Paul Young, resulting in their war reaching its final battle. Gaby and Carlos get Xiao-Mei pregnant.

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Season Finale
May 21, 20061h 28m

Flashbacks take us back to to moving-in day on Wisteria Lane for Bree, Lynette, Susan and Gabrielle and how Mary Alice brought them all together. Back in the present, Bree gets some frightening news. Susan moves into a trailer after her house was burnt down. Lynette and the kids are staying at a hotel. After seeing a report on the news, Gabrielle believes Carlos died. Paul begs Zach to get him a good lawyer via Noah.

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Time to Come Clean

September 3, 20061h

A 30-minute special in which Marc Cherry and the writing/production staff offer the inside scoop on the next season and the upcoming Wisteria Lane wedding.

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Poslouchej, jak déšť bubunuje do střechy

September 24, 200643m

It is raining on Wisteria Lane, six months after Mike was run over. He is now in a coma, with Susan by his side. Bree gets engaged to Orson. Gabrielle and Carlos are getting divorced, but they are briefly reunited when their 8½ months pregnant surrogate Xiao-Mei runs away. While adjusting to having another child around the house, Lynette realizes that the girl's mother, Nora, is more than she can handle.

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Dokonalý pár

October 1, 200643m

It's wedding day for Bree and Orson but things don't go quite as planned. Meanwhile, the body of a dead woman believed to be Orson's ex-wife is recovered, which interrupts the reception. Susan goes on a date with Ian, but trouble ensues when his in-laws show up at the restaurant. When Nora breaks up with her boyfriend, Lynette decide to hook up Nora with someone. Edie lets her 18-year-old nephew Austin come live with her for some time. Lastly, Xiao-Mei goes into labor.

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Víkend na venkově

October 8, 200643m

It is a holiday weekend on Wisteria Lane. Bree and Orson are going on their honeymoon, while Gabrielle and Lynette are going a spa vacation and Tom is going on a camping trip with the kids. Meanwhile Susan is going on a quiet romantic getaway with Ian, not sure if she's cheating on Mike. However, things don't go as planned.

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Jako dřív

October 15, 200643m

Mike has woken up from his coma, and has no recollection of the past two years, and Edie is there to fill in the blanks. Susan is still in the country with Ian, when she receives the news. Bree finds her family is anything but perfect. Lynette is determined not to let Parker quit baseball because he made a commitment, even though he's terrible at it. Carlos moves back into the Solis house, much to Gabrielle's displeasure.

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Umění sabotáže

October 22, 200643m

The divorce between Gabrielle and Carlos reaches new levels of bitterness. Susan is determined to jog Mike's memory, and realizes Edie has been posing as his girlfriend since he woke up. Tom decides that his dream is to open a pizza parlor, and Lynette is not delighted. Bree tries to break up Danielle and her history teacher, who's been having an affair with her. Meanwhile, Mike's phone number is discovered on a dead woman's body.

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Miláčku, musím se ti přiznat...

October 29, 200643m

Susan professes her love for Ian. Gabrielle and Carlos try to rekindle their love. Bree is confronted with Orson's past. In the meantime, Nora and Lynette go to war.

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November 5, 200643m

Everyone's lives on Wisteria Lane are forever changed when Carolyn Bigsby holds shoppers hostage at a local supermarket. Meanwhile, Gabrielle and Carlos finish dividing their assets: Gabrielle gets the house, and Carlos gets everything in it. Susan is preparing to go to Paris with Ian.

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Děti a Art

November 12, 200643m

Lynette returns home from the hospital. Gabrielle decides to get back into modeling and travels to New York. Susan comes home to find Austin and Julie making out on her couch. Bree meets her antagonistic mother-in-law Gloria, with whom Orson is in a quarrel. Detective Ridley has Mike's house searched.

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Malé královny krásy

November 19, 200643m

Gabrielle takes a shot at training potential young beauty queens. After discovering a wall of photos of half-naked boys in his basement, Lynette is convinced her new neighbor Art is a pedophile. Susan stays at Ian's house and clashes with his butler. Carlos asks Mike if he could stay with him for a while. With his mother living in the Hodge house temporarily, another part of Orson's past is revealed.

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Zazračná píseň

Mid-Season Finale
November 26, 200643m

The residents of Wisteria Lane celebrate their annual holiday block party. Meanwhile, Gabrielle sets her eyes on a father of a girl she's coaching. Mike is arrested for Monique's murder. Thanks to Lynette, mothers of the neighborhood arrange a protest against Art. This causes his sister a heart attack. And Susan has to cook dinner for Ian's parents.

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Tom and Lynette try to make Kayla feel like a part of the family. Alma Hodge decides to pay Orson and Bree a visit. Susan visits Mike in jail to tell him about the lawyer Ian got him. Gabrielle accuses Carlos of trying to sabotage her relationship with Bill. Bree organizes a dinner party to show Susan that Alma is alive.

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Jen přes mou mrtvolu

January 14, 200743m

Bree isn't happy Alma has moved to Wisteria Lane. Gabrielle's secret admirer is revealed. The new Scavo Pizzeria faces an uncertain future. Julie and Austin go to Edie about giving them parental consent to buy birth control pills.

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Pojď si se mnou hrát

January 21, 200743m

Gabrielle cannot avoid Zach. Mike's new lawyer suggests he pleads guilty, but Susan doesn't agree with that. Gloria informs Bree that she and Alma believe Bree is the other woman. Instead of going back to work Lynette pretends to be ill so she can help Tom promote the pizzeria at a food fair.

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Už si vzpomeň

February 11, 200743m

Ian proposes to Susan. The Scavo pizzeria prepares for its grand opening. Mike visits a hypnotherapist in hopes of remembering Monique. Gabrielle's romantically interested in a lawyer, but he's working for Zach who wants her for himself. Bree is hospitalized after a fall, after being tricked to climb on a ladder to retrieve Monique's teeth.

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Všechny ty maličkosti, co děláte spolu

February 18, 200745m

All of Wisteria Lane gathers at Pizzeria Scavo for the grand opening event, while one resident meets an untimely fate and another accepts a marriage proposal.

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Můj muž, ten protiva

March 4, 200743m

Edie gets an unexpected visit from her son. An unexpected pregnancy causes complications. Victor Lang, a man in his 40s running for mayor of Fairview, introduces himself for Gabrielle. The deceased Rex Van De Kamp narrates.

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The Juiciest Bites

April 1, 20071h

This special features the best and most-loved moments from the show, while also bringing viewers up to date with the remaining episodes of the show's third season. The special will bring viewers up to date with all the latest goings-on, including the deaths of Monique and Alma, Susan's love triangle with Mike and Ian, Tom's dream to open a pizzeria, Gabrielle and Carlos' divorce, as well as Austin and Julie's relationship.

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Šaty dělají člověka

April 8, 200743m

Susan meets her in-laws and finds out some family. Victor is still taking his chances with Gabrielle, while she has a devastating catastrophe at her home. Lynette is encountering new problems at the pizzeria while an unexpected relationship develops on Wisteria Lane.

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April 15, 200743m

Susan considers moving from Wisteria Lane to London. Later, an accident causes Ian, Susan, and their car to find themselves stranded in a lake. Tom feels threatened by the interest a new Scavo's Pizzeria employee Rick shows in Lynette. While debating his opponent in the mayoral election, Victor Lang witnesses something disturbing.

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Bože, to je lahůdka

April 22, 200743m

Gabrielle and Victor will make an unexpected twist in their relationship and will also face a crisis as a video of them sharing a passionate moment in an elevator was caught on tape and is now being used to blackmail them. Edie gets into a fight with one of the ladies that will ruin their "friendship" while another lady on Wisteria Lane ends up in the hospital.

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April 29, 200743m

Susan goes to the therapist and realizes she must choose between Ian and Mike. Travers is having a birthday party which only spells trouble for Mrs. McCluskey, Gabrielle's engagement party is upstaged by an unexpected announcement and the neighborhood is full of gossip about the dead body found on Wisteria Lane.

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Zpátky do lesů

May 6, 200743m

Susan goes into the woods to try to find Mike. Gabrielle gets into an argument with a meter man who gives her a ticket. Victor is elected mayor, and Gabrielle goes back to teach the meter man a lesson. Edie's ex-husband comes back to collect Travers. Lynette realizes she has feelings for another man.

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Co bychom si bez tebe počali?

May 13, 200743m

While Tom tries to save his marriage, Mike and Susan get engaged. However, Susan's happiness is short-lived when she realizes Gabrielle has stolen her cancelled wedding with Ian. Meanwhile, Edie wants Carlos to move in with her, and she's ready to do anything to make it happen.

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Dneska se vdávám

Season Finale
May 20, 200743m

As Gabrielle prepares for her fairy tale wedding, Bree returns to Fairview with a surprise. Meanwhile, Lynette's mother Stella pays her a visit after finding out Lynette has cancer. Finally, Susan and Mike tie the knot in an unexpected location.

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Secrets & Lies

September 23, 20071h

"Secrets & Lies" recaps the highlights of the previous season and provides viewers with a sneak-peek into the upcoming season 4.

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Tak už to víš

September 30, 200743m

Susan learns that she is expecting a child while Bree continues to fake her own pregnancy. Gabrielle begins an affair with her ex-husband, Carlos and Lynette tries to conceal her cancer from her friends and children. The episode also introduces Katherine Mayfair, Susan's old friend who returns to the neighborhood after being away for 12 years.

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Úsměvy letní noci

October 7, 200743m

Lynette kicks Tom out of her chemotherapy sessions. Susan is mistaken for a stripper. Bree attempts to steal a prize-winning recipe from Katherine.

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October 14, 200743m

Bree informs the housewives of what she overheard in the Mayfair house. Stella makes some special brownies to help Lynette through chemotherapy. Susan throws a charades party for the whole neighborhood.

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Jestli něco nesnáším

October 21, 200743m

Edie is shocked when she receives some news at the gynecologist's office. At the baby shower Bree's friends throw her, Bree's ex-mother-in-law Phyllis discovers her pregnancy is a hoax. Finally, Wisteria Lane welcomes to the street a homosexual couple.

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S uměním to není lehké

October 28, 200742m

Bob & Lee's contemporary water sculpture in their front yard prompts the Wisteria Lane neighborhood association into action. Edie finds out about the affair that Carlos is having with Gaby. Also, John Rowland wants to rekindle his romance with Gaby.

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Neboj se, já už to vím

November 4, 200743m

This is the show's first Halloween episode. Edie Britt's biggest fear comes true when Carlos walks out on their relationship. Susan finds Mike's father, who was supposedly dead. Danielle goes into labor right in the middle of the Halloween party... and somebody has to deliver the baby.

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Nesuď knihu podle obálky

November 11, 200743m

Lynette's sisters Lydia and Lucy come to visit. While having dinner with Susan and Mike, Bree and Orson realize they share different views on whether their newborn baby should be circumcised. On a boat, Victor confronts Gaby about her affair with Carlos and she throws him into the ocean. Later, Bree informs Susan that she thinks Mike is addicted to drugs.

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Dávná minulost

November 25, 200743m

A mysterious stalker from Adam's past shows up on Wisteria Lane, and they have dinner. Detectives question Gabrielle about Victor's whereabouts. Danielle's baby puts stress on Bree and Orson's marriage. Lynette has a reunion with her long-lost stepfather, Glen. Susan notices Mike is behaving strangely.

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Něco se blíží

Mid-Season Finale
December 2, 200743m

A tornado comes to Wisteria Lane, forcing residents into basements, cellars and safe rooms, and destroying homes and lives. Meanwhile, Susan ends up at the hospital after falling down the stairs.

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Vítejte v Kanagawě

January 6, 200843m

In the aftermath of the tornado, the residents of Wisteria Lane try to rebuild their lives. Katherine discovers someone may know her secret while Lynette faces the possibility of her family's fate.

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Nedělní ráno

April 13, 200843m

Two weeks after the tornado, with Mike still in rehab, Mrs. Delfino gets a visit from her cousin Tim. Meanwhile, Bree desperately awaits to return to her own house. Gabrielle learns that Carlos' blindness is permanent. Katherine is unable to keep some of her secrets from the women of Wisteria Lane. Finally, a surprise wedding ceremony has its own share of secrets.

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Vidět a nevidět

April 20, 200843m

Gabrielle struggles with the reality of having a blind husband. Lynette is surprised when Rick Coletti shows up at the Scavo pizzeria. Bree and Katherine join forces to plan the Founders Day Ball. As part of his recovery, Mike asks a few people for forgiveness, and Orson starts sleepwalking.

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Ahoj, holčičko

April 27, 200843m

Bree and Katherine decide to start a catering business together. Lynette tries to deny her feelings for Rick. Mike learns the truth about his nearly fatal accident. Carlos gets a seeing-eye dog. Dylan meets her estranged father.

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Vítejte u nás

May 4, 200843m

Susan meets her ex-husband, Karl at a Lamaze class, and finds out that he has remarried and is having another child. Lynette learns who was responsible for starting the fire at Rick's restaurant. Bree wants Orson to turn himself in to the police. Meanwhile, Gabrielle rents a room to a hip artist, Ellie, who has a dark secret. Elsewhere, Dylan continues meeting with her father, Wayne, and Katherine decides to go spy on her.

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Jak řekla matka

May 11, 200843m

Adele Delfino, Susan's mother-in-law, arrives for a visit. Carlos and Gabrielle find out their tenant, Elli, has a dark secret. A full scale war erupts between Bree and Edie.

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Právo na obranu

May 18, 200843m

"The Gun Song" is the 86th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. It is the sixteenth episode of the show's fourth season, and the first half of the two-hour season finale. It aired on May 18, 2008 in the United States.

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Zase volná

Season Finale
May 18, 200844m

Susan and Mike try to name their son. Lynette is arrested for supposedly attacking Kayla, and Tom must do what he can to save his family. Bree is being stalked by Orson, and when she meets with Reverend Green, the reverend tries to hit on her. In the meantime, Gabrielle is still helping the police trying to detain Ellie for dealing drugs. Finally, Katherine is visited by her ex-husband, Wayne.

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Zítra tě budou milovat

September 28, 200843m

Five years have passed since Katherine shot her ex-husband as Susan, Lynette, Bree and Gaby stood together in solidarity to protect her. Susan tries to hide her relationship with a new man; Gaby questions her abilities as a mom; Bree is on the verge of publishing her own cookbook as business partner, Katherine, grows envious; Lynette catches her teenaged twins spearheading illegal activities; and Edie returns to Wisteria Lane in jaw-dropping fashion with a new man in tow.

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My jsmě šťastní, vy jste šťastní

October 5, 200843m

Unaware of Jackson's whereabouts, Susan goes to a local bar suspecting that he might be with Mike however, she soon lands herself in-trouble; meanwhile, after spending money that did not belong to her, Gabrielle attempts to get Carlos to get a job at the local country club as it pays better. Bree promotes her cook book on a radio show.

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Děti nejsou jako my ostatní

October 12, 200843m

Bree's estranged daughter, Danielle, returns to Wisteria Lane and is met with a deluge of criticism. Meanwhile, Gabrielle and Susan find themselves embroiled in a catfight brought on by an altercation between their kids. To her chagrin, Lynette comes home to find Tom and Dave have formed a garage band after she told him to get rid of his old things. Finally, Katherine and Mrs. McCluskey invite Edie to lunch to press her for more information on Dave.

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Zase v jednom kole

October 19, 200843m

Bree's new found success causes the rest of the women on Wisteria Lane to feel envious. Lynette longs to return to her days as an ad-executive, and finds an outlet as Bree's marketing manager. Mike feels that he is not a big enough presence in his son's life after M.J. draws a family portrait and leaves him out. Meanwhile, Gaby comes up with a way to have more sex with Carlos.

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Zrcadlo, zrcadlo

October 26, 200843m

Driven by a hidden agenda, Dave convinces Susan to throw Mrs. McCluskey a surprise party for her 70th birthday. Jackson wants to take his relationship with Susan to the next level. Gabrielle's concerned she might be pregnant. Tom tells Lynette he's sold the pizzeria. A startling reason for the bond between Bree and Katherine is revealed. And finally, an outraged Mrs. McCluskey has the entire neighborhood questioning her sanity.

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Za vším hledej ženu

November 2, 200843m

Gaby is over the moon when Carlos' client makes them an offer they can't refuse, but a startling discovery leaves her second guessing. Lynette grows suspicious that Tom is cheating on her. After breaking up with Jackson, Susan tries to surprise him, only to find the surprise is on her. Meanwhile, the bond between Bree and Katherine grows. Finally, Mrs. McCluskey enlists the help of her sister Roberta (guest star Lily Tomlin) to dig up dirt on Dave.

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Co člověk potřebuje

November 9, 200842m

Lynette and Tom uncover the unsettling truth about son Porter. Gabrielle suspects Carlos' best client, Virginia, has ulterior motives. Bree's moment of weakness could bring her great embarrassment and shame. Katherine's not-so-little secret is unveiled. Susan learns of Jackson's true passion. Finally, Mrs. McCluskey's sister Roberta unearths a disturbing fact about Dave.

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Město v plamenech

November 16, 200843m

Susan's daughter Julie comes to visit with her surprising new boyfriend. Gabrielle learns that Mrs. Hildebrand has made her and Carlos heirs of her entire fortune. A reporter looks to expose Bree's imperfections. Lynette learns Porter and Anne Schilling plan to leave Fairview and disappear. Finally, everyone has gathered at a club to see the guys play in the annual "Battle of the Bands" when a fire erupts, threatening the lives of those in attendance. Some will fall as a hero will rise.

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Po požáru

November 30, 200842m

For Gaby and Carlos, injuries sustained in the fire lead to a fortunate discovery. But for most, the consequences are less forgiving. Lynette and Tom vow to protect son Porter at any cost. Susan must learn to let go of the man she loves. Orson's attempt at a good night's sleep puts Bree in a most precarious, though amusing, position on the day of her big cooking demonstration.

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Návrat ze tmy

Mid-Season Finale
December 7, 200843m

Lynette takes extreme measures to protect her son. Carlos realizes the extent of Gaby's sacrifices for their family. Bree wants to prove to Andrew that she has accepted him for who he is. Katherine finds happiness, as Susan and Mike recognize the fate of their relationship. Meanwhile, Dave starts to lose his grip.

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Každý potřebuje domov

January 4, 200943m

Bree clashes with Alex's mother for their sons' affections. Gabrielle urges Carlos to take a six-figure job, even though it means spending more time away from home. Susan turns to Lee for company while Jackson is away. Lynette catches Preston talking to Porter on the phone. Meanwhile, Edie grows weary of Dave, whose strange behavior hasn't abated.

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Haló, haló

January 11, 200944m

Susan and Edie accidentally lock themselves in a basement; the search for Porter leads Lynette to her mother; Mike and Katherine define their relationship; Dave gets closer to exacting revenge.

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To nejlepší, co nás kdy potkalo

January 18, 200943m

When Eli Scruggs (Beau Bridges), the neighborhood handyman, passes away, the residents of Wisteria Lane realize how much he affected their lives.

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Mít a nemít peníze

February 8, 200943m

Bree treats herself to a new car; Susan wants to send M.J. to the best school even though she and Mike can't afford it; Gaby tries to get back into shape; Lee wonders if he should tell Tom and Lynette some disturbing facts about Dave.

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Svět, ve kterém vládnou šéfové

February 15, 200943m

Susan gets a new job. Lynette tells Tom they need to sell Scavo's Pizzeria. Gaby discovers that Carlos' boss has a dirty little secret; Orson confronts Bree after discovering she has given Andrew a raise.

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Lež má krátké nohy

March 8, 200943m

Bree tells Lynette she will help Tom find a job; Carlos' adulterous boss puts Gaby in a precarious situation; after a chance encounter with an old acquaintance, Edie looks into Dave's past.

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Příběh o Lucy a Jessie

March 15, 200943m

Susan tries to impress a teacher at work, Gaby talks Carlos into hiring Lynette, Edie continues to look into Dave's past.

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Světlo na konci tunelu

March 22, 200943m

Bree contemplates selling her business in order to revive her marriage. Meanwhile, Lynette is threatened at work; Katherine is caught in an unforseen circumstance; and Edie's worst fear begins to come true.

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Edie becomes the subject as the other housewives reminisce about her: with Susan recalling the first time they met; Lynnette remembers an unforgettable night; Gaby remembers an evening of friendly competition; and Bree remembers how thoughtful she was towards Orson.

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Tajnosti a lži

April 26, 200943m

Carlos finds Lynette in a precarious position, which she chooses to hide from Tom, and Gabrielle hastily covers for Tom's coy behavior. Orson tries to hide the truth about his wounds from Bree, while Katherine confesses to Mike, which leads to a surprising realization. In the meantime, Susan confides her dark secret in Dave.

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Něco za něco

May 3, 200943m

Bree sinks to a new low to retain the best lawyer, and Gabrielle's vanity is put to the test when she makes a deal with her daughter Juanita. Meanwhile, Lynette and Tom negotiate sex, and Katherine deceives Mike to win his heart. Jackson (guest star Gale Harold) walks back into Susan's life with a proposal, and an unexpected visit sends Dave to do some bargaining of his own.

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Vezmeš si mě?

May 10, 200943m

Bree goes to extremes to hide her true intentions from Orson, while Susan and Jackson put on an act for the authorities. Lynette is shocked at the lengths Tom will go to in order to look younger, and Katherine masks the truth from Mike, afraid to lose him. Meanwhile, Dave is on edge when he learns a key witness to his misdeeds surfaces.

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Všichni říkají, nedělej to

May 17, 200943m

Gabrielle becomes upset when Carlos offers to have his not-so-innocent niece, Ana, come and stay with them for a while and disrupts their routine. Meanwhile, Lynette becomes angry at Tom as he desperately tries to hold on to his youth. The brutal battle of the sexes between Orson and Bree gets nasty when Orson discovers what she's been up to. Elsewhere, Detectives Lyons and Collins make headway in the arson fire.

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Kruh se uzavírá

Season Finale
May 17, 200943m

Lynette adapts to Tom's decision to go back to school, Orson takes a beating that Bree cannot comprehend, Gabrielle's niece moves to Wisteria Lane, and Susan and MJ's lives are in grave danger at the hands of Dave.

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Hodný neznamená šťastný

September 27, 200943m

Mike gets married and his bride is finally revealed will it be Katherine or Susan? Meanwhile, Lynette deals with the realities of being pregnant again; Bree works to break free from Orson; Gaby is tested by Carlos' niece who continues to stay with them; and a new family with dark secrets moves to Wisteria.

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Another Desperate Housewife (1)

October 1, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Boj o život

October 4, 200943m

Mrs. McCluskey falls for a steak salesman called Roy Handler. Julie is found unconscious in the park bushes, which questions Mrs. McCluskey's decision to tell the police that she saw Angie Bolen's 19-year-old son, Danny, fighting with Julie.

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Another Desperate Housewife (2)

October 8, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Nesuď dámu podle milence

October 11, 200942m

A chance encounter reunites Gaby with her sexy ex-lover and gardener, John Rowland; Bree contemplates a weekend getaway with Karl; Lynette and Tom break the news to their kids that she's pregnant again; and Susan is convinced Angie's son is responsible for her daughter's attack.

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Another Desperate Housewife (3)

October 12, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Proč nás trestáš, Bože?

October 18, 200943m

Losing Mike takes its toll on Katherine. As Katherine unravels, Bree comes to her aid; Gaby grows weary of John’s intentions towards Ana with twins on the way, Lynette calls upon her family to step up around the house Susan learns Julie has been harboring some secrets and Angie throws a party for son, Danny.

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Another Desperate Housewife (4)

October 20, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Každý by měl mít pokojskou

October 25, 200943m

When Juanita’s party is on the verge of being ruined after Gaby is deemed a bad mom, Gaby is determined to prove she’s a responsible parent. Bree gets defensive when she’s judged by a motel maid for having an affair with Karl. Lynette is put off by her new handyman when he defers to Tom for approval on all things and Susan and Katherine come to blows over Mike.

Meanwhile, a lapse in judgment on Danny’s part leads to a terrible mishap that Angie and Nick must cover up.

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Another Desperate Housewife (5)

October 26, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Nevstupovat na trávník

November 1, 200943m

Bree begins to fall for Karl and drifts further from Orson. Katherine continues her sad attempts at seducing Mike, as her conflict with Susan grows. Gaby gets Juanita expelled from school. Lynette learns Tom is cheating on his mid-term, and Angie hides the truth about her mother.

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Another Desperate Housewife (6)

November 3, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Opatrně s tím, co říkáte

November 8, 200943m

Susan believes that Katherine may be Julie's assailant. Angie invites reluctant Bree and Orson to dinner. Gaby struggles to home school Juanita. Lynette has her own suspicions about who attacked Julie. Angie confronts Nick.

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Another Desperate Housewife (7)

November 9, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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November 15, 200943m

Susan discovers a surprising connection between Mike and Katherine, which leads her to question her relationship with Mike. Meanwhile Gaby will stop at nothing to get Juanita into Catholic school, and Lynette's pregnancy becomes hysterically impossible to hide. Meanwhile, as Bree tries to hide her infidelity, Angie uncovers the truth about Orson and Bree's imperfect marriage.

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Another Desperate Housewife (8)

November 16, 20091m

A series of eight mini-episodes written by series creator Marc Cherry for a mobile network ad.

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Sebevražedné myšlenky

November 29, 200943m

"Would I Think of Suicide?" is the 120th episode of the ABC television series Desperate Housewives. It is the ninth episode of the show's sixth season and aired on November 29, 2009.

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Střemhlavý pád

Mid-Season Finale
December 6, 200943m

Gabrielle and Lynette's friendship is on the brink of collapse, whereas Bree and Orson come to an agreement about their marriage. Meanwhile, Susan hatches a plan to help an irrational Katherine, and Danny's vital mistake might cost Angie her freedom. In the meantime, Christmas cheer is curtailed when disaster strikes, as a plane crashes down on Wisteria Lane, putting lives in peril.

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Co kdyby...

January 3, 201043m

In the aftermath of the plane crash, the residents of Wisteria Lane think about what their lives might have been like had they made different choices. Susan contemplates a life with Karl had she not left him. Bree considers life without Orson. Lynette thinks about a future with her unborn twins. Carlos reflects on how Gaby would be as an over-protective mom and Angie ponders the consequences should her secrets be revealed.

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Nápad k nezaplacení

January 10, 201043m

Susan turns up the heat for Mike, Bree learns it won't be easy to undo the hurt she's caused Orson, Lynette discovers Tom's true intentions, and Gaby is forced to examine feelings she's suppressed about her heritage.

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Každý někdy potřebuje pomoc

January 17, 201043m

Lynette balks at the idea of seeing a couples' therapist. Meanwhile, Katherine is seeing her own psychiatrist, Gaby and Susan are determined to find out which of if their kids are in the smartest group at school, and Angie disapproves of Danny's new girlfriend.

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Báječný život

January 31, 201043m

Gaby and Angie challenge each other's parenting skills, Susan befriends a stripper and takes her under her wing, Lynette and Tom argue the merits of their new therapist, and a concerned Bree keeps a watchful eye on Orson for fear he may take his own life.

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February 21, 201043m

Former exotic dancer Robin will have a profound effect on Susan's friends with three teenage boys at home, Lynette will keep a watchful eye; Bree picks up a few tricks to engage Orson; Gaby looks for help with troublesome niece Ana; and Katherine will find a friendly companion.

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Umění svádět

February 28, 201043m

Having never had the chicken pox herself, Gaby stays with Lee and Bob and is reminded of what it's like to be single again; Lynette and Tom forget Penny's birthday; Bree hires a promising new employee; Susan cheats on Mrs. McKluskey; Katherine makes a surprising discovery and Angie grows concerned over Danny's disappearance.

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Návrat ztracených synů

March 14, 201043m

While in the Big Apple, a chance encounter with supermodels Heidi Klum and Paulina Porizkova leads Gaby to an unexpected revelation about herself. Meanwhile, Lynette and Tom are in for a big surprise when Preston returns from Europe; Mike is determined to show Susan what a man he is after feeling emasculated; Bree discovers a shocking connection to her new employee, Sam; and Katherine is confused over her feelings for Robin.

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Vyhrát může jenom jeden

March 21, 201043m

Angie’s ex-boyfriend, Patrick, emerges after her trip to New York. Meanwhile it’s game on between Gaby and Susan, as they go to shameless lengths to top each other’s kids; Lynette believes there’s more to Preston’s fiancée than she’s letting on; Bree invites Sam over for a family dinner; and Katherine comes out of the closet.

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Všichni si zasloužíme zemřít

April 18, 201043m

Determined to derail son Preston's marriage to Irina, Lynette discovers the truth about her future daughter-in-law. In the meantime, Gabrielle offers to help out Bob and Lee in the most generous way, but does not consider the consequences. Bree begins to question whether Sam has a hidden agenda, and Susan gets creative to help Mike with his finances. Unbeknownst to Angie, Danny meets Patrick Logan for the very first time.

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Ďábelský škrtič z Wisteria Lane

April 25, 201043m

The Fairview strangler has been living among the women of Wisteria Lane. He once caught Gabrielle and Carlos in an intimate moment. Bree offered him a job and some dating advice. Susan encouraged his passion for art. Lynette will show him kindness and generosity. But... who is he?

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Malá noční hudba

May 2, 201043m

Angie comes face to face with her ex, Patrick Logan, after years on the run. Meanwhile, Gaby and Susan plan an elaborate scheme against their husbands, Lynette sees a darker side of Eddie, and Bree meets a woman who knows Sam all too well.

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Detektivní balada

May 9, 201043m

Lynette comes to a shocking realization about Eddie. Meanwhile, Angie discreetly relies on Gaby for help when Patrick threatens the life of her son; Bree offers Sam a generous payoff to walk away; and Susan and Mike's financial woes result in the ultimate sacrifice.

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Dávám ti sbohem

Season Finale
May 16, 201043m

Gaby risks her safety to help Angie; Lynette's fate and that of her unborn child lie in the hands of Eddie; Susan comes to grips with her financial woes; Bree considers confessing a secret she's harbored for years; and Angie must submit to Patrick's demands in order to protect her son.

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Paul se vrací

September 26, 201043m

Paul Young, now out of prison, returns to Wisteria Lane with an enigmatic new wife; Susan, Mike and M.J. live in an apartment on limited funds; Lynette's successful college friends pays the Scavos an unexpected visit.

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To je moje žena

October 3, 201043m

Lynette is angry when Renee starts spending a lot of time with Tom; Bree finds herself falling for Keith (Brian Austin Green); Susan feels guilty about her side job.

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Co je štěstí

October 10, 201043m

Susan is less than pleased when she finds out that some of her best and sexiest internet show moves are being copied by a competitor (guest star Rebecca Creskoff), and Gabrielle hires a private detective to look into an important matter, unbeknownst to Carlos. Meanwhile, Lynette is stunned when Tom's doctor prescribes him a rather unorthodox remedy for his depression, and Renee invites a reluctant Bree to go clubbing with her in order to engage in some local man-hunting.

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Hlavní je to, co je uvnitř

October 17, 201043m

Susan is horrified when she discovers that she has become the face of the provocative internet company she's been secretly working for and is now the cover model for their outdoor billboard ads; Gabrielle tells her coveted secret to the ladies; Renee finds out that Bree is a grandmother and uses it to her advantage in an attempt to steal Keith away and have him for herself; Lynette takes advantage of daughter Penny's generous offer to help look after the baby; and Paul purchases the home he shared with Mary Alice, against wife Beth's wishes.

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Se mnou se pobavíš

October 24, 201043m

Susan's days as a sexy internet sensation may be coming to an end after she angers an important client and incurs the wrath of her boss, Maxine; Renee and Gabrielle are headed for a smackdown after each of them reveals an intimate secret about the other to the wrong people; Bree finds herself exhausted by younger lover Keith's sexual stamina; Lynette is angry with Tom after he asks his mother to become the baby's nanny without talking it over with her first; and housewife Emma Graham puts on a cabaret show -- with the aid of saxophonist Dave Koz -- with surprising results.

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Čeho se nejvíc bojíte?

October 31, 201043m

Susan is forced to reveal her secret to Mike; Juanita becomes suspicious of Gaby's interest in Grace; Lynette is worried about Tom's mother's memory lapses; Bree learns a secret about Keith; and Paul takes Beth out on a date.

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Jak chutná ponížení

November 7, 201043m

A reluctant Susan accepts Lynette's offer to be baby Paige's nanny; Bree meets Keith's parents; Renee makes a proposal that Lynette can't refuse; Gaby fears that Bob might be trying to seduce Carlos after they become friends; and Beth begins to question Paul's motives for returning to Wisteria Lane.

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Smutné Díkůvzdání

November 14, 201043m

Thanksgiving on Wisteria Lane finds Gabrielle and Carlos hosting Carmen, Hector and Grace to a bountiful feast. But the Solis's discover some surprising news about the Sanchez's that could threaten their time with Grace.

Meanwhile, Bree invites Keith's parents to partake in Thanksgiving at her house and learns some family secrets; Susan butts heads with Lynette over her sleep training techniques for baby Paige; Renee continues to remind Tom about their past; and Beth tries to uncover more about Paul's past misdeeds.

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Naše klidné království

December 5, 201043m

Gabrielle desperately tries to figure out a way to keep Grace in her life; Keith plans a very special dinner with Bree; Tom is angry at Lynette for not disclosing his special attributes to the other ladies; Renee tells Susan a deep, dark secret; and Paul's plan for Wisteria Lane is revealed

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Rebelové ve Wisteria Lane

Mid-Season Finale
December 12, 201043m

Paul's nefarious plan for Wisteria Lane is put into full effect. Juanita discovers that she isn't Gabrielle's biological daughter, and Bree invites Keith (guest star Brian Austin Green) to move in with her, whilst Tom is confronted about his past indiscretion with Renee.

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Tajemný střelec

January 2, 201143m

Paul finds out that Beth is Felicia Tilman's daughter while a therapist asks Carlos and Gabrielle to erase Grace from their lives. Susan finds out she needs to go to the hospital every 48 hours and Renee finally tells the secret between her and Tom to Lynette. Orson returns and Bree gets torn apart with her feelings between Orson and Keith and detectives try to find the person responsible for shooting Paul Young.

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Kam patřím?

January 9, 201143m

Susan's mother and aunt visit her at the hospital, Lynette plots revenge against Tom, Gabrielle becomes increasingly obsessed with getting Grace back and Bree wants to be friends with Beth.

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Ještě jsem tady

January 16, 201143m

Lynette feels her mother (guest star Polly Bergen as Stella) is marrying Frank (guest star Larry Hagman), an abrasive and obnoxious man, for all the wrong reasons, and thus tries to talk her out of it. Meanwhile, Carlos becomes concerned when he learns about Gabrielle's obsession with her doll, and Bob and Lee hire a non-maternal Renee to decorate their newly adopted girl's bedroom. Bree runs into Keith's ex-girlfriend (guest star Rochelle Aytes as Amber) and learns some shocking news about his past, and Susan tries to befriend a curmudgeonly man (guest star Gregory Itzin as Dick) who has given up on ever finding a kidney donor. In the meantime, Paul appears to have some plans for Beth (guest star Emily Bergl), as he books a trip for the two of them to a remote cabin in the woods.

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Stíny minulosti

February 13, 201143m

While in therapy, Gabrielle learns the truth about her past; Keith becomes suspicious about Bree's secret; Lynette's mother tells a lie to a coroner about Frank's death; Mike confronts Zach about Paul's shooting; someone makes arrangements to give Susan a new kidney.

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Dopis na rozloučenou

February 20, 201143m

Gabrielle and Carlos head to Texas to visit Gabrielle's stepfather's grave; Lynette prohibits Porter and Preston from bringing home prostitutes; Renee tries to use Susan's dialysis to help her get into a restaurant, but fails.

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Smysl života

March 6, 201143m

Susan vows to get the most out of life when she learns that her dialysis isn't working and that, unless she receives a kidney transplant soon, she will die. Meanwhile, jealous of Lee and Bob's adopted daughter's routine for an upcoming school talent show, Gaby pressures Juanita to come up with a number that will outshine everyone; Bree makes it her mission to find a kidney donor for Susan; Lynette puts a plan into action to discourage a clearly non-maternal Renee from adopting a baby; and Beth Young struggles to figure out what to do with her life after Paul kicks her out of the house.

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Všechno je jinak, vše při starém

April 3, 201143m

Paul tries to stand between Susan and her kidney transplant; Felicia is released from prison and swears revenge against Paul; Gabrielle is furious about a neighborhood party planned by Renee; Tom is caught between working with Carlos and a job opportunity; Andrew's drinking concerns Bree.

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Chvilky v lese

April 17, 201143m

Believing she's on a winning streak after undergoing a successful kidney transplant, Susan begins to think she's invincible and starts to gamble with the little money she and Mike have, convinced she can't lose. Meanwhile, Bree desperately tries to stop Andrew from admitting to Carlos that he was the one who accidentally killed his mother years ago, and Renee helps introduce Lynette to the world of high class, frivolous shopping now that Tom's bringing in the big bucks with his new, high-powered job. Felicia (guest star Harriet Sansom Harris) moves back into the neighborhood and tries to convince an extremely suspicious Paul that she wants to bury the hatchet and try to be civil to one another.

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Špatně utajené lži

April 24, 201143m

Gaby covertly meets Bree when Carlos forbids them from being friends after learning the truth about his mother's death. Meanwhile, saved by the late Beth Young's kidney donation, Susan begins to have some inappropriate dreams about Paul; Lynette is reluctant to be the "plus one" when she accompanies Tom to a weekend conference featuring the nation's top executives; and Felicia tries to regain Mrs. McCluskey's trust in her campaign to bring down Paul Young.

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V neděli se otrávím

May 1, 201142m

With Gaby and the girls temporarily staying at Bree's house, Bree must lay down the law and demand discipline before Juanita and Celia destroy her home. Meanwhile Tom hires Lynette and Renee to redecorate his office - but Lynette has her own ideas of what she thinks Tom needs as opposed to wants; and while continuing to help nurse Paul back to health, Susan discovers that Felicia has been released from prison and is back on Wisteria Lane.

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Pak jsem dostal opravdu strach

May 8, 201143m

Paul begins to suspect that Susan is responsible for his rapidly declining health; Lynette and Tom butt heads over where to go on their family vacation, as well as which one of them will set it up; Gaby shows Juanita a horror movie and has to pay the price when her daughter becomes too scared to sleep in her own bed; and Bree runs into some trust issues when she goes out on a date with a detective.

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Pro pocit bezpečí

May 15, 201143m

A progressive dinner party thrown for Susan to celebrate her move back onto the lane leads to a shocking murder. Meanwhile, Gaby is stunned to learn the identity of the mysterious man who has been stalking her; Lynette and Tom attempt to put the spark back into their marriage by spending a few days alone together at a romantic Bed & Breakfast; after being placed under arrest for allegedly poisoning Paul, Susan must convince the police that she was being framed for the deed by Felicia; Bree begins to suspect that her new boyfriend may be gay.

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Přijďte k nám na večeři

Season Finale
May 15, 201143m

The Wisteria Lane residents each enjoy a progressive dinner; Renee begins a short-lived relationship with a bartender; Bree sees a connection with Chuck; the housewives cover up a fatal accident.

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Břemeno tajemství

September 25, 201143m

While Bree gives Chuck a ride, a smell becomes noticeable; Gabrielle seeks out a priest in order to help Carlos with his problem; Ben Faulkner, a new neighbor, meets Renee; Susan withdraws from her friends because of what happened to Alejandro.

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Věci, které nás spojují

October 2, 201143m

Gabrielle teaches Carlos how to dance on a strip pole; Susan seeks out a punishment for feeling guilty; Renee bonds with one of the customers at a senior center; Tom and Lynette wonder why Parker was at a late night party; Bree discovers Chuck's past.

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Dívej se, jak změním svět

October 9, 201142m

Lee has a problem with Jenny; Susan and Carlos attempt to find the people responsible for tagging the wall with graffiti; Lynette grows suspicious of Lydia and her fiancé.

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Škola ran osudu

October 16, 201143m

While at a yoga class, Lynette and Renee spy on Jane, Tom's new girlfriend; Gabrielle tries to affect change at a PTA meeting; Bree discovers what Danielle is up to; Susan battles with art class teacher Andre Zeller.

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Jak na věc

October 23, 201143m

Tom and Lynette visit a couples counselor about their separation; Bree tries to help a city council about the homeless; Carlos is in a guilty situation; Susan is embarrassed about Andre's students being naked in class.

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Nářek čarodějnice

October 30, 201142m

Susan grows suspicious about Amy's affair with Andre; a delivery man tries to deliver a package for Lynette; a man speaks to a sponsor from A.A. about a blackout; the housewives are in the woods with the shovels, but they're being watched.

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Vše pod kontrolou

November 6, 201143m

Bree is stunned when she learns who dug up the body of Gaby's stepfather; jealousy rears its ugly head when Lynette begins to spread untruths to daughter Penny about Tom's new girlfriend; Gaby and Carlos must convince Lee and Bob that Juanita and Celia aren't the bad seeds that they used to be when they want to name them in their will as guardians; and Susan desperately searches her inner self to find what inspires her in order to better her art and impress her hard-to-please art teacher, Andre.

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Balada o nedůvěře

November 13, 201143m

Detective Chuck Vance begins harassing Bree as his suspicions about her involvement in the disappearance of Alejandro grow; after using the murder of Gaby's stepfather as inspiration for her art school projects, Susan must find a way to graciously decline art school teacher Andre's (Miguel Ferrer) invitation to display and sell her paintings at a gallery showing; when Carlos's drinking gets in the way of his ability to work, Gaby goes to The Office in an effort to save his business from losing a multi-million dollar account; and on the occasion of their 22-year anniversary, Lynette comes up with a plan to try to salvage her marriage to Tom.

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Season 8 Premiere Sneak Peek

December 4, 20112m

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Síť se stahuje

Mid-Season Finale
December 4, 201143m

Gabrielle, thinking the worst, goes on a frenzied search for Carlos after he unexpectedly checks out of rehab. Meanwhile, a desolate Bree goes on a drinking binge and finds herself in a desperate situation.

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Každý máme tajemství

January 8, 201243m

"What's to Discuss, Old Friend" is the 167th episode of the ABC television series Desperate Housewives. It is the tenth episode of the show's eighth season and was broadcast on January 8, 2012.

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Kdo ví, co je pravda?

January 15, 201243m

While in Oklahoma, Susan learns that the late Alejandro has been sexually abusing his 15 year old step-daughter, Marisa, just like he abused Gabby years earlier. Meanwhile, Bree gets an unpleasant surprise from a man she meets in a bar, Gabrielle tries to bluff her way through a business dinner in order to woo a potential client for Carlos, and Mike catches Ben doing something he shouldn't do to try to salvage his faltering real estate project.

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Nikdo není svatý

January 22, 201242m

Karen McCluskey finds out about Bree's sex life and interferes, Bree bumps into one of her many conquests unexpectedly, Gabby shares her past with the widow of Alejandro, and after introducing them, Renee ends up paying the price when the date between her hairdresser and Lynette doesn't go well.

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Tohle že je láska?

February 12, 201243m

Bree's sexual escapades are getting out of hand and help comes from an unexpected source, Susan learns that Julie is pregnant, and Gabby has to deal with a situation at Juanita's school.

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Nepleť se mi do života

February 19, 201243m

Susan discovers the identity of the father of Julie's baby, and Orson makes it his duty to nurse Bree back to health. When Mrs. McCluskey throws Roy out of the house, Gabrielle takes him in and is reluctant to help get them back together when he proves to be an invaluable disciplinarian to her kids. Meanwhile, after getting used to her alone time, Lynette is furious when Porter and Preston are evicted from their apartment and try to move back home, and Mike informs Renee of Ben's dire circumstances with a loan shark.

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Ona mě potřebuje

March 4, 201242m

Susan offers to help the father of Julie's baby raise the child; Bree agrees to go to Maine with Orson - perhaps for good; Karen pleads with Gaby not to tell Roy about her condition; and the loan shark who threatened Ben sets out to ruin Renee.

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Nic není jisté

March 11, 201243m

Susan talks Mike into going to the police when she discovers that Ben's loan shark is out to get him; Mrs. McCluskey, who's dying of cancer, asks Bree to help her commit suicide; Tom's girlfriend, Jane, stuns Lynette at Penny's birthday party; Carlos behaves oddly on his first day back at work, and Gaby is worried.

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Odpočívej v pokoji

March 18, 201243m

On the day of a beloved Wisteria Lane resident's funeral, each of the housewives recalls the effect this person had on her life. Meanwhile, Bree is stunned when she's called in for questioning about the murder of Gaby's stepfather, Alejandro.

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Na každém kroku

March 25, 201243m

Bree is not so sure about Andrew's upcoming marriage; Gabrielle tries to find work in an employment agency in order to teach Carlos and the kids a lesson; Lynette plans to win back Tom at any cost; Susan's parenting skills concern Julie; Ben asks Renee to marry him.

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Chyba v plánu

April 1, 201242m

Carlos gets concerned about Gabrielle's new job; an affair makes Susan suspicious; the police ask a hotel owner about Alejandro's whereabouts; Bree needs a lawyer's help in order to get her charges of Alejandro Perez's murder cleared. Jane served to Lynette their divorce papers.

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Jak chutná bezmoc

April 29, 201242m

With Mike gone, Susan attempts to build a car for MJ's father-and-son school soapbox derby; Bree's attorney, Trip, learns of her previous drunken sexual spree and needs her to come clean about it in order to help strengthen her case; Lynette tries to cause some negative friction between Tom and his girlfriend, Jane, by flirting with his boss and getting him to pile more work on her estranged husband; Gaby is furious with Carlos when he tries to poach one of her rich, personal shopper clients (Doris Roberts) and talk her into helping with his newly formed charity organization; and Renee discovers that Ben is keeping a secret from her about his involvement with Bree -- and the body found at his work site.

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Co řeknou lidi

May 6, 201243m

In the penultimate episode leading into the two-hour finale of this landmark series, as her trial nears, Bree begins to fall for her attorney, Trip; Susan becomes concerned when Julie doubts Porter's commitment to be a hands-on father to their unborn baby; as Tom gets closer to being transferred to India for his job - thanks to Lynette - she begins to have second thoughts and tries to convince his boss to rescind the move; and the ladies are shocked about Gaby's nonchalant attitude as Bree continues to stand trial and take the fall for Carlos in the murder of Alejandro.

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To já za všechno můžu

May 13, 201243m

Bree's trial finally comes to an end with a surprise confession. Tom takes steps to finalize his divorce.

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Sbohem, Wisteria Lane

Season Finale
May 13, 201243m

Everything that begins must eventually end. This episode of beginnings and endings walks us both backwards and forwards as we take our final stroll down Wisteria Lane.

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