Keskustele nimikkeestä Cardinal

Just saw an ad for Season 2! This is good news if it’s anything like season 1. I found the winter-themed cinematography in season 1 quite captivating. Looks like season 2 is summer-based, hope it’s another great season.

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Saw episode 1 of the second season. Can someone please remind me about the relationships between Cardinal and Delorme at the end of season 1? I'm quite confused by the fact that Delorme has a thing for him now. I don't remember anything from season 1 to indicate that.. did they sleep together and i blanked it out? lol It gives a strange dinamic to the show now and I'm not sure i like it. But other than that, the start of s2 looks pretty good. I like summer setting, the forest is creepy and the mood is just right.

Right from the first episode the two detectives seemed destined to get together. They both admire each other's acumen for the job but with Cardinal's issue with the missing 13 year old ( season one), then Delorne's broken marriage (season 2) and Catherine's suicide (season 3) things were never settled enough for them to broach the issue. Several times, their colleagues appear to hint at something going on but the closest they come to that is when Cardinal warns Delorne about involving herself in his "mess" and she says "well it is a little too late for that" That's one thing I like about the show, they refused to do the obvious early hook up which would have ruined the dynamic between the two from season 1 to 3. They end season 3 with them both on a couch at Cardinal's home watching tv, like an old couple.

The show is also very tense with many clever plot twists. I like the season long story arc which allows for better plot development. At times a tad tedious, Cardinal is a nice cross between British and American cop shows as far as pacing goes. There are some very intense scenes of violence and brutality which sometimes appear to be gratuitous. In season 1 the violence appears to be an integral part of the plot 'An insane serial killer or rather killers'. However in season two the portrayal of such violence seemed to be unnecessary at times.

My biggest complaint overall is that after the first two seasons, season 3 seemed very much like a rehash of the same. Unhinged killers hiding away from the cops after their first murder and brutalizing innocent people while they wait to get caught. There is great clever detective work demonstrated and the action is convincing. Sometimes it helps to create realistic , convincing, focus and smart villains too.

I’m so sad its over. Not much other quality Canadian content to choose from.

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