Über Звездане стазе: Дискавери diskutieren

I'm 10 minutes into it and about to give up on the show.

I liked season 1 but so far season 2 is just boring.

Time is precious.

Should I stick with it because it gets better or bail out now.

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It gets better with episode 3 the Spock story line is picked up there ,the Klingon stuff is a bit of a bore but by episode 4 it gets interesting with the Red angel stuff

OK, I'll trust you and give the next couple episodes a watch.


The episode where they visit Saru's home planet was quite good and Trekkie the episode where the universal translator malfunctions is quite funny (check out the funny cranky female technician)

@Gus Gorman said:

I'm 10 minutes into it and about to give up on the show.

I liked season 1 but so far season 2 is just boring.

Time is precious.

Should I stick with it because it gets better or bail out now.

'New Eden' a the pivotal episode for season 3 of DSC. Pay attention to everything that happens and is discussed even if it does not immediately appear to be important.

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