Über Legion diskutieren

I mean she not only basically sexually assaulted her mom's boyfriend but also her mom, too. I was surprised not to see the internet up in arms about this. I get what she said after she revealed this to David, that how are OOAKs expected to learn to be normal, but COME ON! I don't think she needed a tutorial with Professor X to understand that body-swapping with her mom to sleep with the mom's BF was wrong, 16 years old, mutant, or not.

Really made the character go down in my estimation.

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These people are messed up to begin with. I can't even imagine body swapping from the moment you touch anyone. I can't recall, but did Syd or anyone else say if this was her case from birth or did her power come later in life? If from birth, I can't even imagine a baby transferring to an adult and visa versa.

In most explanations of mutant powers they tend to appear during puberty.

In this case this was the incident that she discovered her power - and I'm pretty sure she swapped with the BF during sex and not with her Mum.

@Joe79 said:

In most explanations of mutant powers they tend to appear during puberty.

In this case this was the incident that she discovered her power - and I'm pretty sure she swapped with the BF during sex and not with her Mum.

I could be wrong, but I believe she said her mom was passed out drunk on the couch and the BF was in the shower. She touched her mom (swapped) then went to the BF in the shower. Mom woke up, bodies swapped back, everybody freaked.

It was rape, plain and simple. I have also grown to dislike Syd.

@Joe79 said:

In most explanations of mutant powers they tend to appear during puberty.

In this case this was the incident that she discovered her power - and I'm pretty sure she swapped with the BF during sex and not with her Mum.

She knew about her power before the incident. She purposely used it to perpetrate the incident.

@Movie Queen41 said:

It was rape, plain and simple. I have also grown to dislike Syd.

Yes, and what gets me is that she raped her mom, too.

Yeah - my mistake.

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