Keskustele nimikkeestä 13 Reasons Why

Hanna was wrong to let her talk to her that way and then slap her. I mean she called her friend a slut and then slapped her?! Hanna should've knocked that ugly bitch's teeth out and not worry about what she or any other idiot thought of her. People around her was just plain disrespectfull to her, the problem is, she took it to seriously. She should have realized they were all idiots and limit her time to the people that treat her well: Clay and her parents.

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@rabbits888 said:

She should have realized they were all idiots and limit her time to the people that treat her well: Clay and her parents.

The last few tapes got a lot more serious, but the the rest of the tapes before those were definitely the result of her hanging out with crappy friends. I wouldnt go so far as to blame Hannah for the things that her friends did to her, but she certainly could have picked a less dramatic group to hang out with.

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