بحث Marcella

Here I am again with another scathing opinion regarding this series. It was nonsensical from start to finish. Marcella is obviously psychologically unfit to be in any job - but somehow she gets a psychopath and his OCD brother to fall in love with her - never mind that her boyfriend is bisexual - but then they had to get that into the plot somewhere - it's a required plot element these days. She somehow manages to have three way conversations with people who aren't there and even her handler ends up crazy - which isn't surprising given who he was dealing with - she even stalks herself. It was amazing how Bobby in his bright yellow car could follow her without her noticing him - and even more amazing that Bobby couldn't see that she had a passenger. Her psycho boyfriend Finn let her drive around any time anywhere she felt like it - in fact she could leave his bed in the middle of the night and drive miles and he never noticed. She somehow ended up at a pig farm and could see a hand in the mud in the pitch dark underneath an enormous pig - she fell down and got muddied from head to toe - but a little rub with a flannel and it was all gone - one hopes the smell was too. Despite the fact that she never left Stacy's side on the way to the airport and Stacy never left her bags unattended and passed through security somehow there were drugs found in her baggage - but never mind - the mighty Mama Maguire could have her out in an hour and the charges dropped - failing that she could just walk away with the baby. And the end - what is this - fairyland? No need for passports it seems - or birth certificates to acquire one - and a monster pot of cash into the bargain. I hope this is the last series - how anything could start out well and go so steadily downhill until it reached rock bottom is such a shame.

فیلم و نمایش تلویزیونی را نمی‌توانید پیدا کنید؟ به سیستم وارد شوید تا آن را ایجاد کنید.


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