Episodi 60


La scimmia volante

4 settembre, 200612m

Grazie a una mattinata di vento George apprende i principi base dell'aerodinamica.

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4 settembre, 200612m

On their way to the museum, the Man with the Yellow Hat and George discover that Gnocchi the cat has been accused of scratching the booths in Chef Pisghetti's restaurant. George isn't sure that it was Gnocchi and sets out to solve the mystery. George uses reasoning to find out that the scratches he had seen on the booths were not like scratches he had seen Gnocchi make on the door and he uses pieces of food to measure the length and depth of the scratches.

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Il piccione viaggiatore

5 settembre, 200612m

George decide di offrire all'amico Bussola, piccione viaggiatore un po' spaesato, un punto d'appoggio sul balcone di casa.

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La busta scomparsa

5 settembre, 200612m

One day George is walking the street of his apartment building trying to find something to do when he notices a woman leaving numbered boxes outside every building. He decides to be a helpful monkey and return them to her until his friends Steve & Betsy tell him that she is a postal worker and that leaving boxes for people is her job. So they go on a race to see who can finish returning packages first. Winner plays Steve's video game. Steve has a plan to simply run fast but George and Betsy come up with a plan to sort all of the packages by the number of the buildings they go to.

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Missione ciambelle

6 settembre, 200612m

George ha studiato il numero zero e non vede l'ora di dimostrare che ha capito come funziona, ma tra il dire e il fare...

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Lo smacchiatore

6 settembre, 200612m

George and The Man have just brought home a new rug. The Man thinks it is so perfect he would like to take a picture of it. But when he runs out to get some camera batteries George decides to have a drink of grape juice and spills it on the rug! George knows how to clean it up, though—a lot of soap and water. But he uses so much he fills up the whole house with suds and water. Luckily he knows about the time his friends The Renkins' basement got flooded and they cleaned it out with a pump. George finds the pump at their house but has no easy way to get it back home.

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La barca più bella

7 settembre, 200612m

Dopo essersi accorto che la vecchia barca di Bill non sta a galla, George decide di costruirgliene una nuova con cui partecipare alla gara di modellismo.

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La scimmia da corsa

7 settembre, 200612m

The owners of the local city toy store have a problem. They are not selling any roller skates. So when they see George they decide to give him a few pairs to ride around in and advertise for them. Fortunately, George has been curious about wheels on feet since he saw the man roll on a toy car. George loves his skates but realizes he needs practice. He is getting good when the Doorman's wiener dog Hundley sees that he would like to try it as well. Later on, Gnocchi also tries out roller skating and uses Hundley as her skateboard when she sees kids doing it at the local skatepark.

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L'orologio del campanile

13 settembre, 200612m

Dopo aver accidentalmente rotto l'orologio a cucù della Professoressa Wiseman, George decide di “fare le cose in grande” e scoprire come funziona l'orologio del campanile...

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Caccia ai conigli

13 settembre, 200612m

George is in the country seeing Bill's new bunny hutch. Bill is the proud owner of six bunnies and their rabbit mother. George wants to pet one of the bunnies but Bill has to run off on his paper route before he can let him do that. George tries to pet one but when he opens the hutch they all run off leaving George in a big game of hide and seek to find them all.

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Un lavoro per George

14 settembre, 200612m

Andando a naso (nel vero senso della parola!) George arriva al ristorante di Chef Pischetti e s'improvvisa cuoco...

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Un altro lavoro per George

14 settembre, 200612m

Continuing from the previous part, George wants to continue helping Chef Pisghetti in his kitchen but the chef has no work for him. But the chef has a friend named Mr. Glass, a billionaire who owns an apartment building called the Glass Palace and has a love of all things unique. He hires George as a window washer. Things go well until George sees some shadows in one room that look like jungle animals and decides to paint them. As a result, this causes Mr. Glass to get angry and orders 2 painters to chase George but is rescued by The Man With The Yellow Hat. Although Mr. Glass appreciates the room with the jungle animals and decides to rent it out.

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George aiutoportiere

15 settembre, 200612m

In qualità di cane del portinaio, Hundley ha il compito di aiutare a mantenere l'ordine e il decoro nel palazzo, ma quando George inizia ad aprire alcuni pacchetti dalla forma insolita l'impresa diventa impossibile..

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Lungo il fiume con le anatre

15 settembre, 200612m

George and The Man with the Yellow Hat go to the country to feed ducks but have to put their plans on hold when the Renkins' chicks are missing and they must find them. George, however finds a raft on the edge of the river and soon, along with Jumpy Squirrel, finds himself-literally-going up the creek without a paddle. They eventually find a way to stop but they must now find their way back home to the Renkins' farm.

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I versi degli animali

18 settembre, 200612m

Mentre registra i versi di vari animali, George scopre cose affascinanti sulla dinamica del suono.

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La carta da regalo

18 settembre, 200612m

It's Professor Wiseman's birthday and The Man with the Yellow Hat has bought her a present which George is determined to open. The Man decides to take George's mind off of the present by having him unwrap some oranges for a salad. But soon George wants to know all about different kind of wrapping which leads him down to the department store.

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Mostra di bellezza

26 settembre, 200612m

La visita a una mostra canina apre a George le porte di un entusiasmante mondo di nuovi amici a quattro zampe – e spalanca ai cani le porte di casa dell'Uomo col cappello giallo.

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Scoiattolo per un giorno

26 settembre, 200612m

The Man with the Yellow Hat has a predicament. He has to write a tribute speech for Professor Wiseman. Also, the country house cupboards are too small to hold all of their food. Then when Bill tells him how squirrels store food in the ground after seeing Jumpy Squirrel do it, George decides to do the same thing to their food. When the Man finds out, he tells George that squirrels bury nuts, seeds and things that grow. So George decides to plant and grow various objects around the house including the Man's speech which he wants to grow the rest of.

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Curioso George scopre i girini

27 settembre, 200612m

George has gone to his favorite country place, Lake Wanasinklake, where he finds Bill fishing in the lagoon. Bill has caught not fish, but tadpoles and he asks George to look after them as they grow up because "they do some amazing things". But when George figures they are growing tired of the same, small fishbowl, he decides to release them into the lagoon. Later he tries to do anything to get them back but only catches a small green creature which is not one of his tadpoles. Or is it?...

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I due amici

27 settembre, 200612m

George has to stay with Hundley in the lobby as the apartment gets cleaned but Hundley does not want George to eat his messy snack in the lobby. After George and Hundley get locked out in the alley behind the apartment building, Hundley runs off trying to find a better way in. George follows him and they eventually meet in a place very far away from home. They decide that, since it is dark out and they can not see their way home, they can hear their way home instead.

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Amici a tutti i costi

28 settembre, 200612m

Dopo un acquazzone George scopre con piacere che accanto a casa si è formata una grossa pozza in cui nuotano delle anatre..

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La calamita

28 settembre, 200612m

George has finished drawing the greatest drawing ever, but The Man with the Yellow Hat does not have any good magnets to hang it on the refrigerator with. So, he and George go to the museum to find more and discover the museum's new magnetorium where George learns all about magnetism. He learns that only certain thing attract to a magnet and that any metal that is attracted to a magnet can be turned into one. Soon, George loses his drawing and his quest to find it leads his to the junkyard and a powerful electromagnet.

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Uno strano dottore

29 settembre, 200612m

George accompagna L'Uomo col cappello giallo dal dottore per l'annuale check-up e scopre che uno stetoscopio può servire a molte cose.

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George l'architetto

29 settembre, 200612m

There is a big construction project going on on George's street and George is curious as to what is going on. He comes upon a very active and noisy place and sees everything that is going on. When he returns the next day to find the site abandoned, he winds up going on a quest with Gnocchi and Compass to retrieve a loose $10 bill. Along the way, he needs to use several pieces of equipment, such as jackhammers, excavators, and cement mixers, to get it out of a few tight places.

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Notte allo zoo

6 ottobre, 200612m

George è talmente conquistato da un delizioso cucciolo di panda che all'ora di chiusura dimentica di uscire dallo zoo.

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Portiere a quattro zampe

6 ottobre, 200612m

George is trying to get up his game and practice soccer, but Steve & Betsy's Aunt Margret says he must dogsit their dog Charkie. Charkie is very wild and playful and does anything she can to run away from the back alley where George is trying to practice. It seems like every time George has an exit covered, Charkie find another way out. George has to find a way to get her to calm down and sit.

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In giro per lo spazio

9 ottobre, 200612m

Alla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale sono rimasti senza viveri e George è l'unico in grado di guidare il razzo con le nuove provviste.

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Il capostazione

9 ottobre, 200612m

George loves his toy train set. When The Man with the Yellow Hat tells him that Bill will be riding home on a train, he takes him to the train station so George can see how a real one works. The Man's friend Mr Quint has a brother who owns the train station and is the station master and shows George how each train has a number on it and must arrive at a certain time. When Mr. Quint and his brother have business to attend to, George is left in charge of the station and must arrange the trains so they all arrive in counting order.

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George e i castori

10 ottobre, 200612m

George fa amicizia con una famiglia di castori e si entusiasma per la loro diga...

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Il mini golf

10 ottobre, 200612m

George comes across his friends Steve and Betsy playing basketball in the city. When George tries to play, he finds out he is not very good and winds up losing the ball when it accidentally lands on a moving pickup truck. They then decide to play miniature golf instead. After Steve tells him that when playing basketball, the winner is the person that has made the most baskets has the highest score, George figures it is the same way for golf. Then Betsy tells him that in golf, the lowest score wins. Since they find the park mini golf course too hard, they decide to build one of their own.

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Stelle stelline

11 ottobre, 200612m

La cosa più difficile nel contare le stelle in cielo è rimanere svegli abbastanza a lungo...

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Il trofeo di George

11 ottobre, 200612m

The Man with the Yellow Hat has just won another trophy and George really wants to have one of his own. After helping Chef Pisghetti, though, George winds up getting one! It is the Chef's own Ice Cream Gnocchi! But it seems like it is always melting or splattering because he does not handle it correctly.

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Il banchetto della limonata

18 ottobre, 200612m

Per mettere insieme il denaro necessario all'acquisto di un pallone, George decide di vendere limonata ai passanti.

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Il semaforo

18 ottobre, 200612m

One country day, George sees that a new traffic light is being installed along the road. Never having seen one before, not even in the city, George becomes curious. He sees that cars stop at a red light but not at a green light making him guess that most people preferred a red light to a green one. Since the light is always changing, George is disappointed because there is not much time for people to enjoy one color. So, he changes the light so that all of one side is one color. This winds up confusing drivers on the road until Officer Quint shows up and explains how a traffic light works. It is good for drivers but not Jumpy Squirrel who can no longer cross the road on a tree branch which was cut in front of the light and can't cross the dangerous road itself.

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George fa il commesso

19 ottobre, 200612m

Mandare avanti un negozio di dolciumi non è semplice come mangiarli...

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Un salvataggio difficile

19 ottobre, 200612m

George's antics have caused him to become caught in some bars on his balcony. The Man With the Yellow Hat is forced to call Rescue Squad 86 to help him out. After saving him from his sticky situation George becomes curious as to how firefighters do their job and all of the tools they use. But it seems like every time George tries to help out in the station he only ends up causing trouble. Soon, though they get called to the museum where it seems Compass the Pigeon is stuck in a high place and it seems like only a certain monkey can help.

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Le polpette di George

20 ottobre, 200612m

George perde un vassoio di polpette destinate al picnic dei pompieri.

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George l'esploratore

20 ottobre, 200612m

George is playing with his ball in the country when he winds up losing it in a dark cave. He goes inside to look for it and gets scared by what he sees as monsters in the cave. Seeing that the same kinds of monsters are in his room, George becomes scared of the dark until The Man with the Yellow Hat tells him that the "monsters" are just the same objects as they are in the light and gives him a nightlight. But then a thunderstorm knocks out the power to the country house making him scared again. Remembering what The Man said, George returns to the cave with his trusty flashlight and Jumpy Squirrel to find out if the monsters really are monsters.

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Il cappello giallo

23 ottobre, 200612m

Il cappello giallo fresco di lavanderia è così bello che George non può fare a meno di mostrarlo a Bussola

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George e l'ape

23 ottobre, 200612m

It is a fall country day and the Renkins have just gotten the latest fresh batch of honey from their own bee farm. George loves to eat it on warm toast until he sees a bear that eats his snack! He also runs into a bee that stings him, making him afraid of bees. Later, George and Bill find out that all of the bees are in a beehive in Bill's backyard and he is determined to get rid of it so they don't hurt his bunnies. Then, the Renkins show George how bees make honey. George also tries to tell everyone that he saw a bear but nobody believes him because a bear has not been seen in the area for many years.

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Festa a sorpresa

15 gennaio, 200712m

La festa a sorpresa per il compleanno di Mr. Quint diventa una sorpresa più grande del previsto.

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Un giocattolo speciale

15 gennaio, 200712m

George could not take a bath without his favorite bath toy, Sproingy the bubble-blowing frog. Which is good because he often winds up needing several baths a day! He soon runs into Steve and Betsy's pet washing business and learns all about bubbles and how they always wind up round. After losing his bath toy, though, George needs to find it and will not take another bath until he does. This is not good because he is dirty and is tracking dirt everywhere he goes.

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George va in vacanza

16 gennaio, 200712m

George e l'Uomo col cappello giallo partono per le vacanze, ma arrivati all'aeroporto apprendono che tutti i voli sono in ritardo...

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Gara di pesca

16 gennaio, 200712m

George learns all about fishing from Mr. Quint at Lake Wannasinklake. Unfortunately, George does not catch any fish in the lake and only catches junk thrown in by other people. Soon, though, George finds an American eel and wants to catch it. He becomes even more determined when Bill says he wants to catch him to "take him home". George would like to catch it but he does not have a fishing rod.

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La scimmia delle nevi

17 gennaio, 200712m

La campagna si è coperta di neve e George non vede l'ora di uscire a giocare.

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George fruttivendolo

17 gennaio, 200712m

In the city, George wants an oven, (much like an Easy Bake Oven) but the Man with the Yellow Hat says it is too expensive. So, he goes to the grocery store and, without the owner's knowledge, helps shoppers and improves the business. When the owner notices he awards George Employee of the Month and pays him, which makes the Man proud.

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Il recinto

18 gennaio, 200712m

La mucca Leslie sta molto simpatica a George, ma ha il brutto vizio di mangiarsi tutti quei bei fiori selvatici...

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George aspirante archeologo

18 gennaio, 200712m

George has taken interest in the new dinosaur skeleton in the museum. Professor Wiseman tells him that the skeleton was dug up over time from different bones, which were later assembled together. George decides to find a skeleton of his own and digs a hole where he finds a bone. He then tries to figure out what kind of animal the bone came from. The only problem is that Charkie keeps stealing his bone!

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Il bravo campeggiatore

19 gennaio, 200712m

Campeggio, che passione! Dopo averlo provato George vuole ripetere l'esperienza al più presto.

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George va al luna park

19 gennaio, 200712m

At the amusement park, George wants to ride the Turbo Python 3000, but he is too short. George has a measurement tool of sort on him-a whip of licorice. George has to grow the length of one licorice whip in a day so he can be tall enough to ride. Meanwhile, The Man with the Yellow Hat has a problem of his own. He wants to overcome his fear of roller coasters.

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A spasso con Hundley

19 febbraio, 200712m

George si rompe una gamba mentre, al museo, esplora uno scheletro di dinosauro.

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George va in bicicletta

19 febbraio, 200712m

George sees Bill riding his bike and doing his paper route which make him want to do the same. The Man with the Yellow Hat finds his old bike and adjusts it for George before teaching him how to ride. But George forgets to look where he's going and crashes his bike, breaking it. Fortunately, Mrs. Renkins is quite the handyman and fixes his bike. After the Man buys him a George-sized bike, Bill entrusts him with a paper route which goes well, until George sees several ducks in a pond and wants to make paper boats like that time he went to the pond with The Man.

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George maestro di musica

20 febbraio, 200712m

George decide di metter su una band...

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Una giornata sulla spiaggia

20 febbraio, 200712m

George loves the country house. But sometimes he wishes he could live in something else, like a country castle. When The Man offers to take him to the beach to build sand castles, George decides to try to build the world's biggest sand castle. At the beach, they run into Bill and Mother Rabbit who loves to burrow. George has trouble building his sand castle because the sand does not want to hold together. Later, Bill tells him that only the wet sand down by the water is good for building. George tries building by the water but his sand winds up being washed away by the tide. Later, The Man tells George how to get good wet sand away from the water and he along with George, Bill, and Ma Rabbit work on the world's biggest sand castle.

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Un elefante per vicino

21 febbraio, 200712m

George sente provenire dei tonfi dal soffitto e si convince che il nuovo vicino del piano di sopra ha un elefante come animale domestico.

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La giornata degli esperimenti

21 febbraio, 200712m

George has been getting a little tired of The Man With the Yellow Hat telling him what to do. So, he decides that he will live his life like Compass the Pigeon, but George soon finds out that the differences between monkeys and pigeons are too great for them to act like one another. So, George decides to act like a creature more like him. Acting like Gnocchi, the cat doesn't work for him because he can't lick himself clean with getting a furry mouth. Then George finally decides, he would like to be just like Hundley because it looks easy being a lobby dog. But after he, Hundley and the Doorman wind up trapped in the elevator, George discovers that when it comes to being a monkey, things come to him naturally.

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George il riparatutto

22 febbraio, 200712m

George e Steve prendono in prestito l'auto di Betsy per andare a ritirare un pacco, ma perdono una ruota lungo la strada.

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Gli amici del giardino

22 febbraio, 200712m

George is helping The Man with the Yellow Hat dig in the country garden when he finds a pile of worms and wants to keep them. But The Man tells George about a similar experience with a turtle from back when George first learned how to dive in the lake. George remembers how Bill had first taught him how to dive in Lake Wanasinklake to locate a lost throwing disc. George finds a turtle trying to go into the lake and tries to remind it that it needs to hold its breath when it goes in. After it does not listen, George decides that is trying to clean itself, so he takes it home to give it a bath and decides to keep it as a pet. But it seems like whatever George does, he can't get the turtle out of its shell.

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Questione di equilibrio

23 febbraio, 200712m

Quando in città arriva il circo, George si scopre un vocazione da acrobata.

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Che noia l'inverno!

Season Finale
23 febbraio, 200712m

It is early winter in the country and George wants to play outside. But the problem is he has toys for summer and snow but no toys for just plain cold. He decides he will have fun by playing with Bill's bunnies but Bill is taking them to his grandmother's house for the entire winter. Bill wants him to leave out nuts and seeds for Jumpy Squirrel all winter and George wants to find a way to have fun in the winter cold. Later, after he sees how the water in his pool is frozen, he finds a way to have fun outdoors AND give Jumpy the food he needs.

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