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Hi, seasons seem to be wrong - there are 17 seasons + one coming up on october 9th 2021, but TMDB is showing only 9 seasons...

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@mhbernheim said:

Hi, seasons seem to be wrong - there are 17 seasons + one coming up on october 9th 2021, but TMDB is showing only 9 seasons...

I could be wrong but they might be going only with the reboot that started in 2013?

It's common for TMDB to get shows wrong based on their "rules" that no one else, including the copyright owners, use. CW (who I'd assume would know their own show) doesn't view the old and reboot as two different shows.

Currently there are 19 seasons. This of course screws up Trakt and other sites that rely on TMDB.

As visible on this archived page and as already indicated in this previous content report, TheCW originally numbered the reboot seasons starting from 1. We are going as per the original broadcast.

In addition to the above being very confusing and contradictory to how the CW is numbering seasons, there also appears to be an incorrect divide between seasons 12 and 13, which both make up actual season 20 as seen on their website. I would open a new report, but resolving this thread's issue is more important to me, because as it stands, there is very little that makes sense about how TMDB is determining what a "season" of this show means.

If the above decision is final, could you link to some sort of article on how these seemingly arbitrary content guideline decisions are made? The idea that the original season numbering takes precedence over how they numbered the seasons going forward seems flawed. About a year after the archived page @superboy97 shared, they started using the continuity numbering scheme as proposed by this thread (note the 11XX episode numbers, which correspond to TMDB's season 3).

@jeffbrower said:

About a year after the archived page @superboy97 shared, they started using the continuity numbering scheme as proposed by this thread (note the 11XX episode numbers, which correspond to TMDB's season 3).

As indicated in our rules, we follow the original broadcast and doesn't change our seasons when the network renumber them after the original broadcast. The new seasons are just added with continuous numbers. I quote : "When seasons are re-organized, for example after a network change, (e.g. American Dad, Futurama), we do not re-arranged the aired seasons/episodes. The new season is simply added as the next season.". Consequently, our listing is correct.

@jeffbrower said:

there also appears to be an incorrect divide between seasons 12 and 13, which both make up actual season 20 as seen on their website.

A November 2023 archived page confirm that they form one single season. They have now been merged.

I have locked the "Add new season" button to avoid this to happen again. When the network really start a new season, please post a message here asking for the new season to be created.

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